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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. Danielle, welcome you'll love this forum!
  2. Wow! You've got your hands full, you definitely need to sit down with him and ask him how the job hunting is going and what you can do to help him get on his feet quickly. You will also need to tell him about his kids and how you and your FI need time to yourselves. It's hard, but it's the only way.
  3. Great review, I'm glad you had a great wedding trip. Can't wait to see the pictures!
  4. Abbie, PM me the font and I'll convert it to a graphic for you and send it to you and you'll be able to use it as art.
  5. It sounds like a bus it's your most affordable solution. I went to a wedding in Boston and my friend did this for her guests, it was very comfortable and we all had a good time riding it.
  6. Welcome to the forum Lauren!
  7. Elizabeth, Welcome to the forum! We almost got married at Hacienda Las Trancas, but then settled on a beach wedding. Those are fabulous pictures!
  8. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  9. Andrea, Good luck! I love Meg Ryan's hair, can't wait to see it. I know what you mean, I'm tired of my hair also. I love my highlights, but feel that I need something new.
  10. It's definitely your preference, My DH got me to bands because he liked the look of the ring. One of my friends got her second band as an anniversary present from her husband a year after they got married.
  11. Very nice work! Welcome to the forum!
  12. I'm so sorry. I really hope you can recover at least some stuff.
  13. Lori, Have a wonderful wedding, can't wait to hear all about it!
  14. Here's another article about TTD: A little bit of history, John Michael Cooper ‘Alt f’ Trash the Dress Australia!
  15. Oh no, I'm sorry. Do you have back up of anything?
  16. Tamara, Welcome to the forum!
  17. Yari, I thought I was the only one. I hate Izzie's new hairdo. It looks completely out of style, don't know what to think of those curls. I do feel bad for Bailey and I do agree that her husband it's not being understanding, but at the same time they have a huge communication problem. They yell at each other and are not listening to the other one's needs.
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