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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by YoursTruly FI cared adamantly about the music, men's shoes and who walked me down the aisle. I am very close to my cousin and in place of my dad (who due to a disability can't make it) asked him to do it. He flipped so I will let his dad walk me down the aisle... Isn't that your choice?
  2. Here they can't do that its against the law but yeah you have to be careful
  3. If a lot of your friends are our age then they are going to love it because it takes seconds to order rather than ages going into the shop and trying to find stuff. May be a problem for older generation as the others have said. Just ask them. If they say I would love to get that but can't get online say you'll do it for them lol My aunt does that all the time - i get mostly mine and FI's own stuff and she gives me the cash lol
  4. No probably because she did some big cocks up on quite a few weddings - look at the way she was with Kat. There again who knows they may have got someone cheaper lol I had an email off Claudia a few weeks ago and she said she was knackered she was still working and it was midnight! I'm leaving the poor bugger alone unless its urgent
  5. Good for you sounds like he's had a total shock and its been what he's needed. He's lucky to be out x
  6. The WHOLE thing!! It wasn't my idea to have guests lol He likes to say what he wants then I have to sort it so really i've ignored him lol
  7. I agree I think i'd be more worried if I was the other bride, saying that if you aren't comfortable you need to tell her and see if you can work something out with her as you do seem content with her and it would be a shame to spoil a good relationship if it could be dealt with easily
  8. I can understand being sweet to them and making them feel guilty but I know I couldn't do it lol I'd email and tell them you're sick of getting grief for something you aren't involve in because they are acting their shoe size and not their age and its off lol I'd proper spit my dummy out. I don't think i'm having a one if it makes you feel any better lol mostly because all of my friends hate each other! and can't be arsed to do anything so i've said screw em and i'm doing NOTHING lol
  9. We decided not to bother as we aren't really having a reception anymore and he didn't like my suggestion lol I suggested Baja Man and who let the dogs out pmsl I like bon jovi lots of good ones you could use with them
  10. The time apart from FI will fly I promise. I'm lucky if I see FI once a month for a weekend these days and i'm always amazed how quick it goes over and when you get to OZ it'll all be worth it
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride If they don't warn them that you'll send Harty after them!! LOL That will put them in their place!! Oi lol
  12. Lol it's hard thats for sure and sometimes i don't want to go to the gym but i think i only stick to it because i have to walk past the gym to get to my car from work and so he'd grab me anyway lol A quick fix is to not eat bread after about 3pm and if you snack make it fruit honestly it'll start to roll off lol
  13. I agree FI's family can go screw themselves lol you and FI are happy thats all that matters and when they see the baby they'll forget why they were mad lol
  14. It could be anything but if you are eating later in the evening that really doesn't help. You need to eat morning and lunch time with one final meal at about 6-7ish any later its just going to sit in your stomach and you won't be burning it off You will have better results if you combine it with exercise 2. I've lost loads of inches but hardly any weight and thats because i've put muscle and lost fat but my clothes fit better.
  15. My mate is going to do my hair for me. She was going to be a witness but she is not getting there until the day before so that's out now so she is going to do my hair for me lol I've got no idea what i want so i'll let her do what she wants to do lol We'll be well oiled so we won't care lol
  16. I'm not having one lol Now there's a surprise lol There are only going to be 7 guests, everyone else has bailed!! we might have another 2 depending on whether FI's mate can get his leave authorised. 3 are travelling with us so no need for a welcome we'll be sick of each other after a 11 hour flight lol FMIL and bloke are turning up the day after and FI can go meet them I refuse lmao My best mate is coming the day before the wedding with her mate so i'll go meet her for when she gets there but thats it really Not having a get together because everyone knows everyone except the inlaws and really don't think my lot will lose any sleep if they never see them and i certainly wont lol
  17. That's a relief!! hopefully there won't be any more surprises lol
  18. Cancel it and get your money back that is horrific !
  19. Nope it's not - its up to you what you want to do. If I'd had my way i'd have been married about 4 months after we decided but FI is a pain in the arse and wanted to invite his mother lol so we had to give LOTS of notice. We did that and still hardly anyone is coming. I didn't send out anything except a few invites and that was only a month or so ago. My advice run away and do it so much simpler lol
  20. Holy cow Erica or is it roadrunner lol Nah its only 21.23 so its not too bad lol It is funny tho some nights when i'm on and its midnight and others are still at work lol
  21. Holy cow Erica or is it roadrunner lol Nah its only 21.23 so its not too bad lol It is funny tho some nights when i'm on and its midnight and others are still at work lol
  22. I'm getting married in black!! so from me tell your mate to bog off lol I think black is lovely, its different and any colour goes with it
  23. Erica bin him you don't need arseholes like that in the kids lives. I had a mother in law like that!! total cow and it was her fault her son was a total and utter tosser! If you ride the quad off and he's there do me a favour and wave at him lmao
  24. Congrats!! You know this may be a really reason to make the wedding the same but smaller, ie cut out the ones you don't want there lol There is no way they could whinge especially as you will need to save for the baby lol
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