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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl crap. not exactly what i was hoping to hear ... for that much extra, i might as well hire claudia rodriguez for 3 hours for $1500. problem is, i'm having a hard time convincing tom. *sigh* I hada similar prob but then i pointed out a lot of what we were having was what HE wanted and showed him the diff in pics between the 2 photographers and he was sold lol If all else fails spit out your dummy and throw the teddy out the cot lol
  2. Oh god I am going to send some of these to FMIL lol with the tag sorry its all we can afford as you can't be arsed to give your son a wedding present but have just fucked off to egypt for 2 weeks lmao skint my arse!!! lmao I would so love to do it but FI would kill me lmao
  3. Mine is really easy lol My dad lives on the otherside of the world and hates xmas anyway so i ring him and he's happy - although he whinges about it being xmas lol When he was here I would go to my aunt's I couldn't cope with him being so miserable all the time. Since my dad left we have xmas at my house and my aunt comes up for xmas day. FI is in the army so if he gets it off its rare so his family shit out (shame!! lmao). He's going down in a couple of weeks for a couple of days but i'm not going thank god lol I can't think of anything worse than spending 24 hours with FMIL lol Problem will be if we have kids, cause she can go screw herself if she thinks she is landing her and her hubby on us lol You just have to do whats right for you and FI and they have no choice to but to accept it, start now tho and stick to it.
  4. I've got tats and wouldn't personally do it. I've been married before and I just think its too permanent lol With any luck you're with that person for the rest of your life but that's not always the case and I don't want to be stuck with an arsehole of an ex's name on my finger lol Personal choice tho!
  5. I am probably biased but I feel I have to say this/ If she's just come back from Iraq there will be all sorts of shit going around her head and probably the wedding isn't the biggest part of that. You have no idea what she saw and what situations she found herself in. I only know this cause FI is in the army and I have friends that have been killed over there. Keep trying to contact her once you get through you'll probably find that isn't so much of a problem and it was just the tip of the iceberg.
  6. I like your FI and totally agree lol I was trying to put it softly lol
  7. This is going to sound really harsh and I am bound to get a slating for it lol however I just have to say it lol No-one is perfect but look at it this way if she is that fat and has that many health problems and won't do anything about it she won't be around for long so your problem will be solved lol yeah I know bad Harty but its a fact lol
  8. I suppose I'm lucky because FI moved in here pretty quickly but he is in the army so I don't see him more than about once a month for a weekend lol When he is home for a week I want to stab him by the Friday but I go to work and switch off and its not so bad. It really is just getting used to living in each other's pocket, it probably didn't help redecorating his house tho! he must have thought jesus my world has been turned upside down lol Just take a 10 min break from each other and honestly it'll be fine. I've warned FI he needs to work away when he gets out in 3 months because the thought of him here 24/7 and messing up my house and routine will make me want to kill him lol He does the game thing and it irritates the hell out of me so I go off and do something else and when he's not watching take the fuse out of the plug lmao Honestly though its a massive change and just take it one step at a time. The romantic ideal is lovely but probably doesn't exist for many so baby steps and you'll be on here saying you are celebrating your 10th wedding anniversary before long x
  9. Harsh as it sounds you need to dump her chick or she is going to ruin everything you try and do x
  10. Yeah its happened to me 2 lol thing is it happened major to FI so it doesn't make me feel too bad lmao
  11. Yeah they have them over here - cracks me up lol whips next to comfy jamas lmao
  12. Both lol I really can't be arsed - it's gonna be a war zone lol I said to FI how long before we fight about your mother and he is going for 10 mins lmao Funny you say that one of my m8s has said he is staying at Desire! I said well wear freaking clothes to my wedding or you'll put me off my food lol
  13. I'd split my time if i'm honest. and FI would have to accept it. If he won't bend then its his problem lol I'm lucky my dad hates xmas and lives the other side of the world so i won't see him and I can't stand FI's lot so I'm not going there either lol FI is home until 27th then he's at work so it'll be me and the dogs just how I like it lol
  14. Just do it - If I had the opportunity I would move like a shot lol I used t joke that if FI got posted to Cyprus I'd marry him and move there lol He got posted there for 7 months I nearly died!! lol Life is short chick and if you can afford to do it I say jump at the chance. Your family aren't going anywhere and you will have to cut those strings sometime xx
  15. I've done nothing else apart from buy my make up lol I bumped into a girl at the Bobbi Brown counter yesterday and she got married on April 14th at the Moon Palace lol she did everything when she got there and it was totally stress free so i've decided bugger it i'l sort it then lol I'm just not looking forward to it if I'm honest so I have no inclination to do anything lol
  16. Tell them to wind their neck in and do what you want to do. Mine aren't whinging they just are ignoring me lol I think I prefer that lol
  17. How about one email to all of them telling them to get their act together and it would be better as ONE party and not 2. Otherwise its 2 parties i'm afraid
  18. I don't think its harsh. It's no different from him laughing off the fact he can't come to the wedding. If he had been a bit apologetic I'd have probably tonned it down but its like well whatever this is what I'm doing so get him told is what I say lol
  19. Ok I spoke to FI and he said you have to catch him doing it and tell him off tap his nose or his bum. You have to make him feel guilty and worried he's gonna get wrong. FI said treat him like a kid but you have to be firm. Hope that helps x
  20. No don't have her have who you want lol Don't let your mum bully you into it either lol
  21. I'll ask FI he's a dog trainer in the army lol I stopped my rottie I cracked her everytime she did it she start stopped lol
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 What do you do with an older dog, 13, that has started peeing in the house? I had no idea until I started to smell it. I have had the carpet cleaned twice and it still smells. I hate it. I have had her checked out by the vet and all is ok. If I'm home, she is at my side at all times and lets me know when she has to go out. I can't start crating her now, she won't go for it. I have started blocking her in the kitchen with a child gate but she has even caught on to that. As soon as I start putting my shoes on, she hides under the bed and I can't get her. Any ideas? With my wicked spaniel i get him in where i want him with treats then put my shoes on lol or i throw his toy in there he falls for it everytime lol try that
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 OH my Harty, you make me laugh all the time. I just love your responses. I'm sure my husband is thinking the same thing about me right now. He had surgery on his shoulder and I know that his is in pain, but he is being so "clingy" that I just have to throw some percocet at him and go shopping. I know I should be more sympathetic, but I'm not good at playing nurse. Lol I know what you mean FI was laid up with a dodgy knee I said ah well exercise will do you good take out the dogs and tidy up you messy git lmao I have no sympathy blokes always make out its worse than it is lol so I agree chuck him some tablets and go shop lmao
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