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Everything posted by Yvette

  1. i got to meet jason newsted a couple of times. weird story, i have a good friend who was and is obsessed with him. so i was taking a break from college, years ago, and she mentioned there was a concert happening in CA and she wanted to go. (one of his many sideprojects, called echobrain) so it was spring break for her and we decide to go see this band. she was a part of their street team so she got us into the meet and greet after the show. so we got to meet him and wanted to take some pics but he kindly declined due to the flash hurting his eyes. we were bummed but still glad we got to talk with him. so we started talking with the others who got to stick around after the show and mentioned we were from chicago and came out to see them play. well word got back to jason about our journey to come see him and later that night he approched us ready to take pictures. how sweet is he! we got to talk with the band and get signatures when they did a show in wi. but it was amazing when we got to hang out with them a second time when they made their way to chicago. so that is my long odd story about jason newsted.
  2. i've only been to 1. mexico 2. canada 3. us-fl, wi, mn, ca, tx, mi, & pa i think that is about it. i need to travel more! but with the wedding coming up i will be in the virgin islands and puerto rico! yay!!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 So etiquette wise for this...my parents gave us a nice amount of money to help with the expense. Neither of his parents did or have (they are divorced). Both claim they are planning on it. But lets say they dont give us money like they say they will. Do we give his mom a gift (his dad isnt going cuz he claims he cant afford it even though he just bought a new ford mustand convertible and had custom paint job done to his motorcycle, etc but thats ane entirely different post). I plan on giving my folks something so does that mean I have give his mom and/or dad something too? this is a good point! my dad has been the same way, saying he will help us out but come on now we are 5 months out and i still have not seen a dime. he even talks to my mom saying he'll give me "x" amount next time he sees me and when i see him he doesn't even mention it! then there is my mom who is as helpfull as can be. she put down the deposit for my dress and is willing to help pay for the wedding. i don't think that is very fair. so far we are doing pretty good and have enough saved up. but i guess the question is do i get my dad a gift? would i be a total jerk head if i didn't?
  4. i was thinking of getting them a digital pic frame with a variety of pictures from our trip. only thing that sucks about that is my parents are divorced so i would have to buy and upload to three seperate frames. boring!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by sgrimm1 Hmmmm pretty Cool Here is mine: August 22 You tend to be understated and under appreciated. You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way. People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little. Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know. Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid Your power color: Silver Your power symbol: Square Your power month: April you share the same day as my hubby!
  6. This is fun! I would say it's about right. Your Birthdate: April 16 You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head. You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking. People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right. You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself. Your strength: Your original approach to thinking Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others Your power color: Pale blue Your power symbol: Wavy line Your power month: July
  7. OMG! are you serious!? i can't believe someone got a picture of this. is that a cop car in the other lane?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek OMG, i didn't even think about a gift for my ring bearer. Mine is 1, and won't technically be carrying the ring he'll just be starting to walk. I did already buy some things for him, just because he's so stinking cute! But I think i'm going to make him a little beach bag with beach toys like buckets, shovels, and sand castle molds, a bathing suit, sunblock, and beach sweat jacket i got from old navy. i did the same thing for my flower girl. (she's 5) i got a sand bucket, a coloring book, crayons, a small puzzle and some other misc things to go into the bucket. i will be giving it to her before we leave so she can keep busy on the flight.
  9. 1- Name as it appears on birth certificate: Yvette Marie Espinoza 2- Date of birth: 4/16/81 3- Do you have any siblings? Yes with really big age gaps, 1 brother- Michael 12, and 3 sisters- Jennifer almost 22, Esmerelda 5, & Ruby 3 4- Color hair: Dark brown 5- Color eyes: Brown 6- Nationality: Mexican, but don't speak spanish 7- Size shoe: 6.5-7 8- Favorite color: Orange & Yellow 9- Favorite article of cothing: oh, I don't know. I really like my hemp chucks 10- Favorite book: That's tough too, I can't decide.... 11- Favorite food: love any kind of potatoe, fries, mashed, pancake, whatever! 12- Future childs name: tough questions! Samara or Isabella and Noah for a boy. boys are hard to choose! 13- What are your parent/s names: mom: Chriselda dad: Silvester, Jr 14- Who was your first crush: David, aw, can't remember last name, I went to school with him 15- Who was the first boy to break your heart: 2 boys both named rob/robbie 16- Favorite vacation: cali with jess 17- If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? my belly/love handles, hence my answer for question 18 18- Have you ever had plastic surgery? If so what; and if not would you ever consider it? I've never had anything done, but I'd consider a tumy tuck 19- How tall are you? 5'1 20- Favorite celebrity: Antonio Banderas! talk to me!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel OK I lied. I found it really quick: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t8565 that is so amazing! i wish i had a pool too.
  11. very nice! i really like the hand imprint in the sand with your rings. so cute!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by melody Sacred Heart Diet wow this diet is hard core! i don't think i would have the will power to do it.
  13. our items in the oot bags are unisex. well, they are more of a welcome bag. we bought personalized koozies and chapsticks along with small bottles of lotions to go inside. but i think you can do whatever you want.
  14. before we went to a bridal show my friend asked us with hoodies. there was a card that said "will you be my..." then when we opened our bag there was a hoodie inside each airbrushed with BM, MOH, she even made some for the parents, MOther of the Bride and Groom. It was cute. We all wore them out to the show. She even made one for herself.
  15. DONE: Save the dates Location Secured Airline tix bought Hotel reservations Ceremony Time / Details Photographer Ceremony Musician Helper's gifts ordered (mom, sister, bff) Doing my own Make Up & Hair Have dress and tiara (pick up my dress this month, yay!!!) Booked Honeymoon My something blue Decided on bridal flowers Have wedding bands (deciding on getting them engraved or not) Welcome Bag & Goodies Wedding shoes / jewlery Bridal shower invites/decor/food menu Sea shell ring holder Flower girl basket decorated In Process: Pick up dress, get it altered and dry cleaned Groom Attire, just need to order it Brochure for attendees Group Activity Working on fan programs (just need to make sure ring keeper will make it) TTD Session Party in the park reception (not until the summer though) NEED TO DO: Buy bridal shower goodies Start Facial Series Menu Secured (rsvp's are due next month, will be done then) That's all I can think of for now....
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel No I didn't see that thread. I was rifling through my photogs site- you know, impatiently stalking it! haha ELIZABETH LLOYD - Photographer under Cameo & Ryan. Their cake is the 5th picture from the end. I think it's really cool looking. that is soooo awesome! i wish i was having a day of the dead themed party!
  17. they look so good. where did you get your flowers from? ooppps! i see it!
  18. the wii fit looks so fun!
  19. yay! it always feels so good to get something checked off the list.
  20. me too!!! we are having a reception when we get back. not til the summer time though.
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