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Everything posted by bsullivan2

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Debra~ Hey BSullivan2, your not far from me. I'm in Dayton. How neat is that! Where are you thinking of having your AHR? That is awesome that there is another person on here from the Dayton area! And we are both going to Ocho Rios to the Riu! Great minds think alike. You are getting married on the day that we leave! I am not sure yet where we are going to have our AHR. FI family is in Cinci and my family live in Columbus. So we are located right in the middle! I think we have decided to have it in the Dayton area, but are not sure where. The biggest problem that we are having is finding a place that will allow outside catering. A guy that my FI works with on the base runs a catering business on the side and has given us an excellent deal! It seems that the easiest places to go might be VFW halls.
  2. I am super excited about Tuesday! I have been following this election for the past two years and it is finally here! Not to mention all of the other issues that are going to be on the ballots. A few years ago the hot issue here in Ohio was the smoking ban. This year the biggest issue seems to be the casino issue. I really want a casino here and I know that it will produce many jobs in the short term and long term; however, they have proposed for it to be built five minutes away from my house! I live in a very rural area and the area they want to build it in is rural. I am still not sure how I feel about this and I only have two more days to decide! I really cannot wait for it to be over! After the election they will probably be consumed in guessing who the President-elect will pick for his cabinet positions. I read soooo many websites and blogs sites. I watch too much tv. I always flip between the cable news networks! It seems like all I do is watch tv and listen to our local talk radio shows!
  3. Hello everyone! I am a June 2009 bride! We are getting married June 20, 2009 in Ocho Rios, Jamaica at the Riu! We are getting really excited! This is what we have done so far... 1. Booked the room and ceremony 2. Sent out STDs 3. Bought my dress 4. Found the MOH dress 5. Ordered my flowers We are working on DIY invitations and fan programs. I need to get planning for the AHR. We have not even started that project yet. But things for the wedding in Jamaica are going quite well! We have 12 people booked so far. I think many of our other guests are waiting until after the first of the year to book. I am so excited that there is a June 2009 thread now!!!
  4. We were torn on this subject as well. FI and I really wanted to make sure we had his best friend for the BM and my sister as my MOH. Realizing that they would not be able to afford the trip on their own and we would not be able to pay for their entire trips either, we talked to them and decided we would pay for their rooms up to 5 nights, anything more they would have to pay for and if they wanted to upgrade their room, they would have to pay for that as well. They also agreed to pay for their airfare.
  5. Today is the day!!!! I woke up this morning and put the OSU Marching Band CD in and turned the volume up! FI and I are going to watch a few afternoon games at BW3s and get ready for tonight! It should be a great game! I know that Tressel has already said that Beanie Wells will not be playing, but I have to wonder? Get ready for the show down at the Coliseum! Go Bucks! O-H....!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by msam007562 You gals are after my own heart ~ I do some work in sports and am such a sports fans, but college football has to be in my top 3!! There is nothing like watching CF games all Saturday long I see some of you are OSU fans ~ I'm actually a USC Trojan alum!!!! So needless to say, I CANNOT WAIT until the showdown at the Coliseum on Sept. 13th Many believe the winner of the this game will likely be playing for a BCS title at the end of the year ~ I can't wait!!! Let the games begin I cannot wait for the USC vs. OSU game!!! I am one of those who believe that the winner of this game will go to the title game! It will be a great game to say the least! Brandie
  7. I was a little suprised about his game that he played at the POV ceremony. Although Dan's game play this week has been questionable at least, I still like him to make it to the end..... unless Ollie wins HOH on Thursday for the double eviction! But Michelle should be going home this week!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA GO BUCKS!!!!!!! We may live in Husky territory but we are die-hard Ohio State fans. I got a Go Bucks license plate cover for valentine's day! That is great! I love to hear stories from displaced Buckeye fans!
