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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by drai I think it would be nice if you hand delivered them, it's a bit more personal. But if you left them on the desk I don't think it would be tacky, nice element of surprise when they return. I agree... I think they should be hand delivered.
  2. Hi Tanya, Welcome to the forum! You have plenty of time to plan and you've come to the right place. Congratulations!
  3. Monica, that's a very sad story. When I was younger we had a ruby cocker spaniel, I've never seen one that color ever since. I opened the front door and he got out. Well, a car was coming too fast and same scenario the neighbor was flagging him and telling him to slow down and just killed Brandy on impact. I couldn't believe it, it happened right in front of my very eyes. I'll never forget him.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by 2008bride I'm torn on the Mairichis. I really want them. But for $500 for a hour is alot I think. I know it adds to the whole picture. But we are paying for this ourselves and don't want to go overboard. But also want it nice. I don't know!!!! I know what you mean, we also paid for our own wedding. I felt the same way and I almost didn't have them, but that's one thing that I've always wanted and decided to go for it. At the end I was glad that I did.
  5. Welcome to the Forum! I got married there in March, enjoy your planning! Sandra
  6. Maura, that's insane! That's a complete ripoff the Union Fees are not that high. I wonder if you should speak with a manager and let him know that you're aware other properties are not charging this. They're CRAZY! Also, I can't understand why they are not providing you with a vendor list.
  7. While I was trying to find a special way to ask my BMs to be BMs, I searched and searched for ideas and found this amazing cookie. They absolutely loved it! and I did too. It came personalized with their name and it was very well done, very pretty. I recommended. Will You Be My Bridesmaid Cookie, Bridesmaid Cookie - Edibles & Drink Favors
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura barrie, the westin is ridiculous about musician outside vendors. we've asked for a list of djs, and still have not received it. so if you have any luck please let me know. are they charging you $300/hour for a DJ? If so, it might be cheaper to pay the $150 and find another DJ willing to work with you for less than $300/hour. Because of that whole situation, we still have no DJ and my wedding is in 3 months. $300 an hour! That's insane. How many members does that include. The way I was told was that the fee was approximately $50.00 per person. Sounds like they are trying to make extra money on this.
  9. You should make them, they're very easy to make. Design or download a pattern that you like, trace it on the bag and cut it out. I think they're a great idea!
  10. DH bought GM a silver iPod shuffle. The Apple Store (U.S.) - iPod shuffle
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne So, I mentioned the Engagement Party to one of my potential bm's (one I haven't asked yet) and she BEGGED to help throw the party!! She is sooo into it and she doesn't even have a clue that I want her in my bridal party. This made me feel really good considering no one else (including friends I've known for years) has shown much interest. That's awesome! We had an engagement party and we threw it ourselves, it was awesome! We got the furniture out of our house, rented tables and chairs from this really cheap place, hired waitresses and we even had 2 musicians from Brazil. It was an awesome night we had about 100 people! Go for it, you'll be glad you did it.
  12. There are Union laws that they followed and are very strict. If you hired someone that works with the hotel you will not have to pay the fees. However, if you don't there's no way around it. Otherwise the hotel can get fined. What you can do is ask the hotel for a list of all the musicians that they work with and see if they can hire the one you like so you will not have to pay the fee.
  13. That's so exciting, can't wait to see them!
  14. I would still use the photographer that comes with your package for other pictures. Take advantage of it, instead of taking pictures of our wedding he took pictures of us on the beach.
  15. I love your postcards! They all look so nice, I'm sure you had a hard time deciding which one to choose.
  16. Have a wonderful time, can't wait to see your pictures. Congratulations!
  17. Wow Lizz! Everyone looks amazing. You did a great job planning it, you'll have a beautiful wedding!
  18. Some people act very weird when they hear good news. I do however agree with Christine - maybe she's having a very hard time right now and doesn't want to hear about other people's exciting events like your wedding. I do however think that you should enjoy every moment of this and you've reached out to her. You've already let her know you're there for her, and leave it at that. Enjoy your moment.
  19. Like everyone said, you've done a great job on this. Sounds like you're going to have an entire suitcase designated for just OOT bags!
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