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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. I know I couldn't believe it! I did like how she finally asked her, "what are you afraid of?"
  2. I'm sorry. Hopefully you'll find a good flight.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh Yes, I read in Us that Katherine Heigal wants to leave the show. I think thats a bad move for her, bad. Really? Is she getting too big for Grey's? I guess now she must rather do movies. MMMmmmmm
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura wtf im 25 and have acne too. i break out like a 13 yr old! nothing seems to work consistently for me. i have taken so many antibiotics to control my skin and some of you may remember i had a really bad allergic reaction to an antibiotic called solodyn in february that was causing muscle and joint damage. i had the near same experience on another antibiotic (a totally different class of antibiotic too) called ampicillin and noticed the onset of the problems right away and quit taking it. sandra i am totally checking out that dr perricone book. i feel like i am always spending so much money rotating dermatology treatments and OTC products that i am going out of my mind trying to figure out which combinations work when. i typically have really bad hormonal breakouts the week before/week of my period. my other problem is that i have a fat belly. no matter how much i eat healthy and exercise, my belly seems to always be kinda poochie. i am hoping that the colonix will help a little with this. Maura, I think you'll like the book, it takes about 2 weeks to a month to see the difference, but you'll completely notice. After taken so many antibiotics I started doing research. I found out that basically as long as your liver is toxic you will keep breaking out, so you gotta work on clearing it up. There were a few things that I modified in the eating plan, which I'm sure you'll do as well to accommodate your liking. Good luck!
  5. OMG I watched it this morning!!! Rachel did you see it yet? I want to make sure everyone has seen it before we comment..... :elef ant:: elefant:
  6. Sandra E.


    Welcome to the forum!
  7. Sandra E.


    Don't be nervous, this is a great place to be. We'll help you along the way and you'll have a blast! Welcome!
  8. I was going to suggest ear plugs also, it sounds like they are going to be working on this for a while. I'm sorry!
  9. We did for our wedding. My Mom gave us the coins as a gift.
  10. Proactiv, worked for me for a little while and then it stopped. Dr. Perricone has a book out acne and it totally changed my life. My skin has never been better. I was on every type of antibiotic available. Here's the link to the book: Amazon.com: The Acne Prescription: The Perricone Program for Clear and Healthy Skin at Every Age: Nicholas Perricone: Books
  11. Here it is: Arras (Coins) The giving of Arras is also predominant in the Hispanic culture. The Arras is a small box containing thirteen either gold or silver coins. The thirteen coins represents Christ and His twelve Apostles. The groom presents the Arras to the bride after the vows have been exchanged as a symbol of his readiness to provide financial support in their married life. This also signifies good financial stewardship of the household. When the groom gives the coins to the bride she promises to use them wisely.
  12. I just came across this thread. Thank you Alyssa!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride Ok I was thinking we could start a thread and talk about our problem areas. Not only to vent about it but maybe we can help each other out. For example one of us may have a good tip or exercise to tone that specific part of the body. Okay I'll start. I cannot get rid of the my back fat. It is so gross and no matter how much weight I lose, it just sits there, underneath my bra, staring at me and tormenting me. I also cannot for the life of me tone my gut. I am totally with you. I have got to get rid of this! It's annoying the heck out of me. Can't wait to hear about solutions.
  14. Sandra E.


    Hi Bethany, Welcome to the forum!
  15. Tara, Congratulations on your wedding! I love your pictures!
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