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Everything posted by Hartyt509

  1. I give up with them lol FI told me last night that he was going to ask someone he just met on facebook that is an ex squaddie living in cancun for a drink lol he said oh we might need another witness!! I said you f**ing what I am not paying for a meal for a bloody stranger lol Men are just idiots really lol
  2. Yep thats what i've been told lol think its on here somewhere 2! mind you i wonder if that really happens but I have seen it somewhere lol I thought thank christ for that lol
  3. They aren't I don't think Claudia told me just guest passes but I have heard if you come in less than an hour before the ceremony they won't charge you
  4. I'm not having one but i've still got my mum's veil in a box in my wardrobe along with the dress she made
  5. Hiya How about Europe thats kind of in the middle. Dad lives in Bali so I know what you mean about travel its a bitch lol
  6. Nope I gave up nothing lol I thought why ? What difference does it make - i'm not remotely religious so screw it lmao
  7. Yeah I think some women are weird lol I had loads of problems with my MOH at first but then she and her hubby booked. Since then she has split up with the hubby and her friend is coming and she is more on board than I want her to be lol
  8. I've got an ex army spaniel and he has been around countless dogs lifting their leg lol he's 12 and so bloody lazy that he doesn't even squat he just kind of moves his legs apart lmao doesn't stand still either lol I tell FI his dog is gay and it spends him loopy lmao
  9. People get right on my wick FMIL is like that only thing is I just say oh well i'll cross you off the list shall I! Honestly chick ignore him he's being a drama queen. It'll be fine. My dad went to Bali 1 week after they bombed it and he's still there lol
  10. As harsh as it sounds you need to cut him loose. Chris will come round and when he realises he has NOTHING left in his life he will get himself some help and then you can be friends again but unfortunately for now the best thing to do is leave him to stew and wallow. You can't be dragged down that road its not pleasant or fair.
  11. No I wouldn't tip but we kind of don't do that in the UK and you lot tip for bloody everything lol I tip a waitress but thats it. I had that reaction and I ended up getting a cream for the Dr as it was just too bad lol When I showed him you'd think i'd killed his kids the look I got for the tat lmao
  12. I've asked her recently about docs. I sent her an email saying this is what i have is this right - she replied yes I asked if she needed them before hand and she didn't answer lol Therefore I'm not sending them she can have them when we get there. As for apostile on your birth cert I have to have one not sure about US
  13. It's normal honestly. I had 27 people I now have 9!! I've had all the crap of FI's family and my own and I've dealt with it by saying ah well shame you won't be there lol It might not be slightly cheaper but at least you won't have to put up will all the family crap about who is and isn't invited lol Cause you can bet your ass your brother will lmao
  14. Yeah don't bother its not worth the hassle
  15. Oh not across the right actually wrapped round it lmao He said i'll do that and then put it on my dog tags! I said oh do you wear them on your hands now lol I warned him he didn't have to have one and neither did i lol He said no therefore he's stuck with it lol He hates wearing any jewellry a watch is about all he wears lol when we went to try one on he said i think this fits flicked his hand and the ring shot out of the shop door into the mall! I thought I was going to pee myself laughing I couldn't speak lol One of my best mates wears his but when he comes up here for a night out it vanishes lmao
  16. Everywhere has some danger. We are told in the UK to take care when going to the US I don't think Cancun is any different. I have to be honest tho police carry guns everywhere I don't think Cancun is any worse or better. I went to Egypt and they had an armed guard of the coach! It was a precaution which is better than not taking any. It is supposed to make you feel safer not worse. Also if you don't want to go out of the resort then I wouldn't be paying all that cash to go.
  17. I dunno I never thought about it until you said lol Maybe I will get my best mate to hold them as she is walking me down the aisle lol
  18. He's got to wear it so he has to like it. It's not the actual ring its what it stands for. FI wanted one too but ended up getting a gold one and if i'm honest i'd have prefered the carbon fibre one it looked better lol Let him get what he wants you wouldn't be happy if he said you should have something you didn't want.
  19. Lol FI told me that when he's away he is going to wrap his ring in electrician tape to protect it!! how backward is that ffs lmao
  20. Not sure if its the same in the US but in the UK if you die without a will and you are married everything goes straight to your husband/wife. If you had a will prior to marriage it is void upon marriage so you must get it done straight away. I keep joking with FI and said i'll have to re-do his will and take it with us so when we are married i'll say to the Judge hang on just witness this lmao
  21. He's too thick to realise what it was trying to remind him lmao
  22. Not sure if any of you have seen this put this is on a uk site at the min Worry for octuplets mother - AOL News
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by speedwaymama My hubby has never been violent with his drinking he just comes home and falls asleep on the chair and snores. I am making a scrapbook of his drunken sleeps which I am going to present to him on the day I finally decide to leave him. LMAO I like your style
  24. Don't ask me you'd know what i'd say lol I've had plenty of those moments but some things you have to stand firm on lol I've got a get out for you lol try this:- But it is supposed to mean my family is giving you to your family so how can that happen if its your family giving me away lol I personally think thats a get out of jail card lmao
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