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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy I think it's adorable! My FI and I love karaoke too - he proposed to me by singing me a song! Love it! That is a story I would LOVE to hear!!! That sounds so cute! Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I will practice it a few times here and there, and even see if I could pull it off. The only bad thing is that he has already mentioned having our first dance to that song, which would blow that! Oh well, I guess I have 8 months to decide!
  2. I have been known to do a little karaoke in my time. I think I am passable. So I was thinking of surprising my honey by singing our song to him at the wedding, which, incidentally is "the luckiest" by ben folds. Is that horribly lame, or romantic? I always picture romantic, but it might be way cheesy. Hoping I could do it well, of course, because I suppose that is a factor in itself!
  3. THAT IS SO AWESOME. My man wouldn't do it though.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Cerda We will be married before we go to Mexico. If you don't do it in the United States, it means that everytime that you need a copy marriage certificate you will have to get it from Mexico. Anyway, I believe almost everyone gets marry first and then to DW. Especially Mexico brides. From what I hear, its kind of pain to do a legal ceremony there. I have a friend who did, but her wedding was in Spanish. We are keeping it a secret, but I have already been a little to "blabby" on that. Hey does anyone know if the legal US ceremony has to be in the state you reside? We thought it would be nice to do it in his hometown (Port Huron, MI) since Puerto Vallarta is my family's vacation spot. Has anyone dealt with this? THANKS!
  5. Yari-so glad he is okay. I was going to blame Vegas. I had a trade show there last year and on the phone, got into a huge fight with my dear fiance (just bf at the time). Well I am a basket case because we had a rocky past (much better now). So I go out that night and am like this sucks I am probably single, yada yada. Get back to my room, no text or anything. I was nauseous all the next day, didnt sleep, etc. So at the airport on the way home that day he texts me can't wait to see you. So when I got home I was like hey you could have let me know you werent mad, to which he replied that he DID!!! So I spent one of the worst nights of my life, but "Vegas" prbably has so many busy circuits a night that I didnt get a really important text. Isn't it always the important texts that fail Oh well, enough of my rant. Glad everything is okay!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I don't, just because of what you mentioned. Oand their was a picture of her on her bed wearing just a bra and panties in a sexy pose that her DH took of her. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! FI has been without a cellphone since January because his phone broke and he is having some kind of pi$$ing contest with Sprint. But we used to send naughty notes. I always worried because my phone is a work cell phone so what if they get a printout of all texts sent! I guess they would know that I had a little fling with a co-worker at one point too (before my dear fiance of course).
  7. I am sorry you are dealing with so much! Don't worry about hubby seeing that stuff. Worry about your mom right now. It might all still work out in the end!
  8. My sis mentioned goldfish in the vases with flowers floating on top, so Nicole (WC) said I am going to be her guinea pig for this! Haven't seen any, but I am open to the idea!
  9. Okay, weird question, and I will ask Nicole to be sure...but has anyone considered having one of the MC's from the day tour do their wedding (mc or dj)? My family loved Allan (sp?). His personality was great, accent was charming, and energy was fantastic. I think it would kind of screw up the day trip tho, but I would happy having him run the music and do the MC'inc. Just a thought...
  10. Be careful, the drinks are strong there! At least on the boat ride!
  11. Ann- You are not a dork at all! Especially since you have a baby on the way, of course you are thinking about family things. It's got to be innate for women to do that! Anyway, the day tour would be great for all ages, and you can get great pics of your little tot there. How cute would that be?
  12. Julia did her site review the day after me, and her pics were better! I am a horrible photographer, or maybe I need a new camera! Here is her thread...http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18460
  13. I was going to do a site review and post pics, but Julia your pics are so much better, and your site review echo's mine exactly. I think I will just link to your thread!!! It really was amazing. I am in love with the place. And I love that this can be a place that we can come back to for a beach day just the two of us to reminisce down the road. THose of you who are doing this site unseen, don't worry. This place has it together, and is stunning. It will amaze you on your wedding day!
