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Everything posted by NotYourAverageDW

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 OMG- chicky!!!! You had me totally feeling horrible there for like 5 seconds.... ~~ Oh no Heather! My bad! ---> hehehehehe, twisted side of me still laughs. Thanks for the cake lady...As soon as I get some more points a lovely gift shall be on your way!
  2. Ummm...that's my sister's wedding and her cake that y'all are laughing at! Just kidding! LOL! That cake is ....can you if they save the head for their 1st anniversary....every time you open the freezer they see her head in it?
  3. Hi Katie! Welcome to BDW. You might want to check the Invitations, STDs, Photos & Websites section of the board for more ideas. Good luck!
  4. Well I don't know much about Dreams Tulum but I wanted to say and happy planning! You'll definitely find a lot of information on this forum. Good luck!
  5. OMG! I love the one you both on the rocks with the wave! Congrats on such a beautiful wedding!
  6. Mandi! You've definitely come to the right place for ideas and planning help. Check out the following sections of the board: reviews, Mexico, Hawaii, and the Planning Journal. Good luck! P.S...wow...Nov/Dec this year!
  7. I'm so sorry you both have to deal with this. Keeping you both in my thoughts.
  8. Christin! Happy planning!
  9. Chey and Gav! Happy Planning! You'll have to show us some pics when you're done...New Zealand sounds like an awesome location!
  10. Sarah! Congrats and happy planning!
  11. Lol! Welcome to the forum Dawn. I hope you have fun here!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by PoeticJustice FYI some of those photos from that wedding were shot at the exclusive private estate Rio Chico So true my dear, so true! The first link sells you Ric Chico...the second gives you the cost per day! Unique Villas of the Caribbean Rio Chico Estate Home Page Rio Chico : Ocho Rios : Jamaica Villas - Caribbean Villas by Luxury Retreats
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Kathie A girl I work with used "To Sir with Love" for her dance with her dad. Wow! For some reason this song is a perfect choice! Who is it by again? - Lulu?
  14. It's so funny that you posted this! I'm actually researching this and I'm hoping to get some info on it this week. Hopefully the info I get isn't a repeat of what I already have! I'll let you know how i make out.
  15. This is genius! Thanks so much for sharing this!
  16. Welcome and happy planning! We're in the exact same boat. I kept changing my mind, till finally he said.."Let's just do this together and design something". So that's what we're working on. Meanwhile we're planning like crazy ....location, venue, site visits etc. Enjoy it all! And post pics
  17. That's really tough. I've been in school for almost 7 years now - this month makes it the 7th. I've gone straight from BA to MA. The end is in sight, and I too had aspirations to pursue a PhD, but I am so tired and burnt out. I wish that I had taken a gap year between my BA and MA. I've been talking to a lot of grad students and we all feel the same. We're all tired, and right now none of us feels like pursuing the 3rd degree...this may change after we take a break. That being said...focus on now. Focus on what you want and need to accomplish now. You've almost crossed the finish line and you should be very proud of your accomplishments thus far. It's okay to take a break after the BA. Work a daytime job and sing on the side. You can do both! I think what you're studying sounds great...and if you want to pursue the MA go for it! You can take it as slow as you want doing it course by course part-time...and slowly build your up. Give yourself some credit. Almost there! Good job!
  18. Nope...never did that. I remember telling everyone that I wouldn't get married and that I'd be a corporate executive, who lived in a high rise penthouse suite with posh cats and a maid service. I also remember watching a movie as a kid about a marriage of convenience ...it was between two company execs and it was for the survival of their companies and I thought..."Sweet...I'm gonna do that...and create a conglomerate!" (Plus they fell in love! )....so I guess I was a weird romantic? LOL LOL...sigh...oh to be 8 years old again!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 ...no one realizes how much research and how organized we are when we choose our resorts.... You seem to going beyond your duties already paying for transportation and rooms for some guests....If you have a wedding website I would post it on there so it doesn't come off to in your face but say something like "You will be charged $70 if you are not a guest at the blah blah resort" This is so true! They just assume that you just randomly chose somewhere. We all took a lot of time and effort to determine where we get married. In the back of our minds is the cost. Money is always the bottom line, and everyone just assumes that we are selfish people with money to burn. I'm finding in this process that it will be family and close friends who will always break your heart. If it were me...I'd honestly put a separate sheet of paper with the invites stating" We're so thrilled that you'll be here to celebrate our union, but please note that if you book off site the resort will be charging a $70 day pass for you to attend. I'd also put this note on your wedsite. You have to be explicitly clear with your guests that if they choose to stay off site they will be adding an additional $70 (DayPass) to their overall costs, to attend your wedding at the resort. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Good luck!
  20. Cdnvb9- wow! If you get 80-120 that would be an amazing attendance! I hope they all do come...and I hope your resort and airline show you some serious love in upgrades etc. We haven't finalized things yet...but based on our pricing assumptions we're assuming that it will be anywhere between 1700/2000-2600 per person. That being said...we're hoping and planning on compensating everyone so that everyone pays around 1500/1700-2000 per person. And that's low season. We're still toying with the idea of high seasons...but some locations/villas lock you in at a mandatory 2 weeks for high season....and that is just too much!
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