My fiance and I met on I NEVER thought I'd do anything like that, and went into it with a 'at least its an evening out' mentality. We chatted back and forth through emails for over 2 months, then moved onto the phone, and then finally, gulp, in person!
He was sooooooo sweet. Brought me 5 little roma tomatoes that he had grown in his garden - come to find out they were the ONLY 5 tomatoes that produced that year! We cut them up and had them on the pizza we had gone and gotten for dinner. We've been inseperable ever since. 3 1/2 years later he proposed...I finally know what its like to say, and mean, that it feels like we've known each other forever!!! Such an amazing feeling!
I do admit that I was very nervous to tell anyone HOW we met though, I'm not sure why, but at the time I didn't know too many others going that route, or those that did weren't having the best of luck and I really didn't want their opinions at that time. The more people I've told now though the more that think it's great! I guess I'm just a freak like that! hahahahahaha