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Everything posted by Nrsggrl

  1. We are planning on using the passport idea for our wedding invitations, and the boarding pass as our STD... When doing a search I found these.... It thought they looked pretty cool... I think eventually when the time comes I will try to make some similar.... if I get too frustrated, I may break down and pay for them to be made. lol Passport Destination Wedding Invitation - Handcrafted custom Wedding Invitations Passport Destination Wedding Invitation - Handcrafted custom Wedding Invitations So many options!!! I really like the second one the best though.
  2. I saw a pic online of a tattoo of a simple infinity symbol on the ring finger. I thought it looked pretty good!
  3. An honest response is always a good response... but for those romantics out there who are willing to go through laser surgery in the event of...... then I say go for it if you can find a simple design that you like! Next time I see the doc at work that got his finger tattooed, I'll ask him if it hurt.. his only goes over the top portion of this finger, not all the way around. But you totally cannot tell unless you look between his fingers.
  4. Ok... so I know the idea of a tattoo wedding ring may sound strange, but I think its actually kind of cool! I was showing one of the doctors at the hospital I work at my engagement ring the other day, and he showed me his white gold wedding ring. It is really nice with a simple celtic design. When he took it off to show me, he had the exact same design tattooed on his ring finger. He's a surgeon, so I guess when he operates, or when its not appropriate for him to wear jewellery, he takes it off, and still has the sentiment of his wedding ring, but in tattoo form! I mentioned it to my fiance, and he thought it was pretty cool. He's not a surgeon, but liked the idea! Anyone else know of anyone with tattooed rings??
  5. Just out of curiosity.... is anyone else here planning an overseas wedding? Or are all of you getting married in tropical destinations?
  6. hmmm... that didn't work out... let me re-paste... Wedding Dress, Wedding Gowns, Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses, Bridal Dresses Thanks! And cheap too! I'm still about a year and a half away, so I have time to think about it... but I definately love it. On that same website, they have the same dress but shorter, about knee length, that I thought might be appropriate for the party, or perhaps the big reception we'll have when we get home! Here it is... Wedding Dress, Wedding Gowns, Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses, Bridal Dresses
  7. I agree. I think just regular post cards would be good for the very reason you stated - your guests could end up sending one to other friends and family who were not at the wedding. We're probably going to end up doing the same thing. Enclose 2-3 post cards, pre-stamped, and encourage our guests to mail one to us towards the end of our trip outlining their favourite moments, well wishes etc....
  8. I'm LOVING this idea! I especially like the idea of including the native language of where ever you are going... http://http://www.urbandictionary.com/
  9. I love those!! Since we're getting married in Scotland, I thought having a map of Edinburgh on the tote would be a great idea! Looks like I may have to do some custom work though.
  10. What an awesome thread! Such great ideas! I was checking out the Heavy Duty Canvas Tote, 12 oz, and really liked the look of that. For $2.89, it looks pretty sturdy. And since we're not planning on having any more than 30-40 people at our wedding spending a little more shouldn't totally deplete us! The other one I really liked was the Canvas Teachers Tote for $4.99... that one will break the bank considering the potential cost of the things to put IN the bag! LOL
  11. Nrsggrl


    Hi! Welcome and congrats! I'm planning on preparing gift baskets too, but with a European flare, since we're getting married overseas... Check out some of the posts on creative favours and OOT bags... lots of great ideas!!
  12. best of luck with the planning!!!
  13. Some guests at a wedding I saw on t.v. all had those sparklers that you light for celebrations, like birthdays, 4th of July etc... as the couple made their way out from the ceremony. That would be fun for an evening wedding/reception!
  14. Hi Kirsten! I'm newly engaged as well! Congrats!!
  15. Nrsggrl


    Congratulations!! Let the planning begin!
  16. Hi Cordelia! Welcome! A Hungarian wedding sounds wonderful!! Any special traditions or customs you plan on including in the ceremony??
  17. Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome. And yes, this "wedding thing" has definately become a new obsession... As for the venue, yes I've been to Scotland before. I have relatives there... and as for the cold weather, I'm used to it... I'm Canadian! And this winter has been especially rough. Our preliminary trip that we've planned for May will be a nice break! I will definately keep everyone posted on the plans. We're going to scope out a few venues while there. We're looking at Edinburgh Castle, Dundas Castle, Dalhousie Castle, The Hub, Rosslyn Chapel... and the list goes on.... lol
  18. Welcome! I'm new here as well. You live in the UK? Whereabouts? My fiance and I are planning a wedding in Scotland in September 2009! (Although, I have often thought about somewhere tropical) Anyway, good luck with the planning! Any tips you could provide about planning in the UK would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Hello Everyone! My name is Angela. My fiance Jason and I got engaged on this past Christmas morning (2007). I just got my engagement ring last week, (because it has only taken me 3 MONTHS to pick it out.... Yes... I'm one of THOSE girls.... lol ) I'm a Registered Nurse, and Jason is a manager at a Mortgage company. We live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and we've decided to get married in Scotland! The wedding will take place in September 2009. No specific date yet. We're heading overseas in May to start the planning process. We've already scoped out a few venues, and vendors that we will be checking out while over there in May. We are sooooo excited and can't wait! We'll probably limit the guest list to about 30-40 people, and just have a big party when we get back from the honeymoon. Anyway, seems like this forum may be helpful in providing some good wedding ideas! Take care, Angela
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