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Everything posted by sunnydaes

  1. thanks! i'm definetly looking into doing as green as I can! thanks for sharing
  2. welcome back! congrats on your new house!
  3. maybe see if sarah will help you? she makes beautiful logos. I am not DIY at all, i wish i was. I totally suck at that stuff.
  4. thats great that your ready! how exciting...
  5. have a great time! i miss NY!
  6. sunnydaes


    welcome to the forum!
  7. turquoise and ivory and maybe some green would be pretty or a light yellow or orange here are a couple of things i have picked up just b/c they stood out to me, but my colors aren't turquoise, i just like them this one isn't turquoise but the blue could be more turquoise and it would look great with the gold I know you don't like the brown but i like the flower/runner combo this is one of my favorites:
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife I work as a Special Education aide in a second and third grade classroom with students that have behavior disorders. I am supposed to be an assistant to the autism inclusion program at our school which I was excited about but then I found out it was a title they gave me so they could pay my salary with money from a state grant for students with autism and it's not what I really ended up doing. I am in graduate school for Applied Behavior Analysis and working to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Mo! I am a behaviorist! I got my degree from UCLA and ABA credits from Penn state. I work for an NPA that that only provides ABA therapy. I have been doing it now for 5 years. I no longer do therapy, I write programs, assessments and supervise the majority of the cases we have. I work with children mostly with Autism but also with different disorders (down syndrome, CP, seizure disorder, Asperger, PDD, ADHD) I also work with typical kids with challenging behaviors. It's a difficult job but i love it, kids are the best!
  9. yesterday while shoe shopping, we were near Besty Johnson so we decided to go in and see what they had. I actually really love the dresses with the big blue flowers, i think they would look really cute with 3 or 4 bridesmaids, if someone were more artsy. But i think with 8 it will be overwhelming. I also really like the white ones but i think the lace will be too much with my dress. http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...1/IMG_0071.jpghttp://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...1/IMG_0069.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...1/IMG_0072.jpg this one, well...just for fun!!! http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...1/IMG_0070.jpg
  10. wow! you did a beautiful job. I like the color!
  11. sunnydaes


    I'm pretty sure these are my shoes (thanks Sherry for the inspiration!) the only thing i'm skeptical about is the height. I really wanted something lower, but they are the perfect shoe other than that. I think i will buy them anyway and if i find something better, then i still have a really cute pair of shoes! http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...Foundation.jpg
  12. did pilates this morning! but drank lots of wine and ate bad! oh, balances out!?
  13. wow! that is amazing!!! how much fun!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I so skipped last nght, I was just way to tired, now I feel horrible this morning! Shelly, you have been doing soooo good. its good to give your body a day off!
  15. everything looks fantastic! you did a great job! congratulations in advance, and can't wait to see the pics!
  16. I love palmeria. You can't go wrong with it!
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