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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. You're too nice I wouldn't include the cows if it was me lol in fact one of FI's sisters has been banned from the wedding as she is a bloody disgrace. If you include them it won't change their attitude to you, switch off from them and say to yourself they aren't worth jack shit and you don't need to prove anything to them. Everyone that loves you knows you are gracious you don't need prove it to a bunch of loons xxx
  2. Well I heard from Claudia and she has confirmed I can go for the "free" wedding (yeah right!!) and use the deposit to pay for the legal stuff and then get a refund of what i don't spend at the end of my stay lol now i'm happy about that but jesus they've had my cash for a year making interest and they are keeping it for the 2 weeks we are there lmfao So I've decided my reception is going to be at the HARD ROCK CAFE!!! yay yay yay lmao now just to bloody book it lol
  3. Yeah I know its difficult I was lucky dad was a right hard ass and i've turned out the same lol I'm glad you spoke to your mum about it tho you had too because there is no point being miserable chick FMIL hasn't spoken to me in a year and I like it that way but can you imagine what the wedding will be like lmfao As for bad days everyone has them when it everything gets right on your tits and you have to blow it off or explode lol thats why i do boxing ha ha
  4. Maybe its just me but I'd be saying sorry I don't want the house. She will throw it in your face forever. I actually feel quite sorry for your dad he must be thinking how the hell am i going to do that but doesn't want to let you down. You need to talk to him and tell him he can't pay for everything. The past is the past and if you have moved on from it i'm sorry but your mother needs to also. This is one reason I won't accept ANYTHING from FMIL because she will do exactly the same
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Maybe its me just feeling plain evil today or I'm just really a bitch! But I'd tell him, how about we take that family holiday after you pay my mother back! Because if you paid her back we might actually afford to have more people! Yeah that might be a little to bitchy huh? Wow I'm getting my PMS a little early! You took the words out of my mouth lol I'd say look you aren't invited end of and btw when are you paying my mother back! lol you won't hear from him in a while lmao
  6. It's the other way in this house. FI has no control with money and i mean none lol i've cut up his credit cards and am constantly worrying about paying for this bloody wedding and all he can say is "don't worry it'll be fine!" Originally he was paying a huge chunk off when he came back off tour that has now turned into he wants a airsoft gun!! i mean wtf!! lol then its oh just order that laptop its £1k!!! It happens with every one, don't dwell on it just think to yourself "tosser!!" and you feel much better lol I do it every day lol
  7. The same thing is happening with us but we just can't pay for anyone so i've said i'll be sorry if you're not there but i'm still going lol If FI wants to pay for his brother then he needs to find the cash for that himself and I agree its not fair to pay for one and not the other
  8. Bloody hell you got a $350 credit!! I got told tough lol I think i'm about to ditch the package anyway so it won't matter but its bloody annoying!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by leasauceda Hi Brides...so Gaby told me that I was not allowed to use another photographer and that I had to use Juan Navarro...but we wanted to use another photog. and when I checked Juan Navarro's web site I was bummed...I feel like I could take better pictures! I don't know if I should keep pushing for another vendor or just go with it...anyone hear about this policy lately? And FYI I'm also planning a beach wedding/recep. even though it'll be in Jan. not sure about the wind factor though, so far everything I've read just says that it gets chilly at night, but still nice during the day...hoping that's true...anyone know? Love reading all the posts, this forum is a Godsend! THANKS A BUNCH! That isn't right. If you want the package you have to use Navarro but you CAN hire your own photographer you just need to get her to agree and you pay the day pass to get them in. I am using a different photographer and they have agreed as long as I pay a day pass. Be firm with them.
  10. That's really sweet. Makes me wish my mam was still here. Dad offered to pay for everything but he hasn't got the money so i said no he would have tho and made himself skint.
