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Everything posted by Sherry

  1. Just wanted to update where we're staying on Molokai. We found a condo through VRBO.com, and the owner has been so wonderful. She has sent us a bunch of tips for our our arrival date in terms of making it easier for us to get around, and has answered a ton of questions for me. Here's a link to the condo we're renting: Kaunakakai Hawaii - Condominium I can't believe how close it is to the water! Apparently the pool will be undergoing maintenance while we're there, but that didn't seem like a big deal when the ocean is so close anyway! We both love to cook, so we're so looking forward to making lazy meals together with all the amazing seafood and fruit that will be right at our fingertips. I'm at that point now where I just can't wait to be on the honeymoon and have all that alone time together! I'll be sure to include all of the Lanai/Molokai details in my post-wedding review.
  2. I've decided to revive this thread, so that I can fill you girls in on what we've decided to do after our reception at the Seawatch. As most of you know, many venues on Maui, particularly in the Wailea area, have a 10pm curfew on events, including the Seawatch. Since we really wanted to have our reception at the Seawatch, we weren't sure what would happen after 10pm, but we booked the Seawatch and had faith that we'd figure out something to do after the reception. We were referred to Mulligan's on the Blue (Mulligans Restaurant and Pub, Maui Dining, Catering, Entertainment) by a number of people, and I just wanted to let you guys know that they have been FABULOUS. Mulligan's is really close to the Seawatch (apparently they have almost identical views), and we were able to reserve tables for 10pm until the place closes at 1:45. They have live bands playing most nights, and you are free to drift from your tables in the restaurant over to the bar and dance floor, and apparently it's a real party atmosphere after 10pm. I cannot say enough about how helpful the people at Mulligan's have been. Julie was my contact there, and she is SO nice. She provided so many different ideas to keep the tab down, since we're having an open bar, and there was no site rental fee, other than a non-refundable $50 deposit to hold the tables. We're ordering a few platters of appetizers around 11:00, and the prices were really reasonable. Julie said that since it's one of the only places in Wailea open past 10, a bunch of wedding parties can end up there on the same night. I got the impression that she's had some brides who weren't too happy about not being the only bride in the place, but I think it sounds like fun! She said they've had nights where there were 5 brides there at the same time! Right now, we're the only wedding party booked for our night, but I'm kind of hoping at least another will show up - how fun! I guess we'll see. The only catch was that depending on their scheduling for the particular week you're booking, sometimes they only have a band playing until 10pm. A lot of nights, they have a second band or DJ playing from 10:00 until midnight, but we have to wait and see the Sunday before when they post the music schedule for the week. Our wedding isn't until the Saturday though, so we have some time to decide what we want to do if they won't have a band or DJ after 10:00 on our night. Basically, after the band finished at 10, they would just have music playing on the house system afterward, which is not so much dance music, but you still have that pub atmosphere. The other option would be to book our own DJ after 10, and they are totally fine with you doing that. We've decided to leave it for now and hope that they end up scheduling a band or DJ for that night, but Julie said that once the schedule comes out, if it turns out there isn't anything planned for after 10 that night, she can book a DJ for us if we decide we want to do that. We'll already be on Maui by then, so it shouldn't be too big a deal. We're really hoping for the live band option, but at this point, no matter what happens, we're just so happy to have a nice place to go after 10pm!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Island Princess I heard the exact same things girls! Its so devastating!! I had my heart set on my dream beautiful beach set up. Does anyone know if these rules would apply on locations on the lawns infront of the beach?? I don't know for sure, but as long as the lawn is private property, I doubt that the restrictions apply. We're having our ceremony on the lawn of the Wailea Marriott in less than 3 weeks, and our WC hasn't said anything about not being able to have the chairs, etc. They just sent us our final cost summary on the weekend, and the ceremony chairs were still listed, so I'm assuming we're a go on the lawn.
