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Sandra E.

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Everything posted by Sandra E.

  1. I hope you find someone to share it with. I like the photography portfolio, you're going to have a ball!
  2. Kat, that's awesome. You're going to have an awesome time! Who's taking your shots? Are you staying at the Za Za?
  3. Ok that's good to know. I've been considering them for a while. My friend Amy did say, you have to take them religiously and will noticed results after a month. How long did you take them?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura mmm... no this is not quite right according to my booklet in spanish. i already have the wording for the arras, but can't find any info on what should be said during the draping of the lazo Ok. I'm going to email my Mom let me see if she knows. I'll let you know.
  5. Hi Jenn, Welcome to the forum!
  6. Sandra E.


    Welcome to the forum!
  7. Jill, so how did you feel taking JP? did you feel the benefits. I have a couple of friends that are taking them and they loved them. One of them just had her 4th baby (and last) and she said it was the best and easiest pregnancy she's ever had. She's never felt better.
  8. Kat, you're right they are so affordable!
  9. Maura, I found this online. I hope it helps. The moment the priest/minister asks for the rings, after the vows he calls for the arras, and each one (you and your fiancee) have to say: -He goes first: "here are this arras, as symbol that nothing would be missing at our home" -You accepting them: "I accept them, as symbol of the care I would have for our home" and that's it for the arras. For the lazo, after the little act of the arras, the couple stands up, and covering your fiancee with your Veil, they put one side of the lazo to you, and one to your fiancee. It's stays there after both of you have received communion, and after that they take it away.
  10. Yari, it's so nice she's going to be there. You'll be more relax and I'm sure she'll do a fabulous job!
  11. Hi Mindy, welcome to the forum!
  12. I haven't done it, but I'm sure it's fun and scary at the same time.
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