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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. Abbie, your pictures are very nice. I'm glad you had a nice time.
  2. Lindsay, have a wonderful Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
  3. Can you believe it's already here? Have a wonderful wedding, I wish you the best.
  4. The room looks great, I love the shade of blue!
  5. fun pictures, the bride and groom are hilarious!!
  6. I wonder if the rumors that she's leaving are true? even though it hasn't been confirm, this kind of does.
  7. Ann, that's wonderful news. She's so ready to go home and meet the rest of her family!
  8. Have a great time and I hope you have a wonderful wedding!
  9. Jenny, congratulations! Good luck, I hope you get it.
  10. Sarah, thanks for sharing your pictures. I'm glad you had a great time. OMG Jackson is absolutely adorable!
  11. That's so awesome, I hope you get picked!
  12. I'm sure you've heard about what Katherine Heigl mentioned about withdrawing her name from the Emmys nominations. Well here's some interesting information about how the Grey's writers feel about her: Grey’s Writers To Heigl: We Don’t Like You Either / Mollygood
  13. Can you dispute this with your credit card company?
  14. That's hilarious, he's gotta great sense of humor.
  15. Ditto Maura. I cannot believe some people actually did that... wow!
  16. So I've also been looking for ways to reduce cellulite. Diet, water and exercise do help a lot. However, I can tell you what's worked for me. I use the seedweed soap from Bliss in the morning, then I use the cellulite stimulator in circle motions for about a minute on each leg. Then I put on the fat girl slim. You can also make your own home recipe which is the sesame oil from Neutrogena combined with any kind of coffee. I have applied it in the shower and used it with the stimulator.
  17. Morgan, Congratulations! Have a wonderful day, you're gonna have so much fun!
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