  11. If this is long I apologise but i'm furious and can't decide whether its justified or not lol My friends are giving me mixed feelings lol I'm only from a small family but my cousins are all at least 16 years older than me so they have kids that are younger than me by about 7 years upwards. Anyway the youngest one just had a baby, I haven't seen her for over a year and know roughly where they live but the estate is massive and I won't go anywhere unless i'm invited I was brought up properly lol So I sent over a present for the baby via another cousin and said look I don't know where they live so please give her this from me. Did I get a thank you? That would be no lol So christmas comes and again I send a pressie. Again did I get a thank you? No lol By this time I thought right you can sod off can't be bothered with rude people lol One of my other family members had a birthday party for her 2 year old and said of if you could you can see the baby! I said sorry can't make it and I couldn't so I didn't get to see the baby. Btw they ALL know where I live and my phone number lol Anyway I get up yesterday morning and open the door about 11am and FI hands me this card with both our names on, no address so it was obviously hand delivered!!, they didn't even knock lol So its a come to the christening card but just to the church! RSVP by the 4th lmao No address where to reply to either!! That was it i blew my stack lol my initial thoughts were you are can shove it up your arse i am no-one's last thought and I am sure as hell not sending ANOTHER present. This kid is 4 months old and i've not seen it lol So am I being paranoid or does that all sound grabbing to you lol
  12. I didn't say anything if i'm honest I couldn't be arsed with the flack lol
  13. Not sure what is going to happen now as most of our guests have bailed including his best man lol so even though they say you get a comp room i doubt it it'll be way too busy for them to do that. I then thought i'd spend the day with my best m8 but she is bringing some random chick so think i'll wander off, plug in ipod and wait until someone comes and finds me and tells me to put my gear on lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 Exactly, thats why we were staying for two weeks... I didnt and still cant believe that my family is acting like this. When I spoke with my Aunt, and mentioned to her that this is the time that would like to spend for our honeymoon.. Her response was.. "it aint like you all arent sleeping together now" I couldn't believe it.. "Seriously J, you are taking this thing completely out of line.. There is no way I coming down there just for three days!". I was fuming mad.. I just couldn't believe I heard these words come out of here mouth. I immediatelyh called my father, as he is the one who is telling people about. I asked him why are they so concerd with coming to the wedding.. they dont speak to me, when they do, its to verify my salary as if I need to lie about my paycheck (i had just graduated at this time), or when you see me.. you turn your face up to me.. His response was, its just like best friends, you dont have to speak everyday to still be friends.. WTF!.... I couldn't stand to stay on the phone.. Sorry girls.. but i had to vent If you don't speak to them tell them they aren't invited!! Don't invite people you don't like or even speak to I wouldn't and haven't lol
  15. I got screwed by it 2 lol FMIL insisted she was coming for the whole 2 weeks and the TA managed to get her to book the day after but that was it!! so i've got everyone for the 2 weeks we are there lol They have been warned they won't be seeing us and FI has been warned if I even see his mother its divorce lol She is there under suferance and i'll be buggered if i'm spending any time with her lol If I had the cash i'd go away straight after the wedding but we don't unfortunately
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Marie, if that is all you want it for I would put a camcorder in someones hands and then show it to her. You could buy a camcorder for a lot cheaper than that! Hey that could be my job while I am there lol Lol I need witnesses so you're on lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by skye15 Hi Marie, I have the same problem aswell - numbershave reduced since I originally booked!! I have tried to get Claudia to take something off the ultimate package but as I suspected she said NO!!! I was thinking about cancelling the ultimate package altogether and maybe going onto another restuarant for a meal, I wonder if there are any within the hotel, which would be suitable!!! What a nightmare!!! let me know what you decide Tracy I think we are going to go off site simply because we wouldn't feel good about going to one of the other restaurants that they've already paid for in the AI package lol I wouldn't mind but FI won't have it lol I'm now desp looking for a place. FI's idea wait until get there!!! WTF lol Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Ok, well that changes things. Send an email to Claudia, and see what she says the price is for the video dude. It of course will take her 3 weeks to get back to you, but oh well. Do you know if your photog has someone that does it. Ok she responded and it only took 4 days lol The vid is $600 plus tax!! Holy crap lol I told FI and he said "F** that" lmao If i'm truthful I was only getting it so he could load it on to his laptop for afghanistan and his sister is really ill so she might want to see it but he'll have to just remember lol
  18. Try Martha Roque I know that she does do TTD off site and other Moon Palace Brides have used her. Dez got married this month and she was using her any luck she'll be back soon post her review and you can take it from there
  19. They realised they made a mistake then lol Good news tho and enjoy your hols x
  20. whooooooooo I just saw Yari's ticker lol congrats you lol x
  21. Cheeky bastard and that is a total load of bollox anyway!! They only want them to go that often to screw you for cash anyway they don't need to go that much FFS!!! I'd find another shop and make sure you tell everyone he's an arsehole lol He wants to try grooming my spaniel lol he'd have no chance he'd take his face off lmao
  22. Think yourself lucky i've only got 6 booked lol I gave up worrying about it weeks ago it isn't worth it - honestly
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl hey get a grip girl, i need claudia alive at least long enough for my wedding! Ok how about I just batter her a bit lol
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl does your photographer offer videography services? if so, i'd just go with them and ditch the package. get the free wedding, and eat together in one of the restaurants or all go off property somewhere. Now that is why i like you lol an even better idea don't pay for anyone lol there is the rainforest cafe next door and i love that place lol might see if i can contact them and see if i can arrange for a table for us once i have defo numbers that will probs be better anyway then everyone can have what they want - cheers for that. They are going to hate having to give me the $1325 back lol mind you i bet they find a reason to hang on to it!!!!!!!! then by the time you get there there will be one less wedding co-ordinator as she'll be swimming with the fishes lol
  25. Is he thinking of something like our "TA"? Not sure what you call it maybe "Reserves"? Our "TA" are squaddies with other jobs and go play with guns and tanks at weekends and get paid for it as well as they get a bounty every year lol
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