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Everything posted by NotYourAverageDW

  1. Welcome to BDW. I agree, you will find a lot of helpful information here!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR before her wedding last year, my friend did a boot camp. she took a before picture, and then every week or so she took a picture - in the same outfit, same position, and same place in her house. it was easy to compare that way. and WOW could you totally see the results. it was great motivation for her. for me, if i don't think the exercise is working, i won't keep it up. but if i saw results ... that would definitely motivate me to keep it up! That's genius! I may not see much of a difference on a day to day basis but if I can see one tiny shred of improvement it will be all the motivation I need! So...what happen now...we go about our daily life...journal in this thread about our experience and once as week send off our accountability shots?
  3. Oh man Morgan there should be a bravery badge here. You'd get it for sure. I already did a before pic today and sent it to Ann. Horrifying...absolutely horrifying! I thought to myself how did I let myself get this way, and I think I was genuinely surprised by how I looked in the picture, and then I realized its because I haven't looked at my body/profile in the mirror in a long, long time! You know how it is, you always look at your face and your your upper body and you tip on your toes to check the rest of yourself quickly in the mirror to make sure you look fine when you go out - but you never really ever look at your body. Well today when I saw that picture, it was like I was seeing myself for the first time. I think was actually close to tears, especially when I realize how I looked to other people, and how unhealthy I am. All I can say is, that this is the catalyst I need for change, and I hope I can succeed in atleast shedding 5-10% of my body weight. It's time for a change! I hope that we are all successful!
  4. Hey Ann, I just sent you a PM. Don't mind the photo quality, its two different cameras! I did the scale shot last night at home. Came to work realize I didn't have the "classic before" shot and borrowed the office's camera.
  5. AnnR...do I email the photos directly to your email? Or do I send it as some sort of attachment to your BDW account. Is that even possible? Thanks again for spearheading this!
  6. Welcome, welcome welcome! I hope it works out with Laughing Waters and that you'll share pics! Have you managed a site visit yet?
  7. Hi Meghan, welcome to BDW. Happy Planning!
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