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Everything posted by NotYourAverageDW

  1. P.S. to add - it's always family that will judge you and break your heart. Sometimes blood isn't always thicker than water. **HUGS** and good luck!
  2. Oh dear. Nevermind is correct. I honestly would find someone else or move on. She seems to have the holy grail stuck up her arse! She's just trying to bully you and make a statement...except all that anyone is hearing is I'm a holier than thou sycophant who needs to dominate and control everything around me, and because I can't and because I need to maintain my superiority complex I will make sure you bow down to my every whim!". For crying out loud this her brother's wedding....she can't put aside her ideologies for one day and truly be there in joy with you both? If she can't...why is she coming?! Sorry for the rant...(it's been one of those weeks) Ugggh...Is it just me, or does anyone feel that OP is in for a continuingly rough ride with this woman? I'm really sorry you have to do deal with it. Don;t ask her again. Find someone else who will truly be there in joy for you and will participate. And when she throws a tantrum (trust me...she will)...just repeat the words she said to you - that you didn't think it was fair to include her in unholy matrimony, nor have her sons witness it etc
  3. Hi Tanisha! to BDW! Happy planning.
  4. Hey another Canadian Welcome to BDW. Happy Planning!
  5. Hi Liz and happy planning!
  6. to the forum Erica! Good luck with your planning!
  7. Hi Nicola, Welcome and Happy Planning! You'll definitely find a wealth of knowledge here at BDW. Check out the Jamaica section- you'll definitely find lots of ideas. Also check out the wedding review section as well. Good luck!
  8. I love this thread. I've just completed the transition from permed to natural. Literally just completed the transition...most days I have no idea what to do with my hair, but luckily my big day is far off. I'm not even sure if I'll still be natural then, or if I'll do a sew in etc. But it's good to see that I'm not alone with the hair worries.
  9. I must be dense, I still can't tell, but is rep points the same as karma, and if not, how did I get my karma points. and where under user CP would I find this info. P.S. Man this forum is intense! Lots of secrets, and surprises at every bend! LOL!
  10. Thanks ladies! IslamoradaBride -Perfect! These are more along the lines of what I'm looking for. I looked through the site to get a better sense of what she offers, and saw a note that she's ill (melanoma). Let's all keep her in our thoughts and hope for successful treatment and that she beats it. Amyh- Thanks! This could definitely be an alternative option. Thanks again ladies. Any more ideas would be welcomed!
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has done these types of invitations before? I did a search here on BDW and saw a few that came close, but I'm talking about the fabric lined and covered boxes. Ideally I'd like to just have a company do it all for us, but price wise that might not be reasonable. I tried to find out the pricing on them, but of course most places are only able to give pricing once consultation is done. I did find one place online, and I swear for 150 invitations it would cost almost $18,000.00! Which is simply CRAZY! So I guess I'm trying to find out if there is anywhere that will sell me the fabric lined and covered boxes independently, and if there is another place separately where I could go to order my invites and assemble them myself. We have some pretty crazy ideas... Any thoughts? P.S. Sweet mercy why is it always that our best ideas are the most expensive?
  12. Welcome and happy planning!
  13. ***FutureMrsLewis...you have no idea how relieved I am to see someone else planning that far ahead! Julie (JulieG) - October 24, 2007 Jenn (JenniferLynn) - May 10, 2007 Sherry (Sherry) - October 4, 2008 Kaylee (kamay)-October 16, 2008 Fannie (royfa) - October 23, 2008 Lisa (Chiquita) - November 5, 2008 Melissa (MissyR) - November 27, 2008 Erica (ethrondson) - November 30, 2008 Dianna (Destination0 - December 11, 2008 Daina(dainanewell)- December 12, 2008 Rebecca (rebecca120 - December 17th, 2008 Connie (teacherbride) - January 19, 2009 Lindsay (Linzibella) - January 20, 2009 Lindsay (seaprincess) - January 28, 2009 Amy (Amarillis) - January 28, 2009 Chantal (Chantal85) - January 30, 2009 Kate (kleslie5) - February 6, 2009 Ana (Ana) - April 1, 2009 Kristin (ryan's girl) - April 1, 2009 Michelle (shellb) - April 24, 2009 Shannon (Shay2679) - May 7, 2009 Karen (GPBride2009) - May 12, 2009 Sorcha (townie princess) - June 12, 2009 Virginia & Mike (Virg) June 30 2009 Michelle C (michellepicksbrent) - August 19, 2009 Heather (*Heather*) - October 22, 2009 Leslie (lscilley) - November 16, 2009 Joanne (jpitts7 - Nov 19, 2009 Louise (trance_angelx0x - January 16 or 17, 2010 Lori (gossip girl) - October 10, 2010 Denise (FutureMrsLewis) - April 26, 2011 Sabrina (NotYourAverageDW) - Dec/2011
  14. YIKES!!! Well beat me over the head with a frying pan BUT... 5 days, 31 views, and ZERO replies Well now I feel like a bit silly...is it that no one has pics to post of what their parents wore for their DW? Any ideas at all? I should preface this by saying that we're planning on a really formal DW that's not on the beach at all. Anything? Anybody?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by limon_b Honestly, I think it is financially irresponsible to purchase a ring that one can not afford. This belief in 3 months salary is so old and out dated. FI and I purchased rings together. Quality and a style I liked were more important to me versus quantity (size). Going broke to buy a ring even before you are married is not wise. Bingo! We feel exactly the same. We're both grad students, and honestly a great proportion of our friends are either engaged, married or parents by now. We're under a constant barrage of questions as to when we'll finally tie the knot, as well as how huge a rock I'm going to be getting. For us, we're waiting because we're deciding the design of it. It won't be expensive but it won't be cheap either. It will be what we can reasonably and comfortably afford and that's what matters to us! I think for us, we have far too much student debt to be going into additional debt. That's partly why our date is so far off - so we can whittle down our debt to nothing before the big day. On a final note, when we were younger we did subscribe to the 3 months salary ideology. Not anymore. As long as it financially works for you, and keeps you out of the red then thats what matters.
  16. Here's the latest. Met Service of Jamaica Online Somehow I get the impression that slow moving isn't a good thing. {{{{{{{{{Big hugs}}}}}}}}} Let's continue to hope for the best.
  17. Welcome and Happy Planning!
  18. Hi Jeremy, thank you so much. Amelia Lyon looks great...on her website she mentions Denise Bovee who looks absolutely perfect as well. We actually had considered 'the image is found' for a few months, but we're not sure they're our style. thank you so much, your post was perfect...if you have any more ideas, let me know. P.S. Deep down I think we're still considering Jesh on some` level(its hard to let go, lol, kwim), but realistically we have to factor the price. But thanks again, Amelia and Denise look great!
  19. Here's the latest on Gustav. Met Service of Jamaica Online It's been downgraded to Tropical Storm, hopefully it will clear up by Thursday Evening.
  20. P.S....around the altar you could do the following: Bride & Groom Maid of Honour BestMan BridesMaid GroomsMan BridesMaid GroomsMan BridesMaid BridesMaid BridesMaid BridesMaid This provides the most symmetry. You could also do Bride & Groom Maid of Honour BestMan And have the rest of the party sit in with the other attendees.
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