  9. I agree that Hillary gave a great speech! I may not have agreed with everything she spoke about but it was still an excellent motivating speech. I am a Republican, but I have always admired Hillary for her courage and conviction. Eventhough I would not have voted for her if she would have been nominated, I still think she is a great person and has a very powerful and positive role in American politics. She did her job this evening! Best line- "The sisterhood of the traveling pant-suits!"- LOL! All in good fun! Brandie
  10. Football season is almost here and I cannot wait! I live in Ohio and obviously my FI and I are huge Buckeye fans! Since he graduated from OSU we get alumni tickets this year!!!! This is one of my favorite times of the year.... getting up early to go tailgating, experiencing the atmosphere before and after the games and the feeling of watching a game in the Shoe! Go Bucks! What is your favorite team? and what do you enjoy about football season? Brandie
  11. Thank you so much ladies for the responses! I am going to check out the websites that you mentioned. I would try to make it myself, but I am not too crafty and tend to mess up the easiest projects!!! Brandie
  12. The deal made by Dan this week could be one of the dumbest ever!!!! I am not sure what he was thinking by claiming that all of the "blood would be on Ollie's hands this week." In my opinion, he does not look weak, he looks dumb. Tonight will be interesting to see who wins the POV. I really cannot wait for the double eviction on Thursday!!! **Mrs. Forbes, FI and I are huge Buckeye fans!!! He wanted to propose to me in front of the stadium, but it was cold and raining outside! We are excited about this weekend and the start of college football season!!! Go Bucks! Brandie
  13. Hello ladies!!! I am looking for advice on a veil. First, I was totally against having one. I did not want it blowing in my face and I knew I would take it off right after the ceremony and just thought there was no reason to have one. Now my mom is insisting that I have one. THe one I tried on yesterday with my dress was pretty, but I could not see spending $150 on it. Can anyone give me some advice on where to buy a veil that is simple and looks nice but does not cost so much. I really cannot see spending that much money on something that I did not want in the first place! My mom offered to pay for it but I could not see her spending that much either! Any help you guys can give me is greatly appreciated!!!! Brandie
  14. I bought my dress yesterday! I was strating to not believe that I would get "that feeling" but as soon as I put this dress on I did!!!! Here is the picture of the dress off the website. It is so beautiful! The dress is light and comfortable and I think it is going to look great on the beach!!! My sister has the pictures of me in it and she has not sent them to me yet! I will post as soon as I get them. MaggieSottero.com - Ireland - Dress Detail Brandie
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by msasfraz that's my thoughts on it hez43.... im totally having sparklers for our first dance.... i already purchased them and put tytags on the end.... my only question is that when i did my trial run it was alot smoke created after... maybe i got the wrong ones.... i want those w/ minimal smoke...any suggestions.... I have noticed that the colored sparklers create a ton of smoke!!!! If you have the ones that are red, blue, and green, I would suggest not using them and getting just the basic gold or silver ones. If this does not help, if you live close to a fireworks store, I would just go talk to them and see what they suggest. Brandie
  16. I just went dress shopping today and actually bought a Maggie Sottero dress. I was not informed of the prices going up. The woman who was helping me actually gave me a $200 discount on one of her new dresses that she just got in! Brandie
  17. I love the nominations this week! April is crazy... I mean too pretty.... I mean too nice!!! I really hope that she goes home this week! I like Jerry being up there too because I do not like him. I think it will be easy to get Ollie out of the house once April is gone because he has no game. I think it would be great if they had a fast forward this week on Thursday, where they play a whole week in just that one hour! I am still not too sure who is going to be left standing at the end. I am thinking Dan and Memphis. Brandie
  18. I just got an email back from Chandlyn (only an hour after I sent it!!) stating that I cannot reserve the Seagrape on Saturdays because it is the Beach party for the resort. I am not too happy about this as I was planning on doing what most other brides have done: ceremony, dinner and then the Seagrape. I thought that some of the other brides on here have reserved the Seagrape on Saturdays. Does anyone have any information about this? Is there any other place to have a reception after dinner, besides the disco, that would be a relatively inexpensive place? Any information is greatly appreciated! Thanks ladies! Brandie
  19. Some of these people are out of their minds!!! I really dislike Michelle. She reminds me of a girl I used to go to school with and I did not like her either! I hope that Dan wins HOH next week and puts up April. I do not like her either! And Ollie... he is just riding her coat tails! He is not really playing the game! Tonight should be interesting to see who is going to win the POV!
  20. I love watching the Olympics! I do not have a full time job right now, so I often find myself laying on the couch watching every event they are showing. My favorites to watch are swimming, diving, track & field, gymnastics and volleyball! GO TEAM USA!!! Brandie
  21. I love this show! The kids are so freakin' cute! Kate is a bit crazy about keeping the house and kids clean! I loved when they went to the Crayola Factory and the kids could not use markers because she was afraid they would get marker all over their hands! Brandie
  22. The episode from Tuesday night was great! Jessie is annoying but I think I want him to stick around for a little while. He provides great drama! My favorite HG is Dan, but I am not sure if he is really smart at playing this game or if he has no idea what he is doing! I have grown to like Renny too. I can't wait for tonight to see who is going home! Brandie
  23. For all the past ROR brides, did you have problems checking into your rooms if you arrived at the resort early? I ask because we are about to purchase our plane tickets and my FI wants to leave as early as possible since we have a long plane trip and then a long drive from the airport to the resort. The tickets we have been looking at would have us arriving in Jamaica between 10:30 and 11:00 am. With the alomst two hour ride to the resort, that would have us checking in around 2 or 2:30. Did many of you have troubles checking in early or did you have to wait a long time before you could check in? Thanks ladies!! Brandie
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 ok who is old school with me doesn't Memphis look like Ray Pruitt from Beverly Hills 90210 LOL!!! I have been thinking the same thing since the begining of the season! I was asking my sister if she thought he looked like him and she had no clue who I was talking about! I said... "you remember the guy Donna dated who I think was a landscaper or something like that... and he just never fit into the riches of 90210..." she still had no clue!
  25. Does anyone know about how much Lee's Tours is charging per person? We were thinking about using them but the number of people going to ROR with us seems to be growing! I am afraid that it could get too expensive for us! Also, when you reserve Lee's Tours, can you use their buses all week? or do you have to pay each time that you use them? Thank you ladies for your information!!!
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