I finally saw it last night and loved it! I loved all the fashion, all I can say is wow!!! They weren't kidding when they said they went all out designer, it was designer heaven! Carrie's wedding dress session was out of this world and I can't believe vivienne Westwood gave her the dress. I hated the feather Carrie wore on the side of her head, I couldn't decide if she looked like a witch or if she reminded me of a horse or maybe it was my fear of birds and that was a constant reminder (I know, I know lame phobia...) Her body is in unbelievable shape, she has not an ounce of fat on her at all, but I do think she's a bit skinny but again she's always been like that.
Out of the 4 the one that really stood out to me was Miranda. When did she get so stylish, I thought she looked fabulous - from the accessories to the clothing she got it down to a T.
Samantha of course looks amazing, I can't believe she's 52 years old. I can tell how botox has changed her face a bit, but how she's been able to maintain her body in top shape it's just amazing.
Charlotte, was the one that would get on my nerves once in a while when the show was on. I found her very funny during the movie.
Big, what a handsome man! However, I did think he was a bit too tan when they were laying in bed together.
The bouquet scene was fantastic but yet disturbing.
By the way I want the big closet with all the shoes that go with it!