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Everything posted by Yvette

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am going to be blunt here...get rid of her now! You don't need extra baggage weighing you down. If she is not honored to be in your wedding then she doesn't deserve to be in it period. I have to agree! Quote: Originally Posted by Maura trust me when i say let her go. you can still be friends, but give her the option to bow out gracefully -- tell her you understand she's busy, and you dont have time to screw around tracking stuff down. if she cant fulfill her BM duties, tell her you still love her, and are sorry she cant manage her schedule to help out with her end of the planning (which is really to just get a fricking dress that fits, come on how hard is that?). maybe she is acting this way because she doesn't want the responsibility anymore. i agree with maura, give her the option. sorry she is stressing you out!
  2. oh, i'm sorry you are going through this! sending big hugs your way! don't worry i'm sure your fmil will be understanding.
  3. very nice! i had a friend take some Boudoir pics for me too & i love them!
  4. i am interested in the polaroid instant cameras (izone).
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa HA i was like is she talking about Kidney Stones or something? ha! i thought the same thing!
  6. those shirts are the cutest! congrats!
  7. Yay! Congrats to both of you! Have a great relaxing trip.
  8. i think it's fine, i know someone who had their reception on the sunday before memorial day this year. plus it's a lot cheaper than a saturday night reception! i say go for it!
  9. i like it too. and i love the pill people. good job!
  10. Valtrex always works for my hubby. we usually try to get him on it as soon as he feels one coming on and it doesn't get as bad. if you get an rx or sample from your doctor i'm sure you will see a difference within a days time.
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