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Everything posted by sunnydaes

  1. wow. those are really great! and so unique
  2. I just read Stephanie's Blog and i want to add some information about me, since i enjoyed reading about her. I live in Los Angeles (born and raised). My FI and I bought a house 2 years ago and then it took a whole year to add on, but it turned out perfect. I went to UCLA and graduated with a degree in Psychology. Since then I have started several different Master's programs but I have yet to stick to one. Currently I am a Behavioral Therapist, working mostly with Children diagnosed with Autism but I also work with Kids with Down Syndrome, CP, PDD, ADD, ADHD, and typical kids with challenging behavior. I have been doing it for 5 years and currently writing programs and over seeing junior therapists. My technical position name is "Program Coordinator and Supervisor." I often have to write extensive reports and currently I have several to work on....but since finding this site I have been much less productive but don't worry I always get them done! I have 3 boxer dogs, That I love to death. I am vegan, strictly vegan, I don't eat anything that comes from an animal, I have been vegetarian since the age of 10 and vegan for the past 5 years. My FI is also vegan and an amazing vegan cook! My FI's career is in the night life, the club and music biz. Which, is so opposite than my line of work, which is a great balance. When not working we love to have parties, travel and just lounge. So far its been a pretty good life
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 Ok.....so I had to refrain from reading this thread last night because I was ordering my bridesmaid dress for a wedding I'm in and we went out so I totally missed it! However I watched it tonight (OnDemand). WOW! I love the theories you ladies have come up with! This is what I think... Jin.....totally faked his death....do you think he's also working for Ben with Sayid? Because he bought a Panda and Seemed to be in China....(maybe I'm wrong but I thought they were Korean?). I must admit that I am a little disappointed that it was Michael on the boat....thought it was a bit TOO obivious, but he is totally the one who slipped the note under the door and left the door ajar when they were put into the infirmary....so he is helping them. What's with that chick....first reading the book upside down and then jumping off the boat with the chains around her? I have really no theories there. Now I'm not sure if anyone noticed when Jin and the other guy went fishing and he talked to Jin about KARMA. Well then they cut to the boat and it's name was KARMA....hmmmmm! What does he know? I think Charles Widmoor purposely sent Desmond to the island because he never liked him and wanted him away from Penny. I feel like the man in the tape with Widmoor is of serious significance (the one being beaten up) we never see his face and I found that strange. Also I think Michael might be the one whose taping. Damn I could go on for days.... WOW! you are good at this! I am so happy i found this post...I am ADDICTED to LOST! I can't get enough of it, when its over I want more. I'm glad to know that my addiction is normal
  4. I just recently went to a destination wedding in Hawaii. This was prior to my engagement so I didn't know what to expect, nor did I expect anything. But at this particular wedding, they didn't pay for transportation from the airport to the hotel (which i have been struggling with for my own wedding) but it cost us $100 dollars to get there as it was so far. But its OK, i didn't mind, but it was expensive. The night we got there we all went to dinner but it wasn't a set thing it was like if you want to come great, if you don't, don't but we all paid our own way. The next night they had a short cocktail party with apps which was nice but not necessary and then we all went to dinner, which we paid on our own. The next night was the wedding which was by far the most fun wedding I have ever been to. The night after was Thanksgiving dinner and they paid for that which was nice, but again, not expected. and the next night we left. My point is, that it was all nice, but so not expected or necessary. Now that we are planning our own wedding my FI feels like we should have planned things for the guests but I didn't think much of it...it was a nice added touch, but i didn't expect anything just because i traveled for them. I think the best thing about having organized dinners and parties was that we (all the guests) could hang out together as that didn't happen otherwise since most of us stayed different places. Overall, I don't think it will make you look cheap but I think it would be a good idea to plan something where everyone can all get together. Maybe even at a local bar where it isn't too expensive.
  5. Hi Lizz, I just want to warn you that Bikini waxing can be very very bad for some people, such as myself. I have very sensitive skin... i even get bumps even when i wax my eyebrows. Most of the world waxes, so i'm sure you will be fine, but i found out that it does not work for me. Have you thought of Lazer hair removal? Its the best! It lasts for months and there is no hair follicle at all so no ...five o'clock shadow, so to speak This option is obviously more pricey but well worth it. If you look into it, make sure you do it at least a month before your wedding as it takes time for the hair to go away, but once it does your as smooth as a baby. oh, and it hurts like hell! you will need to put numbing cream on. The things we do for beauty.
  6. Funny you ask this I just went through my credit report and got some advice. All the feedback is correct. Its best to have several cards with 0 balance and keep them open. It shows that even though you have the spending power you are not using it or if you are you are paying it off right away.
  7. I don't think anyone knows much about me but here are a couple of things: Every single day I rehabilitate/teach children with Autism and special needs. I'm Vegan, strictly Vegan (which by the way is a challenge in regards to mexico and wedding cakes!) I went to UCLA (go Bruins!) and right after I graduated I moved to Vegas and worked as a cocktail waitress in (at the time) the #1 club in the country. which was interesting to say the least!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Yup, they are just large scarves or shawls. They are really nice. We are putting them in OOT bags or handying them out as favors to our guests. Wow! what a fabulous idea!! I'm not ready to get my OOT bags together but when I am should I contact you?
  9. fun! welcome and happy planning!
  10. I like number 3! and 4, but 3 looks like it fits really well! Fun!!
  11. Sorry to intrude but what are you talking about--pashminas as in like scarves? can i see... thanks!
  12. Wow. I have become a wedding planner! This might be taking up just as much time as my daily job. We decided to get married in Cabo because we thought it would be effortless. We originally were going to get married in Aspen, but felt like it would be way too much planning and effort, so a beach would be more relaxed and less fussy. Needless to say I was wrong this might be just as much if not more than an Aspen wedding or a wedding in my own city. Don't get me wrong, its fun planning but its a bit overwhelming with all the decisions. We have a Wedding coordinator that has been helping us look for different sites and she has been so nice, helpful and accommodating...and most importantly, her response time is impeccable. We should be going for a Site Visit in April so as soon as I see everything I will share all... with details! Wish me luck! and good luck to all of you as well.
  13. Hi Brandy, you will find all that stuff here. I must of looked at 10 different luggage tags on here last night. Points....lots of posts! good luck
  14. I don't know where to go....Where is everyone going? I need some ideas
  15. wow, that is a lot...but possibly worth it? Dancing is a big party of your wedding and you don't want everyone to struggle with dancing and therefore not want to dance. Maybe see if any other brides had no dance floor and how they liked it.
  16. I would have music...music makes everything! I don't know where that island is but what about doing a bonfire with live "island" music i.e. couple of guys playing drums etc.
  17. how nice! there is lots of info...dive in! good luck
  18. sunnydaes


    Hi welcome! I don't know much about Dreams, but i see a LOT of posts about it. Search: Dreams and I'm sure all your questions will be answered. good luck!
  19. OHHH i'm so jealous! Italy! How romantic. My fiance, could not be convinced to do a European wedding...I would have loved to get married in Paris. But Mexico is good too. Welcome!
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