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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. That's a wonderful idea and you'll be donating to a great cause. Good thought!
  2. We'll be in Cabo from the 19th - 31st. I know it's just around the corner...can't believe it. I'm getting excited!
  3. This place is stunning and I can't imagine a wedding being less than perfect here. Read this: Best of the Best - The Most Luxurious Wedding Hotels in Mexico - StrayWeddings.com
  4. Wow! This is crazy but yet hilarious because I can't believe you're actually in this situation. I certainly cannot believe she thinks this is her wedding. You definitely need to put your foot down and tell her you already have a program planned for your wedding and it doesn't include her singing in it. If she keeps pushing, then I guess you'll have to give her a firm NO. Sorry you're going through this, let us know the outcome.
  5. I think it's nice to have a program. However, with such a small group you could do a one page with a love poem and hand them out at the ceremony.
  6. You can get large shells and fill them in with sand and smaller shells once you got there, and you can put a small picture frame stand with a note and make it a theme. Also, if you want containers. The Container Store has clear square boxes that all different sizes and different. You could take off the lid and use the container alone.
  7. A lot of you have been asking where I got the bags for our invitations. Here's the link. Paper Mart Packaging Store - Natural Burlap Bags Sandra
  8. I'm so sorry to hear this, there's gotta be a way. I'm sure it'll probably require a trip to the passport office and a lot of fun calls. Keep us posted.
  9. Everything looks perfect! Have a wonderful wedding and I can't wait to see all of the pictures.
  10. As many of you know, I'm Catholic and my FI is Jewish. We're getting married at home and are doing a symbolic ceremony in Cabo. I've had the hardest time trying to come up with the ceremony, that I order a book called. "Celebrating Interfaith Marriages" Creating your jewish/christian ceremony by Devon A. Lerner. It has answered a lot of questions and now I'm not worried about the ceremony. Hope this is of help.
  11. Get an account with Citibank for Aadvantage miles, I think you get 2 miles for every dollar that you spend. So it's not like their regular credit card, but it sill ads up.
  12. Addison is absolutely precious, she's wearing her dress very proudly.
  13. Oh my!!! That's absolutely hilarious, I'm sure you had a blast.
  14. Hi Sandra, Congratulations and welcome, this forum will provide you with wonderful information. Sandra
  15. Mandy, I know this question is for Maura, but when I was there about 4 years ago we rented a car. You will be fine and eventually will find your way around pretty well. It's a bit challenging since the maps you'll get have not all been updated with the streets and also some of the streets have changed names. I remember we were hysterical laughing because it really was hilarious, we got lost plenty of times but we always found our way around. Good luck!
  16. Lisa, This is very nice, I didn't see any typos from what I read. They are going to appreciate this, it's a lot of info.
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