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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Basically, you can do whatever you want. An STD can be just that - a notice (postcard/magnet/etc.) telling people the date (and maybe location) that you'll be getting married. Or it can be much more elaborate. For me, my STD was done passport-style and had 12 pages of information. Everything from the date, to the resort info, dress code, TA contact info plus website info. BUT, I sent mine out 6 months prior to the wedding. If you've got a longer period of time, just a postcard should be plenty if you want to go that route. I'd definitely set up your website first, because people will want the info, but you can include the address in the STD and they can go from there. Invites, and who gets them are again, totally your call. For me, everyone who got an STD will get an invite. Even if they've declined. But that's only 35 or so, and not that big of a deal. If you're sending out 100, it's more significant both in terms of work, and in terms of cost. On the website - I have one thru wedding window and I LOVE it. It's so easy to do. And you can put anything and everything on it. Photos, information, stories, events, RSVPs, etc. Good luck!! Becks could have not explain it any better!
  2. Beautiful pictures! 150 people! wow that's a large group, I'm glad everything went well.
  3. Didn't Cynthia Nixon spilled the beans about the death in an interview? I thought this is how this whole rumor started.
  4. Great pictures... congratulations! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time.
  5. I'm so sorry about this, I know it's hard right now but try to keep positive and send him positive thoughts and energy. Something will turn out.
  6. You're not being selfish at all, but this is a hard one. I can't imagine that flying 5 people to a DW would be affordable. Are the kids not staying there for free? I know if it's under 12 usually they don't pay. Can I TA help him get a better deal at the resort you're staying at? Also, I still think you'll have a very beautiful and enjoyable wedding!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be I thought they were talking about the HIV + chick that Izzy saw in the clinic? No, they were talking about Rebecca. MMmmmmm I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens this week.
  8. Maria, We enjoy having you and hope you continue to check-in and give us an update on what's going on with you.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Linzibella I'm thinking of joining up too. I've been on a program for awhile now and have lost 20lbs but have been stalled for over a month, so this could be the motivation I need to lose the last 10-15 lbs. I'll think about it some more tonight and then PM Ann if I decide to join. I think that it could be fun. And you girls are so helpful in the wedding planning department, you're probably great in the weight loss deparment too. Was there lots of motivation in the first season? I'm off to read the posts. That's amazing!! What a great achievement. How did you accomplish this great weight loss and how long did it take you?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I love NYC for New Years. I stay at the Marriott Marquis and you get to go into Times Square about five minutes before the ball drops. Love it! Thank you Yari! I love NYC but we've done that before.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Andrea- Did you TIVO it too!!!! I just watched this afternoon when I got home. I am so glad Adisson cam back to check Meredith - Get your man ~ really I just want more drama!!!! I loved that she told her are you doing?
  12. New paint will give it a huge face lift, it's amazing how much a room can change and it'll make it feel more like home.
  13. I know a bit early to start planning, but we had such a great time with our friends last year that we want to go with them again this year. Last year we went to Santa Fe, New Mexico and had a fantastic time. This year I thought possibly Colorado, but DH and I are not really skiers so our friends were thinking if we do that then we should ski. Our friend Mike suggested West Palm, but his wife Katy is thinking he will golf too much and DH doesn't golf even though he said he will try. So I'm trying to come up with a list. Suggestions? We want to stay in the US.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I am not really sure what I think of this situation, as I didn't think she was faking it when I say it. I was actually feeling bad for her, thinking that she thought she was pregnant but maybe something else is going on instead. Now you got me thinking that maybe she is faking it. But then why would she agree to the blood sample? Hmmm....I guess I will have to wait and find out what comes out of it. Exactly! That's why I'm so confused! I'm really thinking she thought she was pregnant. MMmmmmm, but wait didn't she refused the sonogram but agreed to the blood test?? Not good I can't wait till Thursday to find out.
  15. Oooohhh Christa, You're definitely not alone. When we bought the house last June I wanted to do everything at once and my DH kept saying we'll do it one step at a time. Which he was right! we're doing things little by little I feel like we're spending money much faster than we're making it and everything is at least either $100 or $1000. If I start to think how much I want to do to the house I get overwhelmed so I'm taking he's philosophy on this. What threw me over the edge was when he decided to have a housewarming bar-b-que at our house 2 weeks after we had moved in! and had sent out an evite! So you can only imagined how fast we had to move to get everything done. The good thing is that everything got done so quickly, the bad thing was that I wanted to strangle him over this and I was absolutely exhausted. But he did help and we did have a great time! and I told him he had to clean up after the party. He's never done anything like that since. Congratulations on your new house, and it's so true the list never ends.
  16. So has anyone done the swimming w/ dolphins in Cabo I can't decide if it's worth it to pay the $165 and swim w/ them or just pay the $85 and get to shake their hand and get a kiss! We didn't do it, but my SIL and my brother took my nephew and they absolutely loved it! They said it was worth it.
  17. Beautiful bride and beautiful pictures! Congratulations!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Tuesday afternoon, I guess Isaac and I didn't have enough to do, or maybe he'd forgotten to get me a birthday present, but we decided to go ahead and get legally married on my birthday, which was on Thursday! I hazard to guess that this will be my most memorable birthday ever! Now we just have to get through the next couple weeks until we can have our wedding. By the way, has anyone ever thought about how strange it sounds when you tell people that you're getting married, going on your honeymoon, then having your wedding? Congratulations! I know exactly what you mean, some people were thrown off when I told them. They were well aren't you going to Cabo?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by 2008bride That's a great idea thanks for the advice. Did you really like your Photographer? may I ask were they pricey? Did they also do a video? We are thinking about having it Profesionally video tapped for the party back home afterwards. I loved my photographer, Gilda Badillo was reliable, professional and she meant business! She took a bunch of pictures and was extremely creative. You should email her and get a quote from her. We didn't do a video, but talk to her about that also. http://www.gildaphoto.com/
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