  4. What a great review Susan! So happy to see more pics of your wedding. You looked gorgous. I'm so excited that the Maui reviews are starting to roll in!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze Very pretty! Your e-ring is fairly similar to mine and I think I am going to get a similar band to yours. Does your e-ring band "pinch in" next to the stone? Yeah, it sort of narrows in at the stone. I found this band worked really well because the band still sits pretty flush against my e-ring. A lot of other rings didn't work quite as well, because even with the pinch in, the e-ring stone would kind of push the wedding band away and there would be a gap between the rings. This one stays really straight though, and I love how the stones look.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ebbica Aw man, I wish I found this thread a little earlier just so I could've wished Susan good luck! I think we're going back to Maui for our HM, but we've been having trouble with arrangements on Kauai, so Maui's a possibility for the whole shin-dig. The best thing we did on Maui was taking a day trip to Lana'i for snorkeling. (My fh got all into underwater photography, so snorkeling was big on that trip.) It was better than an excursion because we set our own pace, and because there's a beach and all. You can walk to the beach from the ferry docks. I didn't see any other part of Lana'i, but I didn't have to. The snorkeling was fantastic, and less crowded than the excursions to Molokini. Lana'i was just so intimate- I would definitely suggest it for anyone on their honeymoon.'( I'm so glad to hear this! We're going to Lanai and Molokai for our honeymoon, and we're so excited about both islands. The best part is that we won't be running into our guests all over the place. I'm looking forward to spending the week before the wedding with them on Maui, and I'd rather not be running into a bunch of people we know constantly while we're on our honeymoon!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl OMG Sherry! It's so soon! I'm so excited for you! Thanks!! I was just looking at your pics, and they got me so excited. Your pictures are gorgeous!!! October can't come soon enough.
  8. We picked up our wedding bands on the weekend, and I'm finally getting around to posting some pics. So exciting! I can't believe how close the wedding is now! Mine: (the e-ring stone is square - radiant cut. I don't know if that shape shows really well in this picture, but it's very square in person.) Patrick's:
  9. I've just realized it's only 24 days until the big day! How on earth did that happen so fast?? I've been so busy at work, especially with 3 weeks of holidays coming, that all of a sudden it just sprung up on me. So exciting, yet so overwhleming at the same time!
  10. Molokai Outdoors has been recommended to us by the people who are renting us a condo for our honeymoon on Molokai. They said they use Molokai Outdoors for all their boat rentals, as well as vehicle rentals while on Molokai. Molokai Outdoors will even pick you up at the ferry, which is really nice, because apparently the chain rental car companies are located nowhere near the ferry. Even better, it's a local company, and we really like the idea of supporting local businesses while we're there! I think we're going to rent a car as well as kayaks from this company. Here's the website: Molokai Outdoors Activities - Molokai, Hawaii
  11. We've finally booked our honeymoon! Our wedding is in barely more than a month, so it's about time! I'm kind of glad we waited though, because we had initially planned on going to Kauai and the Big Island, but then it turned out that a number of our guests are going to be sticking around for at least several days after the wedding, and many of them are planning on going to Kauai and the Big Island. A few of them were quite thrilled to hear that we were going to be there on our honeymoon, and thought we could hang out!!! I'm sure for some people, that would be fine, but we really want our honeymoon to be more intimate than that, and we also figure we'll have had enough time with all our guests after the week prior to the wedding. On that note, we started considering the smaller islands, and we're so glad we did. We're going to stay at Hotel Lanai (Hotel Lanai | Lodging in the heart of Lanai City) for the first 2 nights, and then we're renting a condo on Molokai for a week. We're so looking forward to picking up a ton of seafood, pineapple and great coffee and making really simple meals with such amazing ingredients. We both love to cook, so it will be a lot of fun. Plus, the condo on Molokai is 40 feet from the beach and the lanai overlooks the water with a view of Maui! I'll be sure to include Lanai and Molokai in my post-wedding review!
