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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by yoAzul Thanks Tracy and Mummergirl - its good to know Im not the only one with these horrible thoughts! Not that I want u guys to deal with it but always makes u feel better when you arent alone Mummergirl - i do the SAME thing...i always think someone is gonna get in a car accident - its BAD. Like last night FI and I realized we were out of coffee so FI says he will go out and pick some up and my FIRST thought is OMG dont what if you get in a car accident - like WTF! He ended up going and obviously nothing happened - but i feel like im going crazy! I had this really bad, really bad! I think I felt like my love life was kind of grueling before and wouldnt it just be my luck that something will screw up my one chance at being happy, etc. And then on top of it I felt like a raging bitch for thinking about it that way, ie nobody better die and ruin my wedding!!! haha, that is an exaggeration, but not too far off!!!
  2. I agree. Now is the time to buy. I am dying to buy but I have the ALBATROSS (sp?) of owning a depreciated value condo around my neck. Otherwise, DH and I would live in something bigger than a one bedroom!
  3. Yeah, marriage is really hard! I love it, but find it somewhat challenging too. DH is in school full time and got a big shot new job on top of it, and I think his priorities are not in the right order. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and talking through stuff has really been good for us. Kelly, you have to talk to him. I hadn't seen an update in a while, but last I had heard, he was dragging his feet. He has to know that the time for that is over!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009 Wow. Scandelous! lol. That's great that DH knows everything, and you probably feel a GAZILLION times better knowing that he knows. I think it speaks volumes about your relationship! I'm glad it all worked out in the end. Yeah, I kind of figured when he was begging to come back after randomly breaking up with (and breaking my heart) that I could come clean. It seemed the power had suddenly shifted and I knew if it came out later it would be bad, but since he was focused on us getting back together, it phased him a moment and then he was like I dont care, I want us to be together. Alls well that ends well, I guess! I am lucky that he isn't that jealous of a guy. I don't know that someone that he fooled around with could have been a BM ever in my wedding!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy Now two of those friends are coming to our wedding with their wives, one's even a groomsmen. I'm not sure how I feel about it but since my FI knows and doesn't care it's cool but still a little funny to have someone I "KNOW" (ah-hem) as a GM. Uh yeah. My confession, one of my GM's was really more of a Bridesman because he is my BFF. It was a sticky situation since. Me and GM work togther and went on a business trip and decided to spend a few days in Cabo as an add on, since our business was in LA. At the time we booked it, we were both single. We had shared a room before, no biggie. The last night of the trip some stuff happened (lol) and I had been with my now DH for a few weeks. But we werent exclusive yet or anything so I was like whatev. But I never told DH. He said he was okay with my friendship with him as long as nothing ever had happened, so I never mentioned it. Well a year down the road we broke up, and he wanted to get back together so I came clean so that he could make a decision knowing all factors. He was horrified, but now a year later, they are okay and he let me have him in the wedding. So alls well that ends well. Plus my GM is really handsome... but he is also my best friend now and all those experiences brought us as close as we are now. Nothing will ever happen between us again obviously, but I don't really regret anything since DH and I were not exclusive yet.
  6. Oh and PS. after the AWESOME support we got from everyone (sarcastic) I was like screw having an AHR. Who would I even invite? People let us down so much, why would I then spend more money to put on a party for these slackers?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by FLgator I confess.... that I feel like I don't have any truly good friends anymore. Gator, I too know exactly how you feel. My 2nd best friend (I know thats a really immature way to put it) never called after my wedding, and didn't even get us a gift. The weird thing is that she is getting married a few months and am I supposed to just not give her a gift or a card? I know I sounds hung up on the gift and its not that, but it does seem a little gesture from your best friends isnt too much to ask. WHen we got home from Mexico, my husband I talked about getting new friends and maybe joining some meetup groups to meet new couples. We were so let down by so many people that we thought maybe it would hurt less to just start from scratch. So, you arent alone...I know how you feel.
  8. Marie- I am not sure who you mean, but this thread and the venting thread are meant to be safe outlets for people to vent on wedding frustrations. I found planning the wedding to be difficult, and without this board, I would have been totally alone. And venting here was great because other people in the same boat would be there to support things that those not having a DW wouldnt understand. As far as the search functionality, I agree people shouldn't keep posting, but seaching threads is ridiculously hard. If you dont get the results you want you have to wait, and with common words like Wedding Coordinator, or Wedding Programs, you won't get concise results. I would rather us not get mad at Newbies, and just try to help them. If you are better at a search, post the link and tell them what you searched on.
  9. The song still makes me cry. I didn't cry during the dance because I felt really on display in that moment, but my dad cried a little!!! The song is amazing! I have been wondering a female singer with the style of Kendal Payne managed to excape my awareness before that, since I love that kind of music!
