Brian Nejedly (Jamaican photog that I am using) just e-mailed me and said he thinks that the RIU has changed their outside photog policy - He thinks that they no longer charge a fee for an outside photog. Now, I don't know if that means the breach of contract fee or the guest pass, but either way, saves me a bit of money!!
Confirmation: You have to pay for the day pass, but there is no "breack of contract" fee. According to Brian -
I do still need a day pass to get on the property, but that's all. I've had no problems with Michael any time I've been at Riu. I've read in some online forums that he got in the way, etc., but I have not had any problem with that, and if I did, would tell him to back off. Their wedding coordinator Chandelyn is very cool and very on top of things. She was aware of negative comments made online, and knowing how much that could hurt business, made the necessary changes. *I'm generally not a fan of the huge resorts, but*I think they do a great job with weddings at Riu.