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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. That's wonderful, congratulations!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by APRILOO The surgery went well. We saw him briefly last night while he was still sedated. We will be able to visit him later today. I will keep you updated. Thanks for the update, I'll keep him in my prayers.
  3. Kat, I had a similar problem. So I had them dyed in pink, so you could possibly do the same.
  4. Arlington Hall is another option.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 My FI had the iphone. He really liked it but ended up dropping it in water at work. It stopped working and ATT wouldn't do anything to help him, not even give him a discounted phone. He was so pissed he closed his account with them. I have heard good things about ATT though. I am thinking about switching to Verizon (currently with Tmobile) Unfortunately, there's no insurance offered for the iphones at the the moment. But I believe Apple Care is available for an additional fee to cover certain incidents.
  6. We're going to a party and watching fireworks from there. I'm so glad this year it falls on a Friday!
  7. Here's an interesting twist to the story when he was dating Elle. "According to Macpherson, Busson is so devout a Catholic he decided he couldn't marry a divorcée, despite having two children with her out of wedlock and despite Macpherson herself being Catholic."
  8. Alyssa, I'm glad you liked it. I saw it a while ago on the Williams Sonoma catalog and I wondered how great it was. Now I know!
  9. You look beautiful! I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures!
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