  10. Brittney yours is almost here! I am so excited for you!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by NJ_bride "The people you love the most, will be among those who hurt your feelings the most as you plan the "Big Day". It's those you least expect that will surprise you with their thoughtfulness and helpfulness." I have never read a more true thought! Almost 3 months after my wedding I still think about that part everyday. Some relationships were changed forever over our wedding. Also agree with the less is more. I also agree with both of these points. My mom was asking about flowers and if there would be enough. But you know what, flowers are expensive. Candles are not expensive. So when it finally came, it was so dark, flowers wouldnt have been the best way to spend money! And it looked gorgeous because the backdrop was the waves! As far as who will hurt you, DH still won't talk to his step mother that he was super close to before. She got upset with DH's dad and cancelled her trip suddenly in October. We didn't even know until December, right before the wedding. He was so hurt. Meanwhile, my mother's work friend came and spent the whole time with the family and gave us a very generous gift, and it has changed that relationship too!
  12. I totally agree. Valentines day is pointless to me. I think either you feel loved or you dont in life. Is that terrible? I guess it's just the idea of a date being picked and on that date all couples in western civilization have to express love. What about expressing it when you do feel it? Maybe I am just cranky cause I am PMS ing on Vday. But I have always hated it and the high prices and difficult getting reservations that go along with it.
  13. I got back in January. Walmart and Costco and Mega have all the alcohol you would want. It is priced similar to the US. As far as OOT bag stuff, I did not have any luck. Any swag that was mexican themed was really expensive at Walmart. We had a little gift night for Christmas dinner and DH wanted to buy everyone little gifts, and it was like tiny bottle of tequila with a sombrero was 8 bucks. They had pic frames and bottle openers etc, but it was way overpriced. Same with PV t-shirts etc. Other than that, Walmart is the same as here. Actually, it kind of reminds me of what a Walmart would be like in a vacation spot. Like the one in Sturgis SD has tons of overpriced souvenirs during Bike Week!
  14. For anyone interested, if you want to see wedding pics, I can pm you. I have no idea how to post!
  15. I have heard that the full mariachi is really loud, and people say that they cant hear over it at all. I think the trio was more peoples favorite. I didnt do the trio or fire dancers, but if we had more people, I totally would have. As far as websites for cakes and stuff, they are awesome at replicating any picture you have. You can even do a google image search and send your WC the pics. Couldnt be easier. I loved everything about getting married there!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi haha...FI is actually pretty good about it...he trys to not take one side or the other and honestly I try to keep him out of the middle of it all. He this his mommy is crazy just like I do though...although I will admit...he does need to totally cut the umbilical cord if you know what i mean! Uhg, been there girl! Something about Boys and their moms. I guess its lucky for me that DH lives 5 hours from his family and thinks his mom is nuts! I know that's terrible to say, but I had such a bad experience before. Plus, my parents are enough to manage! Quote: Originally Posted by Dana_C I just have to get this off of my chest- so I came over to visit my dad and my step-mom tells me (after he's gone to sleep) that he may be getting laid off from his job of 28 YEARS, which is why he has not given me a direct answer about what they will contribute to the wedding, and now I feel guilty for having a DW! I don't think that money's so bad that they wouldn't come, and I don't mind if they cannot help- but their suggestion is that we have it at home!! I don't see how putting ourselves in debt for the kind of wedding that we don't even want is a solution... Whether they contribute or not, your wedding will cost a fortune at home...plus it isn't what you want. The DW is the right thing if that is what you have been dreaming of. I hope everything works out for your dad!
  17. Yours looked amazing too! I got the greatest feedback from guests, and we had such a great time! Anyone considering LC, feel free to contact me, you won't be sorry!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by msjcastillo Jamie thank you so much for the review! I was wondering if you took picture before or after the ceremony. Did you feel that you had enough time & light to take pictures afterward? I can't wait to see pictures! We actually got pics of the getting ready before the wedding, but didn't want to see each other before the wedding, so took all our couple pics at the end. The in house photographer package isnt a big package, so most of our pics were of the ceremony, but there was plenty of time. That said, I started my ceremony at 4:45 instead of the hour later. I still think there will be enough time, but plan around the sunset.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by bca33 Thanks Duchess! I love the smores idea! The setup for Smores was really nice. I didnt even see them, until I got the pics back, but my guests loved them.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MaryS Hi Jamie Everything looked fantastic. I was wondering for your cuppa did you get the beads through LC or did you by them and bring them to PV? Actually, LC provided them because I saw a pic and showed her and she had everything. Also, it saved $50 because the chuppa with flowers is more than the chuppa without!!!
  21. Wow, I can't imagine what you are going thru Kelly. That is really ridiculous! I wonder if he is secretly scared of that final step. Regardless, he has to get over it. BachataBride, I didnt do a TTD either, because we were so exhausted. Plus my cousin was going to do it and then it wouldnt be all sexy or whatever. But he is a really talented photog, but his ideas were a little too crazy, so we decided not to do it at all. I really regret it! He told me we could do it someday, but I think that was to appease me.
  22. I am curious too about the sparklers and the birds of paradise. What cool ideas, I wish I had thought of!!! I guess there is no limit to what they can do at LC. The smores are provided by them, and for me it was 1.50 pp.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Duchess Thanks for the info on the veils bc I just got my gown and of course the veil i wanted cost $250 I'm like you gotta be kidding me. I willl do an ebay search tonite. Oh good, I am so glad. There were totally things that I regret spending the money on! If you search on here, someone had posted a veil site that was really good too. Maybe search this thread. Even though I am done with my wedding, this is still one of my favorite threads! Well this one and the one with peoples confessions!
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