That's really tough. I've been in school for almost 7 years now - this month makes it the 7th. I've gone straight from BA to MA. The end is in sight, and I too had aspirations to pursue a PhD, but I am so tired and burnt out. I wish that I had taken a gap year between my BA and MA. I've been talking to a lot of grad students and we all feel the same. We're all tired, and right now none of us feels like pursuing the 3rd degree...this may change after we take a break.
That being said...focus on now. Focus on what you want and need to accomplish now. You've almost crossed the finish line and you should be very proud of your accomplishments thus far. It's okay to take a break after the BA. Work a daytime job and sing on the side. You can do both! I think what you're studying sounds great...and if you want to pursue the MA go for it! You can take it as slow as you want doing it course by course part-time...and slowly build your up. Give yourself some credit. Almost there! Good job!