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Everything posted by marisolhernandez

  1. We totally lucked out! We got married last weekend in Dreams PV and we opted NOT to have fireworks. Well, as luck would have it...someone else decided to host a fireworks show on April 18th.... Needless to say, our guests were so impressed by the fireworks show "we" hosted....
  2. Hi, Here is a rough draft of our ceremony. Hope this helps.... We pulled this together using a few different ceremonies that we found online. Wedding ceremony final.doc
  3. We're having ours outside the resort too. We were between Boca Bento and Epoca, but in the end went with Boca Bento. We liked the menu better, but they both had good reviews. We are doing it all sight unseen...
  4. Hi Guys, I'm getting married in April at Dreams. As the RSVP's started rolling in, we realized that we had WAY more people than we had initially anticipated. We were thinking we would have 75 guests max. Then, all of a sudden the international RSVP's starting rolling in... It looks like we are going to have 90 guests now. Not a big deal... Only problem is that the Terrace at Dreams doesnt fit that many people comfortably with a dance floor.... Our options are to have the wedding on the beach, or in a reception area inside. What do you guys think? Has anyone been married indoors at Dreams? I think we are leaning towards having it on the beach, but are a little worried that the sand would be annoying after a while. Thoughts??
  5. Hi! I'm glad that you guys pointed out that the Malecon is the best on Sunday, I wouldnt have known that. Thanks!! We are expecting about 90 - 110 guests, so it would have been pretty pricey for us to arrange a formal welcome dinner/cocktails. Instead, we are having an informal theme party/welcome cocktails at the Barracuda Bar on the Thursday before the wedding. We are bringing name tags for the theme party, because so many of the guests do not know each other and it will be a fun ice breaker and help start conversations. April 18th is really sneaking up on us!
  6. I gave my shower hostess an orchid in a really nice pot. She seemed to really like it.
  7. thanks!! does anyone have PV-specific horror/success stories? I was thinking of going to Sam's or the market to pick up some thing as well.
  8. Hi, I just searched the PV forum for info on OOT bags. I wasn't able to find anything. What is everyone doing for their OOT bags? I want to assemble them myself. Ideally, I would like to buy everything (or almost everything) here and then ship a box down to PV. I'm nervous that the box will get lost in-transit. What have others done? I just don't want to spend a day down there shopping for/assembling the bags if I can avoid it. Thanks for your help! Marisol
  9. We are doing the same thing too. Secretly getting married in SF and then heading to PV for the symbolic ceremony. We have chosen some pretty great readings, does anyone have a copy of their ceremony to share? Rob's friend is marrying us, which will be great bc he is an amazing speaker, but I have no idea about the ceremony outline. I found some online, but they seemed really long and most were very religious.
  10. Your pictures are amazing! Your photographer did a great job. You all looked so nice!!! My fiance really likes the groomsmen's shirts and your husbands shirt. I'm getting married at Dreams in April...can't wait!
  11. How about some hot sauce? I found this on The Knot. Unique Wedding Favors - Unique Personalized Wedding Favors - Unique Wedding Favor Ideas)
  12. yaya!! have a great time! Can't wait to see pictures when you get back!
  13. I'm getting married next April. We are using DD and they have been really easy and great to work with. All of the pictures I have seen of their weddings have been really classy and fun!
  14. Hi, Here is his website. Vancouver wedding photographer Rick Collins. Wedding and portrait photography in Vancouver, Victoria, British Columbia and worldwide. It's pretty amazing. You can find his contact info there. He seems great to work with.
  15. Oh...and to answer your other questions: We booked Rick Collins. Lauren used him and her photos were amazing. I'm really excited, bc she said that he was great to work with. I emailed Dreams several times and didnt hear back from them. However, they had been responding w/i 5 days, but for some reason my email wouldnt accept their messages. (and didn't even give me a junk mail notification). Once I figured that out, they sent all the original emails to my hotmail account and that worked out well and they responded pretty quickly. I added Mexico to my landline plan, but I really only had to call Mexico once and it was pretty cheap to call.
  16. Hi, I just PM'd you. Please let me know if you have any other questions! You will be fine!! Once you lock in a date, you will be good to go! It was like an insta-stress reliever!
  17. Don't get too stressed. I have a really good travel agent that I can refer you to. She helped me book the rooms and they were really reasonable Her name is Teresa and her email address is:[email protected] She is great!! As far as the wedding, not quite sure where yet. We are having it on April 18th, but I have actually hired Kristin from Dazzling Details to help me coordinate and alleviate the stress. I dont think that we will have to go down there, bc she has been really good so far. I'm planning on having between 50 -75 people, but who knows with a destination wedding...
  18. loeloe, I'm not sure if the same thing happened to you that happened to me re: hearing back from Dreams. For some reason, my regular email address blocks the Dreams' teams emails. I don't know why...and I didn't get a junk mail notification or anything. Apparently, they had been sending me emails, which they eventually forwarded to my hotmail account right away. Not sure if this is the case for you too.
  19. I bought my ribbon at M&J Trim in NYC. I went to the store, but they have a website too. I have never seen so many kinds of ribbon. If you email them this picture, I'm sure they will have something very similar. Decorative Trims, Cords & Fringe from M&J Trimming
  20. This is a tough one. We are inviting everyone to Mexico and figure that the randoms will opt out. When we get back we may have either a backyard bbq, or small cocktail party with hors d'ovres. The wedding in Mexico is our main celebration and I'm having my mom market it that way, so that the randoms wont expect anything huge when we get back. Afterall, our wedding budget only goes so far. I know this is your day, but I know it was hard to convince my mom that the randoms werent really necessary. Do your parents/in-laws have any expectations? Could you get away with skipping the post-party all together, or do you really want one?
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