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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. 36 is definitely more turquoise, 11 has too much green. I hope this helps.
  2. Have a beautiful day Corey, you're gonna be a gorgeous bride!!Enjoy!!!
  3. Mmmm... It will depend on the resort prices. I would say 5000.00, but since it's not an AI it could be 10,000.00. I'm sure they include a package, but you'll just have to talk to them and see what they say.
  4. I'm not getting married in Cuba, but I really want to go there. I've heard it's breathtaking, very colonial. Can't wait to see everyone's photos.
  5. I love this place! They have amazing bags for a great price. You could get some orange or black. I'm not sure what you can include. However, you could come up with your own wedding drink and include that recipe in the bag.
  6. They've been very easy and informative so far. Erika has been extremely helpful and seems to be on top of things.
  7. Hi Fay, Congratulations and welcome to the forum.
  8. Sandra E.


    Hi Valerie, Welcome to the forum!
  9. Thank you for letting us know. I'm taking off all of the tags, since almost everything is now mad in China... yikes! I think it's awful.
  10. I think she should of given you a solution instead of adding stress to your day and you're still stressing... of course! OMG, I'm sorry this is happening. Hopefully she'll call you this morning and get it taken care of.
  11. Lauren, I absolutely love your pictures. They're gorgeous! Congratulations.
  12. Thanks for sharing this, it's very interesting. I remember when Old Navy appear and everyone went to check it out. Even though their prices are more affordable than the Gap the quality is just not there. Even though they have some cool stuff.
  13. If this is the dress you like, you should go for it. You look gorgeous in it... I love it!
  14. I would travel to all of the places I've always wanted to go.
  15. Why don't you talk to her and find out if she's ok. If she seems indifferent and acts like it's not a big deal, then move on and don't make her part of your personal life anymore.
  16. I'm sorry you're in this situation. Maybe you can get her a book that explains what her duties are, so she can get the hint. It doesn't look like she's giving your wedding any priority. Amazon.com: Maid of Honor Handbook: Duties, Details, and Delights: Melinda Meier: Books
  17. That's a very nice thought of you. I couldn't afford to buy them, but I had them choose whatever dress they wanted. They got them on sale and they can wear them again.
  18. Here's the dress in size S from ebay - teal: **NEW** Victoria's Secret 7 in 1 Dress - Size Small - eBay (item 290212096202 end time Mar-12-08 16:20:37 PDT)
  19. What a great wedding! Congratulations everything looked perfect. Including the donkeys.
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