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Everything posted by sunnydaes

  1. ok good to know. i don't think i can take it much longer.
  2. ELECTRO POP! its the newest craze.... check out this group, I love running to "candy store" MySpace.com - HYPER CRUSH - L.A. Via Time Travel, California - Hip Hop / Electro / Electronica - www.myspace.com/hypercrush let me know what you think someother stuff you might like: Shwayze - he sings that song "buzzin' MySpace.com - Shwayze - MALIBU, California - Rap / Hip Hop / Indie - www.myspace.com/shwayze If you like hard rock/metal: MySpace.com - Invitro - Los Angeles, California - Rock / Punk / Metal - www.myspace.com/invitrorules lately i have been listening to: Rolling stones Sara Bareilles janis joplin Yael Naim etta james Black Eyed peas Al green
  3. i'm worried about it this as well. I am addicted to my sunglasses, i feel like everything is too bright otherwise. I have thought about this, but i know I will just have to deal with it. But the good thing is my FI NEVER wears sunglasses, even when its really bright out, even at the beach. So I guess i can just make him face the sun. I am also thinking about getting married during sunset rather than right before.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by fogdog I also had beads (or for those of you with dirty minds, balls) installed into my ring. My husband got it as a surprise and thought I was a 4.5 but I'm really a 4 and the ring is not the type that can be sized. So, the jeweler suggested the beads and I was very skeptical at first, but now I love them. It helps the ring slide over my knuckle but then stay in place around the looser part of my finger. I have 3 and I don't notice them at all. They also mentioned the benefit of being able to take them in/out, like when I get pregnant or during the winter. They are platinum and were done at no cost. I think it's a great solution. Did you have the "spinning" problem? or was it just too big?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura i will ask my aunt the name of the resort they stayed at. yari, the spelling of the town youre talking about is san gimignano that town is very similar to the one i lived in, urbino. here is my photo album if you want to get some ideas of what towns like san gimignano are like Picasa Web Albums - Maura - Urbino, Italy... also, heres a link to my album from florence Picasa Web Albums - Maura - Florence, Ita... and my album from capri and anacapri Picasa Web Albums - Maura - Capri, Italy ... if you have any italy questions, im happy to answer. i lived there from may to sept 2004. thanks for sharing those photos! Capri looks gorgeous! All of it looks amazing! is it possible to travel all over italy in 2 weeks? I want to go to SEE italy but i also want to spend some time on the beaches. that is amazing that you lived there, did you study abroad?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana wohoo its my day off! I've worked out for the past 6 days straight so today is my day to celebrate...with sushi and then marriage prep at the church great job! you deserve it!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by happyone I went to a boot-camp class at 24hour fitness tonight. I couldn't hang and I had to leave a half-hour into it to throw-up. Honestly I think it was a combination of the lighting, loudness of the speakers (I get migraines) and the butt kicking that my butt just isn't ready for. I'll go in the morning and do a solo workout. Must lose the love-handles. ohhh that sucks! those classes can be a little much
  8. I did! I did Pilates this morning on the machines and wow my butt...I have to sit very slowly.
  9. thanks Yari! I'm gonna do some reseach, i also feel like it would be very romantic
  10. I'm reviving this thread... when i first got my ring it was a 5. it was a bit too big, big enough that i felt like i had to keep looking down or feeling it to make sure it didn't fall off. So I took it to the jeweler and he made it a 4.5 but that was too small it was driving me crazy, and it actually hurt. So took it back and he made it a 4.75. I have had it this way for a few months and it fits good, but it spins constantly, which drives me nuts!! earlier in the thread there is some talk about "two balls" Does this help keep the diamond upright? I need to do something, it's bothering me too much.
  11. Ana- Awesome tips! thanks i have a great margarine/butter replacement its called EARTH BALANCE. they sell it at Ralph's, before i used to only be able to find it at wholefoods. but its good for you! and tastes (well, to me) like butter. I love the info about Soy because i have quite a bit of soy in my diet, i try not to go overboard, but that info is nice to know. thanks for sharing
  12. what is tuscany like? I picture it to be like a little village with cafes and shops and then a beach near by? wine tasting? I guess i should look it up
  13. I'm new to pilates, did it today and i feel like my legs are gonna fall off. must mean its working
  14. I vote the first one. is very pretty and classic. also its not good that you can't try on the second one. they always look different on.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am late to this thread...I was in Tuscany last May. It was the best vacation of my life. My FI and I had so much fun!! The history, views, wine and food...OMG!! Bora Bora sounds awesome too...but my vote is for Italia! TUSCANY is what i had in mind. I haven't researched it but i have heard great things about it. can you tell me more?
  16. awe, thanks everyone!
  17. oh no I'm sorry you're going through that. The BD stuff---Its OK, it will still be a surprise. I know your upset i would be too, but he doesn't know about the shoot, right? so that is still a surprise. Maybe you can wear the stuff he saw, tonight, to make up with him and then go and get new stuff for the shoot? or even better wear it tonight, and make it memorable so when he sees the pictures, he will remember. regarding your mom, i'm so sorry. addiction is a tough one and your right she needs to help herself. Try to stay positive and know that your wedding day is yours and you deserve the best day possible.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by arhoyaltres I've been frustrated with my weight loss plan as well. I wouldnt go dress shopping until I had lost 10lbs. Well I lost 8lbs and now want to lose an additional 5 lbs for the bikini I'm wanting to get into, but seem to be at a stand still. I've changed my diet & increased workouts, but I cannot seem to lose weight. I used to be a soda addict & have heard the stories that if I cut that out I could drop a lot of weight. Well, I've cut sodas out completely and have replaced it with water, but still didn't drop the weight that I want. I'm just trying to stay committed and hope that I will be okay...especially since my wedding is soon after Thanksgiving. I might need to lose a couple of more pounds for that. I totally feel your pain, like i said earlier, i was stuck at the same weight for so long...and it would make me fall off the wagon. But now that i have a wedding coming up, i have more motivation not to give up. Have you tried changing up your work out routine? I have been working out with a trainer and I have seen him for about 4 months 2 times a week and we have NEVER done the same routine, not even 1 time. I didn't realize when they say change it up, how much they really mean...to change it every single time. Also something that helped me cut down on bread, try replacing sandwiches with wraps (whole wheat) and then slowly move from wraps to wraps with Kale or mustard greens.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Back at the beginning of December I was hospitalized with a bad gastrointestinal infection, and while there I lost the weight in the blink of an eye, morphine and only IV for food I guess will do it. But it didn't stick, as soon as I was back on solid food it all came back Thats strange so was I! I was hospitalized in january for 3 days. I have always had stomach issues, hence the reason i don't like most food that is out there, because it makes me feel sick. But this was the stomach flu that just got worse because of pre existing stomach conditions. I just recently got my hospital bill and I have really good insurance! --ur lucky you live in Canada!
  20. I'm a runner. but not for fun I try to run 4 miles when I run, but lately i end up doing 3 I have thought about entering a race, but haven't done so yet. We have the Los Angeles Marthon here which is 26 miles. I know several people who have done it, and struggled! but maybe some day....
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