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Everything posted by drbrainfreeze

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by IslamoradaBride No tutu for my flower girl. This is a J.Crew/Crewcuts dress that I got on sale a few months ago. It'll be perfect for my adorable niece-- she'll be 2. That is SO cute!
  2. I think that they might make different paper for laser printers? I just googled it. There is different paper for laser printers. Somthing about the ink being different.
  3. My girls were kind of opposite and wanted to take another trip aside from Jamaica (some of the girls can't make it to Jamaica) - so we are going to Vegas. The room is free so all we needed to pay for upfront is the flight. I have a really good friend that lives out there and she hooked us up on some of the club's VIP lists, possibly with free bottle service, so thats nice. We are also taking that stripper class - Stripper 101 Some of the girls haven't been to Vegas so we will sight see on the strip. Otherwise, we are trying to make it as cheap as possible. I loved the idea of a slumber party, so I suppose this is a 3 night slumber party!
  4. We looked at both. If we had ended up getting married in Vegas, I think we would have gone with the Flamingo. They have some gorgeous areas set amongst lush gardens, which makes it pretty private. It also worked with our budget. Caesars was really nice as well, but the area that we were looking at (Venus garden I think?), my FI was not comfortable with, as you could view it from the bar/restaurant next to it. Go figure we are now getting married on the beach, in plain view of anyone who wants to watch!! Another place we were considering was at the Bellagio. You can get married on the terrace, and they play the fountains for your first kiss.
  5. You can look at Peppermill. They have a huge variety of food are are resonably priced.
  6. Thats crazy! I don't have any advice as I am not doing a site visit. But I assume that you are eating at the resort anyways, so maybe just go off of that and choose a few items for your menu that you think people would enjoy? We are flying blind, as we are not tasting anything before we get to Jamaica. We are just hoping for the best!
  7. For anyone who is getting the 7oz bags...with a minimum of 3, you can use coupon code cupid6 at checkout for a free bag. Not sure when it expires, but they have these promo codes all the time.
  8. Yeah thats the hard part. But I think that you are going to have to pay no matter what, since you have more than 50 guests (can't have the free reception at Mammee)...so your other choice is Plantation. I honestly dont know the cost of that though, since I stopped looking at that when I went with the poolside :-)
  9. I don't think that there are salads. The menus are on here somewhere in another post. I will try to find them....that way Jill & tmemise don't have to mail them to everyone.
  10. So cute!! This is what I think my 2-year-old niece is wearing: Garden Princess Pique Dress Personalized at Smarty Pants Boutique
  11. Thanks! I got 2 for the Charlotte show. Those are always fun, even though I am not getting married locally!
  12. you should be able to open it now. you need 50 points to open an attachment
  13. I almost used Invitations by Dawn for my invites. They seemed pretty good, fast shipment of samples. Glad someone checked BBB!! I guess you can't always judge a book by it's cover!!
  14. I have never used them but I have heard of them. Looks like a really legit site!
  15. I just ordered mine too. I bought the champaign colored one. I am hoping its a little lighter and closely matches my ivory dress. If its terrible or really doesnt match, its cheap. I will either cut it up to make tulle bags, or give it to my little niece for dress-up.
  16. Thanks for sharing! Congrats!! Can't wait to hear about your time at the RIU How did you embroider on the bags? Was it a sewing machine? The one my friend's mom's machine, the embroidery is really really small
  17. I have a friend who's mom has a machine like that. We used it for a halloween costume. The lettering was really small.
  18. I think I am going to spend around $75-$100 per girl (I have 4). I feel bad not spending more, but I don't think that they expect that much. I was going to pay for their hair too, but I think that I have cut that out.
  19. So FI and I are trying to save a little money here on the towels for out OOT bag. We are not opposed to using the other sites listed here, but we are trying to avoid buying too many towels, or not giving someone one, or just spending $8+ on a beach towel. We found these at target. They are bath towels, but they would be perfect, and they are $4.99 each. We called around to find out how much embroidery would be on each, and the one place we called was $10 per towel?!?!?! So we don't want to spend $10 per towel when we have already spend $5 per towel. Should we forego embroidery and just give the towels with a nice ribbon and tag around it? Or would it be better to order online with a monogram like some of the other girls have done?
  20. Thanks for the update. That really sucks that they have not responded yet...
  21. Ok, here's mine (sorry they are big...photobucket is crashing my computer today)....
  22. LOVE those! Are they Decadentesigns?? I ordered from Lynsey too, she was fantastic! I actually almost got these but went with the Linked invite instead
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