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Everything posted by drbrainfreeze

  1. Calling my TA - this is making me nervous.... My flights are still ok for May out of ATL, but I have a feeling I will be booking last minute on another carrier....just something else to stress over I suppose. My entire family is flying Air Jamaica out of JFK. Hopefully nothing negative will come out of that!
  2. Thanks for all the updates! I might just have the resort make mine. At this point, we are only exprecting like 25-30 people max, and I can't justify $600.00!!
  3. Thanks for sharing and congrats!! You all know we want to see the pics :-)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dinzers Hi There! I too have not booked a photographer for our wedding and we're getting married the wk of May 23rd! I just took a look at Brian Designs website, can someone provide me with more info. regarding prices? Just a rough estimate would be great! Thx I think that he has the prices listed on his website. BrianDesign - Information, rates, wedding packages Click under Package Information. I believe we are paying $1600 or $1800 for 6 hours, all photos on a hi-res disc with his copyright signed over to me
  5. They will only allow 3 per room max. I had a long discussion with a RIU staff member.... If you have, say 3 kids, you have to register 2 other kids to another room, but of course, you can have them stay with you. This was a big deal for us, that is, until those family members backed out (of course!!)
  6. Make sure that you tell people that policy states xxxxxxx and that if they cannot stay on property, they may not be able to attend the wedding.... I think all All Inclusives have some sort of similar rule. I know the RIU does. I think we have 1 guy staying off property and hes handicapped so he needs to stay at a timeshare. Otherwise, I told everyone that we need them to stay on property.
  7. Welcome to Destination wedding planning! You are now part of the club ;-) I think that we have all experienced this. Just remember that this day is about you two, and that is all that matters. People will regret not coming.
  8. Looks like a good deal! I would think the quality is fine for the short time. I just wish they had solid colors vs. the paint-your-own and the hibiscus...
  9. They are more expensive online. I noticed that too, I think maybe only 50% vs. 75% in stores.
  10. Hi everyone! Just got back from VS and those really cute luggage tags and passport covers are 75% off So I bought 4 of each for each of my BMs and the total was under $30 I think the luggage tags were $4 each, and the passport covers were $4.50.
  11. Yeah I figured it out, thanks!! Love the little virtual tours and descriptions of the restaurants.
  12. That link didn't work for me. I wonder why...Thanks though!
  13. Thank you so so much for sharing. A lot of what you did, we are doing. I am also using Brian, and am thinking about using photoshop for video, but now I am not so sure... Michael obviously knows who Brian is at this point, so I wonder if he will get more ballsey? Did he pretty much stay out of Brian's way during the ceremony?
  14. We are not having one. After my mom came up with this elaborate AHR in my aunt's back yard, complete with tent, catering, porta potty, dancing (pretty much what we did for our engagement party, minus the dancing!)...which pretty much scared the crap out of FI. He pretty much shelled up after that and there was no turning back! I didn't really care one way or another, so now we are just going to have a brunch open house the next time we are back up in the northeast, whenever that may be. We are inviting everyone to Jamaica. I also felt like guests would opt out of Jamaica if we had a 2nd reception closer to our parent's homes. I know this may sound mean, but there is a lot of drama surrounding this wedding, and most of the people who caused it are not even coming to Jamaica now!
  15. I am using Brian Design (Brian Nejedly). I know some other girls on here have used him as well. So far, so good.
  16. That sucks! And of course its your word against theirs. I had the same problem with Toys 'R Us and an xbox 360... I would def. get whatever you do in writing. If they say that the stones are going to fade, get it in writing. If a plan covers against fading, have that in writing. I hope that you find what you are looking for and thankfully you have a long time. It's really sweet that he is ok with getting you a new ring.
  17. I was randomly looking for stuff that had to do with personalized M&Ms and came across this site. So far very amusing. Saving the rest for the very boring day ahead of me tomorrow. Stupid Wedding Crap
  18. Yeah, I know nothing about gemstones, but I do know that you may run into the same problems with fading again, even if you take AMAZING care of it. Have you considered moving the e-ring to the right hand once you get your wedding band? Or can you find the genuine stone that you like and then put it in a different setting?
  19. If anyone does go with the 7oz bags and you order at least 3, you can use cupid6 for a free bag
  20. Naomi's facial expressions don't bother me nearly as much as Annie's! I don't know what it is about her, but her mannerisms just really really get to me!
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