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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. It wouldn't make any difference to me if I'm honest. My mum is dead and dad lives too far away and he has always said he wouldn't go so that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is FI's cowbag of a mother and new hubby are going lmao Each to their own tho
  2. I'm a bit stuffed really lol we really need the cash but I know for sure we won't get any lol I've said to FI if anyone asks cash for the TV fund lol He'll give me the cash and i'll sort it and pay it off what needs paying. I've got a bet with my aunt that FMIL will give us £20 lmao
  3. Let them get on with it - they'll end up regretting not going and I bet when it comes to the crunch they'll go lol I must be the only person who was praying (and i never do that) that FMIL wouldn't come lmao cowbag bloody booked tho!! shit lmao
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SoonToBeE Oh yeah...even after the bride told him not to (because she wanted the newly engaged girl to be able to celebrate...instead of feel awkward at another wedding) he went ahead and did it. Right after the ceremony he walked up to the bride and said 'your wedding was beautiful, it's what I would want, except our wedding is going to be so big we won't be able to do it like this'....WHAT? She had only been married 5 minutes and you're already talking about your wedding? Sorry....still slightly bothered : P I'd have punched him in the mouth!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Carriejax Hey Everyone: I'm fairly new to this and hope I'm doing it right. Has anyone actually used Juan Navarro and are you happy with the photo package? I've read some strands and it seems as if not a lot of people went with this option and since I'm trying to keep costs minimal, I'm wondering if he's totally horrid or if what he produces is acceptable? Thanks. Carrie If you look on some of the wedding reviews there are some pics that he has done. I'm really on a tight budget 2 but after I couldn't get him to answer my emails and I saw some pics I decided to get a different photographer.
  6. I bet he won't do it lol There is no point worrying about something until it happens. Then when it does as long as its not on your wedding day then it doesn't really matter does it?
  7. I've used them at the gym and yep they work and they hurt lol you use so many muscle groups they are great for quick blast work outs
  8. What you say is if you don't sit down and go through a budget I am spending what I damn like and YOU are paying for it lol He'll sit there like a shot and make decisions
  9. Sounds right to me - do what you need to do. Huge flashy weddings are great if thats what you want but think of it like this. Its a huge amount of effort and $$ for a few hours then its over. A bit like Christmas lol
  10. Yep I think I will be dragged kicking and screaming and will need a gun at my head to say "I do"!!!
  11. Oh i've knocked him off the list lmao its part of my "SCREW YOU" policy that came into force on 1/1/09 lol One of my other guests may be breaking up with her hubby so if that happens she won't come either lmao I said to FI jesus is someone trying to tell us something!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Lillie09 So does my sister invite her to my shower? Do I send a wedding invitation to her?? I'm having a bad day so this may be harsh but .. NO dont!! If she is putting a bloke that she hardly knows over you she doesn't value the friendship as much as you do. I sat NYE and thought right all my so called friends who only call me when they want something or someone to sort out a legal mess can "GO POKE OFF!!" So far i've said it to 3 of them lmao
  13. Having been married before I can say it makes no differenc whatsoever. If you are going to get shit on married or not doesn't make a diff it just means its a bitch to get rid of the twat!! Having said that you also get their bloody debt, thats the lawyer in me lol I've lived with FI for 5 years and the only reason why we are getting married is because he is going somewhere hot with a high chance he'll get blown up and from a security point of view it makes sense as I will then get his pension and insurance and not his bloody mother who he hasn't lived with since he was 16. For me its not spiritual its practical. Having said that I can be a cold hearted cow but that comes with my job and marrying a squaddie lmao Married or not I'd still feel the same way about him
  14. There is more but when I typed it made me sound a heartless bitch so I removed that bit lmao
  15. Not sure if its the same company over here but Pier 1 has just closed down near me
  16. Try a PT it might be cheaper and it will fit in with your schedule and you can't cheat lol
  17. So after months of doing bugger all I thought I better show willing lol I've had the invitations for ages, the bottle ones lol, and just before xmas FI finally said he would sort them out when I said i'm not doing its your one bloody job!! So he goes to his mothers, takes her invitation and his BM's. Anyway the stupid arse only locks my dog out the back and takes the keys with him so after some verbal abuse about what I was going to do to him if he didn't get his fat arse home and let my dog in lol he came back, its a 3 hour drive!! In the meantime I rang him and said look i've got the lock off go back its fine but he was in a temper so said "i'm coming home" Needless to say he didn't drop off BM's wedding invitation! So when he got back I asked if he'd brought it back and he said he'd forgot and left it on his mother's book case but she would post it to him lol Anyway turns out she obviously can't be arsed to do the ONE thing and pay 50p for frigging postage and says he can come and pick it up!! Now i've been good not harped on or anything about it lol Last night I said have you told him about that invite and he said yeah but his marriage is on the rocks so really its the least of his worries. Now I can understand that but does it help me with frigging numbers for the wedding does it shite!! If it was just him thats fine but there is his whole family which is 5!! I should add in here that he was one of the main reasons we booked Dreams as it has kids and he was bringing all of his. He then turned round and said oh its too expensive after we had consulted with him so he was on my shit list to start with lol I said to FI oh well if he doesn't get back to me by the 1st Feb i'm not counting them in tough shite lol FI's response!! laughed and said god we will be pulling people off the beach as witnesses at this rate!! I have a feeling he knows his lot aren't coming and is too scared to say lol So if you are getting married anytime near me and are at Dreams stay clear I might drag you to be a witness lmao I feel better lol
