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Everything posted by Kandys

  1. Welcome back, your pictures are great. Congrats!
  2. Welcome back, can't wait to see your pics!
  3. MoWife, I think your thank you cards is a great idea! Such a nice personal touch.
  4. Have a wonderful time and I'm sure your wedding will be perfect! Congrats!
  5. Have fun, and I'm sure your wedding will be perfect. Congrats!
  6. Wow your pictures are perfect. Congrats and thanks for sharing!
  7. crawford2B I love your flowers, I wanted to go with the bright tropical colors after I seen you pictures. You did a great job on them.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I got the free flowers at the resort. They were daisy's which is symbolic it's what my dad gave my mom when i was born. So that's what I wanted yay Thats so sweet. I'm really looking into AA flowers, the colors are so bright and tropical, so pretty. Thanks!
  9. I’ve noticed that all the brides have such beautiful bouquets, I’ve seen that many brides have taken their flowers with them, is that because the ones RUI provides are not that pretty or just too expensive? And for the brides who took their flowers with them, how did you carry them? I’m sorry if I’m repeating questions, I’m just trying to figure all this stuff out. Thanks
  10. WOW, Everything looks just perfect! You look so pretty. Congrats again.
  11. Congrats and welcome back. Can't wait to see your pictures.
  12. Congrats and welcome back. Can't wait to read your review and see your pics!
  13. Wow you look so great! I love your hanging flowers, so pretty. Congrats!
  14. Congrats! Welcome back. So glad everything went well. Thanks for the great review.
  15. I was worried we only have 17 booked right now but I’m starting to think smaller might be nicer.
  16. Thanks for the great review, your pictures are so nice. Congrats!
  17. I'm glad you have insomnia tonight because I've just stared planning and I always love it when someone post new and helpful information, so thank you. You sound like you have everything done and I'm sure it will all be perfect.
  18. I'm sorry if I'm asking a question that has already been covered! I'm going with the Royal package for our wedding as we only have a small group going with us. Does anyone know what the Royal Decoration set up for the ceremony looks like?
  19. Your pictures are so beautiful, Thank you for sharing them. I'm newer to the forum and its so great to read the reviews, so helpful. Thanks
  20. Thanks to everyone who took a moment to pass on very helpful information. You guys are so great and so helpful to each other. I'm so glad I found this site.
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