  14. My wedding is between xmas and NYE because so many teachers in my family wouldn't be able to go otherwise. So weather wise, I am all good. But the expense of getting there and staying there, I am very worried about my guests. Especially those who don't know if they can make it yet.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nano.dogs When my FI and I went to Peru last year, we got prescriptions for "traveler's diarrhea" (ciprofloxacin HCl--i think it's the cipro everyone else on this forum is talking about) I didn't use it (I'm a believer of just letting this pass their course) because I got sick at the end of my trip, but I wouldn't think twice about using it if it interfered with my wedding day!!!! Thats my thought too. It is a serious antibiotic, but it does help!!! But I have another question. Can this set in a week after one returns from Mexico? I ask because I came back on Wednesday, feeling great. Then the following Monday night (2 days ago) I got violently ill, the worst vomiting and <ahem> other symptoms of my life. I am still dealing with it on Thursday! I am not happy. I had to miss a day of work!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I didn't think they did daytime weddings there, because of the day trips. I know they don't have a day trip on Sunday's but I think you can go over earlier but the wedding is still around sunset. I could be wrong, we just changed our date to Sunday instead of Monday a couple of days ago, so still a lot to figure out! If anyone knows differently, it would be very interesting to find out!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by CODestBride2009 I too have a bit of hesitation on the boat ride but the more pictures I look at the better I feel! I just did a site visit and while the boat I took was bigger than the one that we will use for the wedding, it was still no problem. (I should mention that I am boater anyway). We also asked Nicole about what it is like coming home at night, and she said the water over there is not really that choppy at that time. She said that the way out is a little choppier, but people won't have been drinking yet, whereas late at night, after drinking, a smooth ride is best. Just wanted to let you know!
  18. It was more than what I expected. It was just really perfect, and it is pretty affordable, and it seems like they make it really easy to plan, which was important to me because I don't know vendors in Mexico and didn't want to make a million phone calls everywhere to get it planned. I love that it is a one stop shop. But I can not stress enough how lovely it is there. I wouldn't do it just because of the ease of planning, that is just a bonus. I saw a few more places while there, and they just aren't for me. This fit me to a "T"!!! The pics I am going to post are of the view and the places for the men and women to get ready. Sorry if they are bit blurry! I will do that once I figure out how to make them much smaller, since they are like 800kb right now!!!
  19. Hello ladies! I apologize if this should fall under the big LC thread, but I wasnt sure. I just got back from Las Caletas on Tuesday, and it was really amazing. Nicole was as wonderful as I had heard she would be, and I just have nothing negative to say. So, we are confirmed for 12/28/2008! It was supposed to be the 29th, so I have to get that updated. I will upload a few of the pics I took once I figure out how. Thanks!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyFled They just came out with a new scent "Royal Flush" (I think it's supposed to appeal to men) You are hilarious. That is something I wouldn't have thought of, but love the idea.
  21. You know, I got engaged in London and my darlin honey insured it before taking it out of the country, state, house, etc. Seems like step 1 to me, but then again, I dont have to come up with cute proposals.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by tlomlad sigma sigma sigma at st joes philadelphia!!!!!! Sigma Sigma Sigma at Illinois State. How's it going SISTER
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Nordstroms. They were only $55 then. They are gorgeous! Good Find. Now with regard to the BM, you are not at all being a bridezilla. It is your one f**king request!!! Dont let it get you crazy. Your wedding is going to be amazing and I bet if she tries to pin anything she will give up because that will be a pita and probably not work. Don't worry Rachel. You are still "chill"! I realize I am lucky because my dear fiance has already announced that anyone who upsets me during the pre wedding is no longer invited, and if someone upsets me at the wedding I think he is going to make them sit in some type of homemade jail until the end of the night! He doesnt care if its my mother!
  24. Looks like my vote tied them up again! This is going to be a tough one!!!
  25. Do any cruise lines have itineraries that start in Puerto Vallarta? I think it would be cool to get on a cruise after the wedding festivities and get away from all of my loved ones! Not that I want to avoid them, but yeah, I kind of do...at least for the honeymoon!
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