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Everything posted by Lilpaisley

  1. Sounds like it might be Cabo's version of the Hedonism resorts that are in Jamaica.
  2. This is awful news. You are handling it well. I grew up in Hawaii and know first hand how big an impact this will have on the Island. My heart goes out to those people.
  3. I guess I never got over playing dress up when I was a kid. If you give me an excuse to wear a costume...I'll be there!
  4. I think we will all be fine. If anything we might get kicked out of the restaurant for being too loud. I once went to a GTG for a vintage jewelry collectors society. I was about 20 years younger than almost everyone else there. They all wore way too many rhinestones and allot of makeup. I felt like I was at a dress like Tammy Faye drag queen party.
  5. Naw...I've had that waxed Here are some flickr pics....so you can really see what a wierdo I am...and the kilts both Joel and I are wearing in that pic: Various Shades of Me - a photoset on Flickr
  6. Sounds great. I should be able to get there by 7. I'm going to close up shop at 6:30 and head there. Heck if it's a slow night I might close up even earlier Abby & Christa...you should be able to spot me pretty easy. I look just like my pic (but w/o the cowboy hat)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Maybe she was giving them to someone that doesn't have pierced ears? No, she said they were for herself...and they were fine the way they were. No major damage, fully functioning clipbacks. For 60+ year old earrings they are in great shape. The only thing I can think of is that she watches too much Antiques Roadshow and thinks if they stay clips they will retain the collectable value...which isn't true.
  8. I actually get allot of Drag Queens and Transvestites in my shop. They seem to like the biggest gaudiest rhinestone stuff I have. They always buy the pieces that I think no one in their right mind would wear. But that's jewelry so having them model is nothing like your experience. The Drag Queens are pretty fun most of the time.
  9. Have any of you had really strange customer experiences that just left you speechless. I'm not sure how many of you work with the public on a daily basis, but I think there must be something in the pollen this spring that is bringing out the weirdness in people. I just had a customer in my shop that I'm still scratching my head about. I do vintage jewelry restoration and repair and a customer just left after dropping off earrings that she wants converted. Conversions from clip earrings to pierced is something I do on a daily basis...that isn't strange at all. But this customer wants her 40's style clip earrings converted to...clip earrings. All I could do was look at her and say "Are you sure?" So unprofessional on my part. All I could do was stare at her ears, which are pierced, and verify with her that she wanted me to rip apart these earrings just to put a new version of the same thing back on. I still don't get it. And don't get me started with the customer who wanted me to make a replica of a Victorian mourning hair jewelry necklace with her dead dogs hair! Is it a full moon tonight? I'd love to hear any good crazy customer stories that you guys may have.
  10. Well it looks like Smith is winning, sorry JM...we'll save a seat for you...so don't worry. I have not been there yet. Is it somewhere that we should get a head count and call ahead? or will we be OK just showing up with a group. I think it should be around 6:30. I know I can't make it earlier than that.
  11. The exact details may be urban legend, but it's likely based on a small bit of truth. I recently saw one of those "craziest videos" shows on TruTV about a similar situation. It was a security camera video of a bride still in her big white dress and the best man getting it on in the garden behind the reception hall....and who should come out back for a smoke break and catch them in the act? The grooms father!! He pulled them apart and started to kick the guys a**. He then ran back inside and out came a large group of tux wearing guys ready for a brawl. I was speechless.
  12. You can get great colored sand at the pets stores like Petco. It's used for hermit crabs and it was less than $10 for a big bag. They had blue, purple, pink, yellow, etc. I would have never have thought to look there, but I'm going to keep it in mind if I do MIB invites.
  13. Should we take a vote or something on Smith on the Hill vs. Pyramid in SODO?
  14. I love living on the Hill. We are on Broadway about 1 block from Roanoke.
  15. I won't be able to get there until around 6:30 as well. I'm going to close up a little early that night. I prefer Cap Hill 'cause I live there, but I'll be coming from my shop in Phinney Ridge, so either is easy for me to get to.
  16. Pyramid is OK as long as there are no events going on at the stadiums. There is a spring training day game there on the 27th, but it's at noon. I'm not sure about the event center
  17. Joel and I are big fans of Seabound. I'd doubt that any of you would have heard of them...but they are fantastic. They have 2 songs that I love and would love to make one a first dance song. I love the melody in Watching Over You: YouTube - Seabound fan-video montage And love the lyrics in Without You: YouTube - Seabound- Without You I can't pick one. As a bonus...they will be in Seattle doing a show next week. I know I'll be bawling like a baby at the show if they do either of these songs.
  18. I'm not against moving it to the SODO area, but good choices are slimmer in that area. There is a new place in Georgetown called Last Chance Salon (by Pig Iron BBQ). I haven't been there yet, but I was thining about going to the Pinup Angels event there this Sat night.
  19. It would be fun, but the person at the top of my list might not be avail on Thursday nights. I think the night class she teaches is on Thurs.
  20. I had no idea they did this. I'm making a mental note now. I would never buy a dress from DB as I have a friend who is a wedding dress designer. She would kill me if she didn't get to make my dress. I was thinking of going there to see what silhouette looked best on me before deciding on a style.
  21. Sounds like you keep dating the same girl...in a different body...over and over again. I know some of my friends who have fallen victim to the same cycle. My friend Suzy kept dating the same unemployed "musician" type over and over again. It wasn't until she realized that and tried to break free that things changed. She meet a great guy (through The Stranger personals no less) and married him last Sept. I'm also going to have to see who I know that's single
  22. Wow, that's pretty ballsy. I do feel bad for him, after he found, he kept it a secret for a few days. That had to be really hard...so heartbreaking.
  23. How do you see who's theived/been theived? I'm new and still can't figure 1/2 this stuff out.
  24. Lilpaisley


    Welcome. I spent my 30th birthday at the Sandals in MB. It was great.
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