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BajaBride2010 I will keep all these tips in mind for my next relationship. The plot continues to thicken. We half way made but I as I proceeded to ask question about New Year's Day and if I had my ring on. I started to tell him how people were asking about him and how I told the story of our engagement (which is so beautiful). He was like 'so everyone was invited and knew about this except for me'. I have a tendency to get absent minded with stuff most of the time and some things I wait until the last minute to tell him because his reaction can be unpredictable and at times explosive. Although I had the best intentions on telling him, I never had the opportunity and as you know that last week I spent crying my eyes out and begging him to understand. I treied to explain that to him...I have not been able to sleep or eat properly since Chrsitmas. Now I feel like I keep digging myself further in a ditch. He has not asked for the ring back, but I'm ready to say to He$$ with it because all I am doing now is living in agony prayer that he forgives me and gives his heart to me again. But then I'm like, who in the He&& does he think he is. Ok I made a mistake, I messed up but is the punishment fitting the crime. I tried to remind him of the things he has done (that in my opinion are pretty bad), but I never treated him the way he is treating me. He feels his incidents were in the past and we are at a different place since he put a ring on my finger. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. Earlier today he suggests we go out of town then he takes it back becasue he is now pi$$ed about New Year's Day. Now, I am not trying to say everything I do is right but I never have malice. I truly love him and want to make it work but I am having doubts. His reactions almost make me wonder if there is someone else or at least an interest of some sorts. My body can't take another week like that. Please don't take this the wrong way and I mean it with love. Is he a control freak or just a child? Just because he put a ring on your finger doesn't mean he owns you, you are still you. I'm presuming he knows you are sometimes a bit dizzy and its not malicious so I don't get when he's acting like a 2 year old that has spit out his dummy (pacifier?) It seems you have already made your decision by your first sentence and if you have good for you. Everyone makes mistakes but that doesn't mean you have to take endless amounts of shite because of it. Whatever you decide will be right. So deep breath, no more tears, square your shoulders and start the new year xx
  19. FI is on guard duty about 350 miles away lol and i was in bed with my dog playing guitar hero on my ds and watching the crime channel didn't even know i'd missed it until i got a call off a friend lmao
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Let us know how it goes! I wish I had the money for that, but I keep adding things to the wedding, haha Oh i've had to pay for it myself lol wedding budget is 0 lol he decided he wanted a tv etc so its really going to be basic now lmao
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Thanks for all of your advice so far. I hope to have my mind made up at least by Saturday. I'll definitely let ya know what I decide! Oh, Rheanna mentioned getting a gaming device & I've got that covered...I'm getting my DS Lite today...HOPEFULLY! I've been playing with mine all night on guitar hero you have to get it lmao its great ha ha ha
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by luvtoteachlaw I totally agree. And she has been dead 25 years. One of the worst things I can remember of FMIL's antics is one evening at dinner with fiancee, fiancee's brother, FFIL and me. FMIL had been drinking, and there was discussion about buying cemetary plots (of all things, fiancee and I had just been to his mom's grave that day to plant flowers there). FMIL makes a comment that she and his dad need to buy plots together to which FFIL responded, "We will get around to that". She then said, "You had better do it, because you aren't going to go and lay next to Phyllis!" (finacee mom). It was beyond bizzare and uncomfortable. My private thoughts at the time were that I hope FMIL died first because I actually do think FFIL would want to be buried next to his first wife (fiancee's mom ). Oh I'd fix her for that lol Do him a new will, make others the executors, ie her kids, and put it in as a term that unless he is buried next to phyllis she gets bugger all lol that will totally screw with her lmao
  23. It's hard but I suppose the main question is do you want to be dictated to about where you can spend the holidays for the rest of your life? You did go there at 7 so its not as if you didn't go at all. I have to admit I would put my dad over anyone and I mean anyone but that is because he always been there for me even if i was wrong. Same cannot be said for FI's family. It is give and take and you did go to his parents just later. You aren't his ex wife and he needs to accept you are your own person. I suppose its easier for me as FI is in the forces so he isn't here all the time so I have my own life its harder when you are together 24/7. Sit him down and say right what is it you want from me? This is what I want from you? and this is what i'm not prepared to give and thrash out something. But please don't just give in unless its what you want or you will regret it chick.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I had a personal trainer for 3 months before our wedding and dropped over 15 pounds and 2 sizes. It's tough, but worth it!! (Too bad that now we are married and the weight I lost is back - plus some....) Contentment lol thats what I get told anyway lol
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