  12. I can't believe I've just noticed this thread! Julie (JulieG) - October 24, 2007 Jenn (JenniferLynn) - May 10, 2007 Sherry (Sherry) - October 4, 2008 Kaylee (kamay)-October 16, 2008 Fannie (royfa) - October 23, 2008 Lisa (Chiquita) - November 5, 2008 Melissa (MissyR) - November 27, 2008 Erica (ethrondson) - November 30, 2008 Dianna (Destination0 - December 11, 2008 Daina(dainanewell)- December 12, 2008 Rebecca (rebecca120 - December 17th, 2008 Connie (teacherbride) - January 19, 2009 Lindsay (Linzibella) - January 20, 2009 Lindsay (seaprincess) - January 28, 2009 Amy (Amarillis) - January 28, 2009 Chantal (Chantal85) - January 30, 2009 Kate (kleslie5) - February 6, 2009 Ana (Ana) - April 1, 2009 Kristin (ryan's girl) - April 1, 2009 Michelle (shellb) - April 24, 2009 Shannon (Shay2679) - May 7, 2009 Karen (GPBride2009) - May 12, 2009 Sorcha (townie princess) - June 12, 2009 Virginia & Mike (Virg) June 30 2009 Michelle C (michellepicksbrent) - August 19, 2009 Heather (*Heather*) - October 22, 2009 Leslie (lscilley) - November 16, 2009 Joanne (jpitts7 - Nov 19, 2009 Louise (trance_angelx0x - January 16 or 17, 2010 Lori (gossip girl) - October 10, 2010 Denise (FutureMrsLewis) - April 26, 2011
  13. Mine was even worse - have to pay the whole amount 30 days before the wedding to hold the appointments! My BM's and my Mom are all paying for their own hair and makeup, but I'm out the whole amount until the wedding. Kind of a pain, but the hairstylist and makeup artist I'm getting are definitely worth it, so I've made my peace with the whole thing.
  14. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll especially love the Maui pages!!!
  15. Congratulations. You must be so excited! Can't wait to see some Maui wedding pics!!!
  16. Maura, your pictures are so beautiful and so are you! Your pics are definitely ones I've been looking forward to seeing since I joined, and I'm so happy for you how wonderfully everything turned out!!
  17. Your pictures are amazing! It's so nice to see some pictures from a Hawaiian wedding. We don't see enough of them on here. It's making me really excited for mine!!!
  18. What a great idea. I never would have thought of that!
  19. Sorry the pics are so large. I resized them a couple of times on photobucket, but every time I previewed the post, they seemed to small to see them well at all. at least now you can see the detail!!
  20. I have FINALLY gotten around to posting pictures of my invitations. Totally inexcusable, I know. Anyway, I absolutely LOVE them. I can't say enough about my great experience with Island Paperie. We've had so many compliments on the invitations since we sent them out. I also ordered place cards, and I'm thrilled with them too!
  21. Sherry


    Quote: Originally Posted by dcnetworks Sherry: I agreed...your flowers will look totally awesome. Don't worry so much because everything will come together. Are you getting a convertible? It would look so nice after the wedding with the top down although they are $$. Convertibles are expensive but cheaper via Hotwire.com at around $45 a day. Totally ask for the Ivory convertible PT cruiser! I saw a wedding couple last year in Maui with the Ivory PT crusier and they looked so good in it. I must have it for the drive to Hana after my wedding! Thanks for the tip! I'm definitely going to look into renting a car like that for after the wedding! I was really concerned about my hair getting all messed up in a convertible, but the ceremony is at the hotel where I'm getting ready, so I won't even have to drive there, and after the ceremony, who cares, right? I'll just get them to hairspray the heck out of it!!
  22. What a great thread! I can't believe that I just noticed it now! We try to do a lot of the little things too: - no plastic shopping bags (always the canvas reusable ones) - started using biodegradable trash bags for our household garbage - recycle as many items as we can - only run the dishwasher full - we're not vegetarian, but we've cut out red meat and minimize our non-vegetarian meals - use Method cleaning products (they're sold at Shopper's Drug Mart in Canada) - don't use airconditioning in our home - are switching to energy efficient lightbulbs as the old ones burn out - cloth napkins instead of paper - ebills instead of paper bills - never buy bottled water I think the biggest thing we've done though, is bought a home in the inner city, so we walk to work. Actually, we walk almost everywhere. We have two vehicles, but both of them almost never move on a weekday. Pretty much the only time we drive anywhere is on the weekends. I fill the gas tank of my car maybe once a month, usually more like once ever 6 weeks!
  23. Oh, and if you're going to miss your brother's wedding, you should really at least call him on the phone to tell him that, not send him an email.
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