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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. I thought this video was hysterical. Like they say bad advertising is good advertising since everyone is talking about it.
  2. I need your suggestions. Mark is Jewish and I'm Catholic, we're doing our legal ceremony at home and our symbolic in Cabo on the beach by a minister. We are trying to incorporate both faiths, we're signing a Ketubah before the ceremony and so far I think we're doing the following: Opening Remarks Explanation of the Ketubah Acknowledging Loved ones who have died General marriage blessings and prayers Remarks by the officiant Affirmation of the families and of the guests Exchange of vows Exchange of rings Lighting the unity candle Closing readings Breaking of the glass Kiss Any suggestions, opinions? Thank you for your help
  3. I will let you know. Since we're having mexican for the rehearsal dinner, we decided to choose the steak house restaurant. I did purchased the Royal package and at the beginning I had extras, but I decided to book the flowers and the mariachi band with outside vendors. So far Paola seems very nice and gets back with me right away.
  4. I did a lot of research when I was planning my wedding and the Riu has great promotions and it's all inclusive.
  5. These are awesome! every single one of those photos tells a story.
  6. I need your suggestions. Mark is Jewish and I'm Catholic, we're doing our legal ceremony at home and our symbolic in Cabo on the beach by a minister. We are trying to incorporate both faiths, we're signing a Ketubah before the ceremony and so far I think we're doing the following: Opening Remarks Explanation of the Ketubah Acknowledging Loved ones who have died General marriage blessings and prayers Remarks by the officiant Affirmation of the families and of the guests Exchange of vows Exchange of rings Lighting the unity candle Closing readings Breaking of the glass Kiss Any suggestions, opinions? Thank you for your help
  7. Wonderful! I love things that are different and these turned out great! Good job!
  8. I'm leaning towards the Nano, that's an awesome gift and everyone loves music.
  9. I'm going bare foot and will put on pink satin shoes for the reception.
  10. I'm going to have to let you know how it is. We are getting married there on March 22, 2008 and I was hoping to find anyone that has gotten married there. But I guess it's too new. Paola, the WC has been great so far she emails me back right away when I have a questions. So we'll see.
  11. I can't believe that... that's awful. I'm sorry you went through that.
  12. Let them know you want the bridal party to be about family and invite them to be your guests of honor.
  13. Thank you everyone! I love this forum, it has amazing information. Thanks again!
  14. We're giving guests a bottle of Tequila and we're going to have the front desk pass them out as guests arrive.
  15. I like your idea. However, I would choose a different font, something a bit more modern. If you have a logo try to incorporated. This is our logo and we've been incorporating it on everything.
  16. I think that's a lot, but for 5k I'm sure they are stunning looking. If you love them, get them.
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