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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. Here are some other options for you: Sample Sand Ceremony - 1 "Today, this relationship is symbolized through the pouring of these two individual containers of sand one, representing you BRIDE and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be, and the other representing you, GROOM, and all that you were and all that you are, and all that you will ever be. As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, the individual containers of sand will no longer exist, but will be joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage be." Sample Sand Ceremony - 2 "BRIDE and GROOM, today you join your separate lives together. The two separate bottles of sand symbolize your separate lives, separate families and separate sets of friends. They represent all that you are and all that you'll ever be as an individual. They also represent your lives before today. As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, the individual containers of sand will no longer exist, but will be joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage be." Sample Sand Ceremony - 3 "Today, BRIDE and GROOM, have chosen to commemorate their marriage through the celebration of the Sand Ceremony. This ceremony symbolizes the inseparable union of BRIDE and GROOM into a new and eternal marital relationship. Bride and Groom will simultaneously pour separate containers of sand into a common vessel. Each grain of sand in their separate containers represents a unique and separate moment, decision, feeling or event that helped shaped Bride and Groom into the separate and unique individuals that they are today. As they pour their separate containers of sand into a common vessel, those separate and independent individuals will cease to exist. Instead they will merge into a loving and supportive marital community. BRIDE and GROOM, just as the grains of sand can never be separated into their individual containers again, so will your marriage be." Sample Sand Ceremony - 4 "OFFICIANT: Please note this empty glass. Glass, itself, is made from sand and the sands of time have come together, melting into one piece to make this vessel. The sands of time should remind us all of our eternal love and our mortality. Today BRIDE and GROOM have chosen to represent their love to each other in a special sand ceremony. Please BRIDE and GROOM, take your separate glass of sand and alternate the pouring of sand into this joining vessel and united, repeat after me: You are my love for eternity. I blend with you. My heart is like these grains of sands, merging with yours. I am yours. You are mine. We are together forever like the sand, like the wind. We are one."
  2. When you call and order your dress ask them, usually you have to buy 2 sizes bigger in some cases but not in all of them. They should be able to guide you.
  3. Sandra E.


    Welcome to the forum Lorani!
  4. Hi Maggie, Welcome to the forum!
  5. I just read in perezhilton.com that their rep confirmed their pregnancy.
  6. You should try to book as soon as possible, especially if you know you want them to take your photos. They're quite popular and get booked quickly.
  7. Oh Martha, I'm sorry. I hate when I don't like a haircut. You feel like you can't fix it or do anything with it. It'll grow before you know it.
  8. Amy, Congratulations! Everything looks awesome, you did a great job!
  9. All the time. I cannot ever sleep the night before thinking and just being too excited! Have a great time!
  10. We finally saw it last weekend and loved it! I'm a huge fan of Robert Downey Jr.
  11. I know it's just to weird and random. She really was devastated over the fact she's not pregnant. I can't wait till next week!!!!!!!!!
  12. Cali, Welcome to the forum!
  13. Hi there! Welcome to the forum!
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