I feel your pain, I've been there and I've tried absolutely anything that you can think of. from Acutane to regular antibiotics to proactiv. My face would clear, but then it will just be a matter of time before the acne came back. So I started really looking into the problem and doing tons of research. I still went to dermatologist got antibiotics, request a wash for your face and a cream I believe it's called metro gel (that's stuff, really works). But also change your diet. Go get the Dr. Perricone's diet for acne, if you eat what he advices, which is a lot of bell pepper and salmon your face will clear. I'm telling you it's amazing. I no longer take antibiotics, I only use the face wash and the metro gel and I'm in much better shape. By the way schedule a couple of peel facials and you'll be set. One more thing drink liters and liters of water. I was drinking about 100 oz a day. Good luck!!