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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. Hi Jaime, Great review! I'm glad you got everything with the hotel sorted out, but it's just annoying to have to go through it.
  2. Thank you Dina! I can't believe all of this is going on!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 Ok so I saw the receipt yesterday (just the top of it) and it said best buy. So I knew it had to be something with electronics. Well he gave me my present early. My birthday is on the 31st. Its a new laptop!! YAY! I needed it. My old laptop kept telling me I had no memory! Plus the 2 yr old I use to watch pulled of my shift and ctrl keys! Anyways I'm super excited. The only problem...how do I get my iTunes and files from my old laptop to my new one! GRRR! I seriously hate doing this! But I love my new shiny laptop! He said he got it so I can get more into my photography! YAY! You have to de-authorized your old itunes and authorized it on the new laptop. I've gotten it fixed before, but I don't remember how I did it. Look it up in the iTunes website, if you can find the answer, email apple. They'll help. Good luck and Happy Birthday! Great present!
  4. Funny, my Mom is 2 years older than my Dad and I'm 6 years older than Mark. People have no idea until it comes up in a conversation, then they're a bit surprised. Demi Moore, made it easier for us.
  5. For us it worked out very well, we got engaged in May of last year and moved in together in June (I was in the process of buying a house). So moving in together made sense and we're both glad we did.
  6. Danielle, Welcome BDW forum is the best thing ever. You'll love it here!
  7. At least we kind of know why Alex is always such a jerk. I never saw the story about his Mom coming. Also, I was afraid Bailey was going to get home and find her husband with another woman.
  8. Great thread!!! Thank you for all that you do and for keeping us safe.
  9. That's so sweet, I love reading engagement stories. Congratulations!
  10. I'm sorry about all the flights changes, you will have a wonderful wedding. Sorry they are putting you through all of this.
  11. I loved it!!!! That was a great finale, considering we had the writer's strike and everything. Rachel, you're going to love it!
  12. I like the first one, cut and color. I completely understand, I feel the same way about my hair.
  13. This forum is the greatest thing ever, once you're in you're sucked in forever!!!!!!!!
  14. It'll be here before you know it, time just flies by!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sgrimm1 I made this the other night, But I skipped the olives and the Ricatta cheese. I used fresh moztarella instead. My FI loved it, and he usually refuses to eat tomatoes. Thanks for the reciepe!! I'm glad he liked it! It's so refreshing this time of the year.
  16. It's beautiful, it's not anything that I would ever wear but you're right - it's gorgeous!
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