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Everything posted by drbrainfreeze

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Good point... we do have a Michaels near by. Do most flowers these craft places sell have that middle part pop out like she is talking about? I'm having difficulties visualizing what I am looking for. I'm sure they do. I think a lot of the times they come in those attached bunches. Just go in and start looking around. You can play around with the flowers til you find them. Just pull on the stems and if they separate from the haed of the flower you are halfway there! Other than that you just need to make sure the center pops out and back in. I have seen them before. Usually they are the less expensive type of fake flowers (thank god because we need so many)!!
  2. Also check Garden Ridge if you have one where you are. They might have something like that.
  3. Kahunaville is a really fun place. Good food and great drinks. I haven't been there in a long time though. Bartenders do a lot of tricks too
  4. I think we are using Margaritaville for the rehersal get-together. It would be a great place for a bachelor(ette) party though!
  5. Becky, You can probably find similar flowers to Michael's or AC Moore. I haven't looked at any of those places yet, but I would think they would have similar flowers
  6. Such beautiful pics! Where did you get your parasols again? Makes me want to get married this year instead of next!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece I did see 1 wedding at the beach gazebo in the rain! all the guests stood under palm trees and they stole the big umbrellas from the pool area. Haha that will be me!! Rane or shine I will be in the sand
  8. Omg I am so sorry that this was your wedding! I can't believe this crap is happening again. Especially because Robin was a guest at the hotel
  9. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm just going to look for the tiny locket frames they sell in crafts stores and do it myself
  10. My biggest fear!!! I guess you have to make the most of what you have so I am sure its beautiful.
  11. So beautiful Heidi! Can't wait to see the rest!!
  12. oh my those are SO amazing!! you looked so beautiful! I love love love those hanging orchids. Now Im going to have to do that!
  13. Thanks so much for sharing the pics and review! Looking forward to seeing more
  14. Pics and review!!! You know how it works :-)
  15. Maggianos is always really nice, really good food and nice atmosphere. We really liked it a lot when we were initially looking. The price is GREAT too and they can hold as little or as much as you need. They book up fast though!
  16. Thanks everyone! Dramamine it is!!! So I'll be all drunk from the punch and loopy from the Dramamine ;-)
  17. I tend to get some serious sea sickness :-( Whats the opinion on these boat trips to Dunns River Falls? Is the water really choppy where you feel sick? I'm ok in calmer water, but I once went deep sea fishing and it was NOT pretty. So as long as its pretty much calm I will be ok.
  18. wow, you looked stunning! What amazing pics!! Thanks for sharing. Do you have any tips, warnings, concerns, etc for all us future brides?
  19. Its so easy to vent here. I wish they could see all these posts and how stressed they are making people! I am using their videography, just not their photography. They should be happy with that!
  20. Just wanted to let people know, I got my samples from Petal Garden in the mail (free) and they are REALLY nice. Great colors and feel and even the look. They are not cheap feeling or looking!
  21. Heidi - thanks for the review! I've been looking forward to it. Can't wait to read more and see Robin's pics!
  22. Exactly how cold is the Dunn's Falls water? Are we talking comfortable or freeze my @$$ off cold...or somewhere in between. I don't care either way but FI is a bit "sensative"
  23. Haha I will leave it to all you 08 and early 09 ladies to show him whats up!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr The person that I've been corresponding with at the main office said that you would just need to purchase a day pass if your photgrapher is not staying on the resort.....i don't know where this $200 bucks came from! Read my earlier post on this page. Honestly, this changes from moment to moment! Sometimes its breach of contract ($200) and the day pass, other times its day pass, sometimes its NO you cannot bring outside vendors at all unless they are a guest. I think its however they feel on a particular day. I am really not all that worried as I am a year away!
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