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Everything posted by drbrainfreeze

  1. The day is finally here for Melissa. Although her plans were derailed in Jamaica due to hurricane Gustav, she is finally getting married in 4 hours
  2. Welcome!! There are a TON of ROR brides on here. Keep checking back on the Jamaica forum and the reviews. There are always girls coming back!
  3. Thanks! I forgot about the May 2009 thread. Going to check it out now. Thanks for the info. Now I just need to order the things!!!
  4. Good morning everyone! I need a little help in determining when to send out the invites and when to set the RSVP... I am getting married on May 9th and leaving for Jamaica on May 5th. Should I send out the invites in early November or wait a little longer? Also, should I set the RSVP by February 1st or March 1st. I did send out STDs with TA info, but people seem to not remember? Plus we have a website with all the info on it, but same as with the STD, they call us for the TA info. The invites would have an enclosure with the TA and website info AGAIN!!! Thanks for your input!
  5. The only problem with those is that they require a light bulb and then you have to plug the bulb in...so if you have a bunch of those, youre going to have a ton of wires running all over the place. I have been looking at the battery operated ones. I got a bunch from Bed, Bath and Beyond. They are not too bright but they are really cute....they are 5 for $9.99 and you can use a coupon...they come in white and multi
  6. Heres another option that I am looking at. Just waiting on a quote.... PlumeriasWeddingFlowerBoutique
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY The same etsy seller did my place cards. She is great with corespondance, the price was great and the quality is perfect. I would highly recomend her! Stacey, I had no doubts, but its so good to hear that someone else used her and recommends her. Shes has gotten back to me faster than I ever would have exprected
  8. I believe they categorize the regular (standard) rooms by "partial ocean view" and "ocean front"...not sure about the suites though. I would think they are all ocean view since the building is horse-shoe shaped?
  9. You will be fine. I think that the resort photographer has the pics ready to view the next day and edited and ready for you the following day. Same with the DVD. You have 8 days after your wedding which is plenty of time!
  10. What do you all think?? The seller is great. The orange and pink would remain but we would change the white backing to ivory. Now I just have to work on the wording! Etsy :: decadentdesigns :: The Linked Invitation
  11. Those are so nice! I can't believe you already have the invites and not getting married until Oct 2009...I need to get with the program here!!
  12. We are going on a cruise. Probably 2-3 months after the wedding. Since we will be in JA for 6 nights, we figured that we can wait a little while for the honeymoon. We are deciding between a Caribbean or Alaskan cruise
  13. We got the Jr Suite. We are going May 6 - May 12. I believe it was $1,800~ish for the six nights. To upgrade to a full suite it was $1,000 more. This is per couple. Not per person.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by M9w3h6 Hi girls my name is chrissy I am getting married that the ror 10/24/09 I have not done anything yet and would love more info on the seagrape, poolside and the disco, what comes with each one which is better Please help girls. Thanks Hi Chrissy! Welcome to the forum!! There is so much info on here about the seagrape, poolside and disco. Just search through the Jamaica forum and you will find it! Also try the search function at the top of the page.
  15. I believe for the free wedding, you just need to have 10 rooms booked? I feel like I have seen that somewhere, but could be wrong! The maximum for the steakhouse (free) is 50 The flowers are real. I believe they are carnations and daisies (choice)
  16. Hmmm, I *may* be able to make it up there for a weekend in Feb...do you know the pricing?
  17. I haven't decided yet...depends on my budget. The freeze dried are obviously better for the environment if they are not fully picked up but they are more expensive. The silk are cheaper and look real but I fear that the people at the resort will not pick all of them up....But I want the aisle covered in them so I may have to go with silk, just because of budget reasons...
  18. Ive also heard girls put them in their wedding dress garment bag without problems
  19. You could probably do a day pass to check it out.
  20. Very pretty! Your e-ring is fairly similar to mine and I think I am going to get a similar band to yours. Does your e-ring band "pinch in" next to the stone?
  21. I ordered from Silk Rose Petals & Freeze Dried Rose Petals - Petal Garden I received free samples of both silk and freezedried - both are really nice! I would check them out. Their prices are really reasonable. I have not compared them to other companies but I think that the value and quality is good.
  22. Oh, well that makes sense. I just figured that the poolside would be pretty and I couldn't do SeaGrapes because of the beach party, plus now I can wear my heels!!
  23. Thanks everyone! I honestly had no doubts about this dress at all! Quote: Originally Posted by Amy&Andy Your waste looks teeny tiny! Lovely dress on you. Congrats on finding the one! The waste part was a HUGE selling point!!
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