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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. on your tool palette, at the bottom click on the fill color (it will usually be the black swatch) change the color to your liking. Then select the magic wand select the text you want to change and go up to the menu and select edit-fill a window will come up and make sure you select background color. I hope this helps.
  2. We met in 2001 dated for a bit, went our separate ways in 2002 but kept running into each other. It was weird, he was in a completely different city and somehow we managed to see each other all the time in Dallas. Well, we got back together in June of 2006 and in May of 2007 told my Dad he wanted to marry and now here we are.
  3. Kendra, I'm glad your are standing your ground and speaking your mind. The wedding is only about you and your FI and that's what's important.
  4. Thank you for sharing these. I love looking at wedding web sites for inspiration.
  5. It's not cheap if you don't do one. We are having them meet us for a drink the night before the rehearsal dinner and it works out since we are staying at an AI.
  6. 1- Name as it appears on birth certificate: Sandra J. Odria 2- Date of birth: 6.5.1970 3- Do you have any siblings? a younger sister and two younger brothers 4- Color hair: brown 5- Color eyes: hazel 6- Nationality: American 7- Size shoe: 8 8- Favorite color: Red 9- Favorite article of cothing: Banana Republic jeans 10- Favorite book: anything by Nicholas Sparks 11- Favorite food: Steak 12- Future childs name: don't want to say 13- What are your parent/s names: Lucy & Moses 14- Who was your first crush: a boy in the 8th grade, I actually don't remember his first name. 15- Who was the first boy to break your heart: a stupid boy named Arthur 16- Favorite vacation: The yearly Mazatlan trips for Christmas 17- If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? Definitely my legs, I don't like them at all. 18- Have you ever had plastic surgery? no 19- How tall are you? 5'6" 20- Favorite celebrity: Anthony Hopkins
  7. Stories like these make me so mad. What a dog!!!
  8. You can actually use either one for each events. Depending on how much information you want to put inside. You could use the boarding pass for the STD and the passport for the wedding invitation.
  9. Thanks for sharing. I bookmark the page and I'm going to try it when I return from the wedding. I love products that make me feel good, I'm a fan of Bliss and Kiehl's.
  10. That looks painful, I can't believe anyone would want this. This is nuts!!!
  11. I also went through something like this at the beginning stages. My parents thought about renting a villa with everyone then coming to the wedding. I didn't like the idea and expressed my feelings to my Mom. At the end everything worked out and things started coming together. I made peace with the fact that some people weren't going to be able to make it and now think that the 24 that are coming are perfect and I'm really looking forward to it. Talk to your Mom and your grandparents I'm sure they are excited to come and they wouldn't want to miss this day.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Yep, I won't buy diamonds anymore until this changes (if it ever does). My ring is a gemstone. I hate market control, not to mention all the unethical practices in the diamond business. Did you see the big lawsuit debeers lost? You can get money back on diamond purchases. I'll look for it... Yea. I did. I sent it to all my friends. Thank you!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan yeah, both are going up. I think it coorelates with the volatility in the stock market right now. People see gold & platinum as a safe investment. I completely dissagree though. If you look at how much the value of these metals has increased over time, it's a really poor investment. You'd be better off with a CD or high yield savings. To me it's kind of like burrying your money in the back yard incase Y2K destroys the banks. Thank you Morgan. I agree with you. Just like the price of diamond, where Debeers controls the market and the pricing.
  14. Welcome and congratulations. We would love your feedback and pictures.
  15. Thank you ladies for the info. But am I right? I read somewhere that the prices for gold and platinum are going up... input?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 I completely agree. People like your FI's ex are attention seeking and will thrive from positive or negative attention. The less attention you pay to her the more she will realize how pathetic she is and she'll stop. Your FI is devoted to you and you should not be threatened by this. Seriously, the best revenge is no revenge at all. Just be happy and focus on planning your beautiful wedding! Thank you ladies! That's a great idea I'll tell him to tell her he didn't get it next time she does this. Thanks for ll of the advice you guys are awesome!
  17. I love your proposal, it's out of Hollywood movie! Congratulations!
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