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Everything posted by loveangel0610

  1. I feel your pain. My FI sort of does the same thing only with phone calls. Since my FI is states away at his externship all we have is the phone. So every night between 10 and 11 he calls me. Or atleast he supposed to. Lately his lazy butt falls asleep. So I call and call and call and he finally answers half sleep. It makes me so mad because I look forward to talking to him every night. I swear men just don't understand.
  2. Congratulations!!! And your dress was gorgeous and it looked beautiful on you. I am like in love with your dress. I couldn't have picked a better one myself.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Thats strange. Is that her first grandchild? Yes that's her first grandchild and they have another one on the way. Honestly the whole family is weird. They have all been acting strange lately. Oh well forget them. I guess I'll see him when I see him. Oh almost forgot my mom called over there earlier to see if they wanted some more cake (my lil sis just graduated and we had a huge sheet cake) and they didn't answer but we knew they were there. So she calls back and my mom said if she didn't feel like taking the baby outside we would watch him out there. Then my neighbor had the nerve to say oh he doesn't feel like or want to go outside. That's a bunch of bull. What litlle kid doesn't want to ride his bike outside or play with some sidewalk chalk or even blow a few bubbles. I'm done. If she wants to act this way then she can go ahead.
  4. Yes she is very strange. I finally got to see him today for like 2 seconds. He looked so cute in his little suit. Maybe the next time I see him I'll get 4 seconds instead of 2 lol.
  5. LOL maybe so. He's def too big to be carried. When I picked him up to give him a hug when he first got here he was getting heavy after a few seconds.
  6. I sure hope not because his mom is 6 months pregnant and I know she won't have energy for a bad little boy.
  7. Reading this made me want some Sonic. Theres on 20 min from me but I never go to it.
  8. I have lived in the same house for the past 13 years so my neighbors have become like extended family. Well my neighbors oldest son who lives in Florida has a little boy who comes up here to spend the summer with his grandparents. The little boy is 3 and I love him to pieces. Well this past Sunday the baby came and he's staying for a couple of weeks. I saw the baby when he first arrived and I haven't seen him since. I called over to her house earlier to ask if he could come over for a little while and she said no. So I asked if he could atleast come outside so I could see him and she told me to stop asking her questions. I was like WHAT?! As close as we are and as much as I love that little boy you tell me no I can't see him. I was so hurt. But I should have expected that from her because she does all the time. She doesn't want any one around him but her. She's so weird. She holds him all day and wants him to only want her. WTF. Why would you carry a 3 year old around all day. He should be outside playing or atleast in the house playing. I understand that he's her grandson but other people love him too. I'm convinced she's just a weirdo.
  9. What a fun idea lol. I can't wait for FI to finish his externship so we can start.
  10. Congrats!!! I hope you get on the show!!!
  11. Congratulations!!!! Sounds like everything went perfect!
  12. . I hope you find everything you need on here I know I did.
  13. I also would like to try it but I was a little nervous about trying it. Please let me know how it goes.
  14. Sorry ladies I've been slacking on my posting but thank you for the compliments.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine she looks beautiful, and I like the new dress. As a high school teacher can I praise you and your mom for finding a dress that wasn't super short or that showed off all the goods...I cannot tell you how many times the kids come back from dances with pictures and I am shocked that their parents let them out of the house with the lack of clothing. She and her date look really cute together-it looks like they were excited to go to prom together. Thank you. My mom raised my sisters and I to be ladies and to dress like one. There was no way my little sister was going to the prom with every thing hanging out, that is so tasteless. I can imagine some of the dresses and outfits you have seen because I've seen some too. Some of the dresses I saw my mom would have killed me if I would have even looked at them for prom. These young ladies today need to be taught that less is more. But thank you again!
  16. Well ladies prom is in 2 1/2 hours and the dress isn't done. My mom hasn't heard from the seamstress all day. When she did talk to her my mom said 2:30 and she said it wouldn't be done. So my mom and I went to Macy's and bought my sister a new dress. Its a beautiful replacement. I'll be sure to post some pics later. But for now I need to find some way to calm down because I am furious. Thanks for all of the support though it really helped me.
  17. Well ladies I'm back from my interview. It went ok could have been a little better. Hopefully the next one goes a little better. Thanks for all the good luck wishes I really needed them.
  18. Well ladies I have an update. The dress still isn't ready. It's not even put together like she said it would be. I don't know how this is going to turn out. I hope that dress is done tomorrow or it's going to get ugly.
  19. Thanks I will definitely let you all know how my interviews go.
  20. Congratulations!!! You looked so beautiful! Every thing looked perfect.
  21. My job really made me miserable too. I used to get so stressed and it feels so good to know that I don't have to be stressed like that anymore.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 YAY! I am doing the same thing tomorrow!!! I am nervous and excited. I hate my job. I use to love it... I have been there almost two years but the boss is running it into the ground and I have to deal with all the crap. I hope I feel as good as you when I am done.. wish me luck and YAY FOR YOU! Good luck!!!! I used to love my job too but that faded very quickly. I was going to quit months ago when my doctor told me it wasn't good for my asthma but I decided to stick it out because I needed the money. But I finally had enough and I walked out. You will do fine tomorrow. It's not working out and you deserve better. Trust me you will feel great and again good luck!!!!
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