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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Rhonda Ok, now, I kinda feel bad. But, to be honest, I think the real issue in my situation is that I'm not really sure that I want the girl I invited to come to the wedding (not the guest!) The reason is just that I don't feel very close to her anymore and now I can't even believe she wants to come to my wedding (granted, I did invite her). My FI thinks she's just taking advantage of the situation (not sure if that's true). Anyway, I know it sounds awful! I feel so mean even writing this! Well don't its your wedding, you are paying its your rules lol
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Ok, well that changes things. Send an email to Claudia, and see what she says the price is for the video dude. It of course will take her 3 weeks to get back to you, but oh well. Do you know if your photog has someone that does it. Lol yeah I know i said i'd contact her in Feb so i'll do that lol Never thought of the photographer DOH!! lol Checked her site so once I have a price from Claudia i'll ask her see what she says FI still can't decide whether he wants one especially as its going to be over quick lol There are not going to be enough people to run interference from FMIL so I WILL NOT be hanging around lmao
  3. Cheeky cow lol I'd send her one back saying oh well as its so boring i'm taking you off the list lmao Then meet up with her and slap her senseless!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Marie, I dont know how much the video is on its own. But dont ditch the package its the best deal. And the video is 100% worth it. I was anti the video the whole time, until I watched it. I would have been sad if we hadnt done it. Prob is i've dropped form 27 guests to 6 so i really don't think its going to be worth it. Would you have done the package for 6? I've got my own photographer so I don't need that I don't need 14 meals either so its a bit of a bugger!! WAHHHHHHHHHHH I may kill my freaking friends but mostly FI's lol
  5. I honestly think it depends on the size of the wedding. There are only 6 at ours and one of them is the stranger!! lol There is no way you can get lost in that low number lol. If it was 20 or 30 wouldn't be a problem but I do have a problem when there are only 6 and they are all family or like family except 1 we have never met lol
  6. Any one know how much the vid is on it's own? I'm trying to work out whether I need to ditch the package or not lol
  7. No you aren't. I'm in the same position with a friend who is so fragile at the min if I go of on one it might be the last straw!! FI said just let her come we'll hardly see her but it still pisses me off that I have to bloody well pay for a stranger lol
  8. I've only had one reply which was can't tell you by the RSVP date. FI's lot have totally ignored the invites lol I've gone from 27 to 5 guests! the wedding package is now useless and FI hasn't got sod all of his outfit lol GREAT!!!!! And to make matters worse I went to the Drs asking for a new inhaler because the gym is killing me and he is sending for an ECG! I mean wtf!! lol FI couldn't give a toss and my old flame is the one texting me to see if i'm alright. Something wrong with this picture lmao
  9. Ignore him lol I had one boss tell me I was too chatty! I had to walk through 4 offices to get to my attic where i was on my own ALL the time lol so I said ok and I used to walk through the door say hello, go into my office lock the door and put my headphones on lol apparently that was acceptable!! You can't win with some people as long as your work is done ignore him bugger all he can do to you lol
  10. Ignore him lol I had one boss tell me I was too chatty! I had to walk through 4 offices to get to my attic where i was on my own ALL the time lol so I said ok and I used to walk through the door say hello, go into my office lock the door and put my headphones on lol apparently that was acceptable!! You can't win with some people as long as your work is done ignore him bugger all he can do to you lol
  11. I hit my wall months ago, so don't worry lol problem is i can't get back up to the game so i've decided sod it i'll wing it i just don't want to think about it or be anymore pissed off with people disappointing me lol
  12. I'd say you have to do whats right for YOU. You can't lose yourself or you will be useless and not the person he fell in love with. I know this from personal experience and unfortunately one of my friends is having the same issue. She is just not the person we love as she has done everything in the last 12 years to make hubby happy and he still whines! There is nothing wrong with a distance relationship and to be honest I prefer it. I have time for ME and when FI comes home we are together but we are still both individuals which is what we both need. So its no surprise when I say follow your heart, go to Chicago and try it out. You might hate it and want to go straight back but unless you try you won't know and you will end up resenting it.
  13. We aren't paying for anything for our guests. They had the option not to come and we can just afford to pay for ourselves let alone anyone else
  14. Let it go it'll take minutes and make her feel special. FMIL's birthday is on the 29th and her LATEST wedding anniversary is on the 31st lol I purposely made sure i wasn't getting married or even in Mexico then but that wasn't because I didn't want to detract from my day it was because she is a cow and I can't stand her lol Oh and the fact that she would have banged on all day about how we'd arranged it on purpose lol If it was my aunt's birthday i would have been WELL HAPPY to do it lol Let it go you won't even notice you'll be so hyped lol
  15. I really thought this would happen to us but luckily FI spoke to his lot and told them they weren't invited and warned his mother if she paid for them to come she needn't contact us again lol Mind you he did ask her to only come for a week as it was our honeymoon but she said no she will be there for the full 2 weeks!! That is going to be interesting I may be divorced before I get back!! I think you need to send an email saying its immediate family only because you can't afford anything else and that you do not want a gift - that way no misunderstanding.
  16. I've got the opposite problem lol I got my dress last Jan!! yes I know too early but I loved it so bought it lol I tried it on about June and it was tight lol now i'm losing weight and really toning up i'm thinking i might need to get a new dress as it won't fit lol I wish you could just go in and say i'll have that cheers i'm off lol
  17. Will she not make them take off the id bracelet? Tell them when they get to 18 you'll get them a tattoo now that she can't make them take off lmao How about asking them if there is anything they would like that way its their choice and there is no way a kid is going to let its mother make them give up something they chose and want lol
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride omg ru serious? I would be honored. Like I said before we need to get together for a drink or two before the celebrations commence Totally cause there is no way in hell FMIL is getting on that wedding cert lol One of my good friends is not arriving until the 14th so probs have a night out on the 16th if you are still around you are more than welcome lol we'll talk really slowly so you can understand us lmao
  19. I would have said a silver pen 2 BTW you around on the 15th lol might need you as a witness every fecker is dropping out of the wedding lol and FMIL IS NOT being a witness lol
  20. We aren't having any but thats only because our whole wedding has gone tits up and i think it will be married, drink and then all disperse lol I did say I was going to stand up and say "well some of you have been here before!!" lmao
  21. I'm defo not changing mine its the one i was born with and the one that i will keep lol I've been married before and I didn't change it then either lol its funny when i look at my divorce certificate its in my maiden name lol FI couldn't care less lol there is argument however about what our kids will be called i keep putting my name last with a hyphen lol the way i look at it when the kid is born i'll be the one registering it so tough lmfao I told my dad I wasn't changing my name and he said "that's my girl" lmao there are only 2 of us left so i feel i need to carry it on and anyway FI's surname is the one his mother changed anyway not his birth name so he can shut it lol
  22. Stick with your original plan. You can always ask the Court for a stay but i think thats just a convenient excuse IMHO. It might not get that far as the Court may throw out the case. If you really want a DW have it, there is no point in being miserable and lets face it you would probably resent them for it as would FI. If their relationship is dodgy to start with that will not help. I'm selfish and would say oh thats a shame and book what i wanted. You only get one shot (sometimes!) so do whats in your heart
  23. We've paid for everything and in fact we had booked the wedding and had our flights before we told FMIL so that she had no say lol Therefore the invitations have come from us no mention of parents. My dad isn't bothered at all (he's not coming to the wedding) and mum died years ago and if i am truly honest i don't give a crap about whether his lot are hurt or not lol Again its for you to decide what YOU want, sod tradition its about you and FI
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