Oh man Morgan there should be a bravery badge here. You'd get it for sure. I already did a before pic today and sent it to Ann. Horrifying...absolutely horrifying! I thought to myself how did I let myself get this way, and I think I was genuinely surprised by how I looked in the picture, and then I realized its because I haven't looked at my body/profile in the mirror in a long, long time! You know how it is, you always look at your face and your your upper body and you tip on your toes to check the rest of yourself quickly in the mirror to make sure you look fine when you go out - but you never really ever look at your body. Well today when I saw that picture, it was like I was seeing myself for the first time. I think was actually close to tears, especially when I realize how I looked to other people, and how unhealthy I am. All I can say is, that this is the catalyst I need for change, and I hope I can succeed in atleast shedding 5-10% of my body weight. It's time for a change! I hope that we are all successful!