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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura the price to fly to cabo was about $500-600 depending on the airline. from LA, it was about $300 for a nonstop flight. Yep I did an all inclusive to Cabo from LA in Nov 2006 and it was like 700 bucks for everything! I just had envisioned this huge fun party but now I am thinking it isnt going to as big. It just ends up being weird because some friends booked thinking others were going to, but then the others may not. Might end up being family with a few random friends. I guess thats okay too.
  2. Uhg!!! ANyone else having major problems with the cost of airfare? I booked mine in Puerto Vallarta during the high season, but even last year tickets from Ohare were about $500 if booked early. Now with taxes, over $1000 and that is even with a stop over in Mexico City!!! Any other brides dealing with the same thing? Any tips and hints, or insights from travel agents about what prices might do in the next few weeks or months? Thanks!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Timelady_ I've been thinking about making brochures of our wedding destination and might use Vistaprint again. I would love to see that when you are done. What a cool thing to do!
  4. I used them too. The day that I went to actually finalize the order was the day the sale on postcards ended, so it was actually a few bucks, but I loved that I could upload a mailing list and they did the rest!!!
  5. Dear Client & his "Secretary", I am getting embarrassed for you. You are so selfish and act like royalty. We are doing so much for you. Please stop saying you can't take taxi's only towncars. It's chicago for crissake. Please stop bringing your husband on business trips because you know we pay for everything. Please stop implying that we should pay for your expenses while here. You are a profitable company and have an expense account. Please stop expecting us to drop everything on the busiest weekend of the summer to take you to NASCAR (OMG I am not even kidding) where you bitch about the $400 seats I got on stub hub. And stop coming here for a boondoggle that you won't even let me make into a reasonably productive visit. You bite. Dear Account Manager getting this account from me, I am sorry this is your problem now. It was too much for me to handle, but your a great guy. I am sure it will be fine.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16710-3 Also my monogram was made by our own wonderful Sarah Sproullie. Her website is here: Sproullie Designs | Custom Photobooks, Invitations and more!. I contacted Sarah on her website and had a darling monogram in under 24 hours! It is so great!!! Thanks Rachel!
  7. about your wedding? How far away is it? I get really excited and then sad when I realize how far away it is!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tracy We got silk ivory trousers and a teal/mocha (my colors) hawaiian type shirt for the guys, and my FI is wearing Ivory silk trousers and a beatiful white shirt. I love teal and mocha. FI wanted blue and green. He said our wedding would look like our bedroom. Whatever, my bedroom is taupe is sky blue, but what does he know!!!
  9. They are all beautiful but your body looks insane in #1! Whichever you pick will be great tho.
  10. Sorry I posted in the wrong place. I forget to search sometimes. Thanks for putting this in the right place.
  11. Hi Everyone- So I found my dress (yay!) And started to think about Groom and Groomsman attire since my dress is fancier than I expected. I would like a beige suit on the groom with a hawaiian shirt, and then the dad's and groomsmen in beige slacks and the same shirt, no jacket. Any good vendors either shops or online that you guys have found for this?
  12. Hi Everyone- I am in the midst of deciding on photographers and possible hair & makeup people for my LC Wedding in December. My mom found a stylist who will come to LC and costs approx what Nicole quoted me. Has anyone used the stylist who works with pvadventures, and if so, what do you think? Also, I think there is photographer who works at LC but I know a lot of brides get their own photog. I was thinking the LC person would really know how to work with the lighting there, etc. Has anyone used the photographer that is price quoted on the LC contract? If not, anyone you would recommend for an LC wedding? I have a few names so far, but looking for further suggestions. Thanks!
  13. If that place in queens is only $200 then it is worth it to fly there for the day, because its about $600 in some good places in Chicago. I am more afraid of my hair breaking. I have seen that before. Also, I am worried I would do it and then still have to do stuff to my hair because the curls would be out but my hair is thick with fine strands so it gets really flyaway. As far as having to work with the roots, no biggie. It would faster than doing my whole head! I might do this because a hairstylist at Las Caletas is about $400 bucks. If I could do my own hair, it would actually be cheaper with the thermal.
  14. Oooh that is my favorite place in PV. I loved having brunch there. We wanted to have my brunch there after the wedding (i'm a LC bride) but they couldnt accomodate my guests and theirs. I cant wait to hear more details! Are you staying there? That was the most beautiful place! So jealous!
  15. I think we are going to do a few days in San Pancho (San Francisco) which is a sleepy fishing village an hour from PV, with gorgeous beaches and villas.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ChristinaH This is handy too: Calculate Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset - The Old Farmer's Almanac But use a city in line with PV in Mexico - like Odessa, TX This is so helpful, thanks!
  17. I agree, don't kick her out, but politely and civilly tell her that since it is unclear whether she will be able to make it there, she is still a BM but you need a MOH who will be present for everything. I am doing a DW for the same reason, CHICAGO is expensive! As it turns out, Mexico is expensive for my guests though during xmas time!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by nphaskins YouTube - Trash the Dress - 1000 Frames That is awesome. You look stunning.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by calyx6 I have a Braun X'elle silk epil. It has those little rollers that are supposed to confuse your nerve endings as the hair is getting yanked out. -V- Do the nerves actually get confused? Does it lessen the pain? My problem was that it hurt so bad, I couldnt continue. Mine doesnt have the rollers.
  20. My grandma is a little slow moving. And always cold. So as you can imagine, she is being a real breath of fresh air about the whole thing. Hey Marla, was it really cold coming back at night? I know mine isnt till December so the weather is different then anyway, but just curious. Also, was the water choppy?
  21. Also, this might be weird, but I travel a lot, and see the $10 pashminas at airport gift shops... I know, I'm a weirdo.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Most of the BM's are zero's or two's and I know my dress will look ginormous next to theirs'. I want to at least be smaller than the size they ordered for me. Uggh I am not looking forward to this at all! When you guys go in for the dresses, wont they be in plastic dress bags? Inside the bag, they will all look the same, right? Then you can go into the dressing room, get the dress on, and look just as stunning, if not more stunning than some size 0 sticks. Let them be jealous of your curves! No offense to size 0's, just the ones that are making her nervous!
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