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Everything posted by sunnydaes

  1. Ahh, I think that is so sweet that he wants to go with you. You should take him! He may not want to go later.
  2. hi! welcome and congratulations! you will love this site, its very helpful!
  3. OK I finally made mine, let me know if you can't read it. I didn't want to make it too big
  4. YAY! thats exciting! I currently live in Century City. But i do a lot of work in Culver City. It's so nice to know that I'm not the only woman in los angeles getting married. I'm 28 and the youngest of all my friends and I'm the only engaged one! I'm feeling like I'm gonna be in a lonely wives club. I really think its this city!
  5. I grew up in Westchester/Playa Del Ray area. are you still here?
  6. I've never heard or seen of it, but it looks good...thanks for sharing.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Mine is not showing up either because I am on my mac computer instead of my pc. Use firefox I can see everything.
  8. I can't believe so many people (based on the poll) got their dresses for such a reasonable price. I felt like everywhere I went the lowest price was around $2K, unless there were things on sale. I don't even like thinking about how much I spent on mine. After I put the deposit down I woke up feeling sick the next day. Now I'm OK with it, I really love it so much, but wow, what was a difficult purchase.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I think this was disabled for most everyone after we had some issues a while back. what was disabled, buying it or just viewing it?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa i am not sure girls - i think it has to do with points but pretty much everything you see on the left on your post is what is on the public profile so you are not missing much OK, good to know...was feeling kinda left out
  11. Smoking sucks. try this book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr, its helpful. Its a little irritating, but for some reason it really helps.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carly I am not sure exactly when either. I just noticed recently that I have access to that cuz I thought it happened in a forum upgrade or something... Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I don't have access yet...I wonder when it happens? Hmmm, interesting you are both VIP members, maybe it has something to do with points. I guess that means i have to wait a long time
  13. When do I get to look at people's public profiles, or even my own? Right now if i click on my profile picture I get that same, "no you can't" message. I'm sure soon enough it will happen, but just curious..
  14. Ok I feel like a total dumb ass....I have a Mac and always use Safari, and I forget that Safari doesn't always work on everything and to always try firefox for troubleshooting, SO i should have tried this before posting. I can see the icons on firefox...sorry for making everyone scramble for anwsers...but I appreciate the help! I'm happy i can see the icons now!
  15. Thanks ladies for the support! So i figured it out....I can't see any of the icons when i click the mood button (the one under my name that says "my Mood") I kept clicking on it after you said try it with posts up etc, so i just was futzing with it and all the sudden i clicked the blank area and the icon changed. So the moods are there I just can't see them. It might be because I'm on Safari, I'm gonna try firefox and see if that works better. Thanks Again!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I don't think the point matter really, you should be able to change your mood regardless Is it a "technical difficulty?" if so can i contact anyone about getting it fixed?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN hmmmm, I just gave you some points so see if you have it now. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE POINTS! That was so nice!!!! IT STILL isn't working
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Look below your name--on the right side of the screen..you should see a pull down. I have the "MY MOOD:" option but when I open it to "Change Mood" there are no mood options available, it says "no mood"
  19. I looked threw most of these posts and I didn't see anything about it...it's so minor but it's bothering me because i want to use it. I don't have an option to change my "mood" icon. Is it because of the number of points i have? I don't feel like it is because i have seen others with less points than me with the mood icon, i feel like maybe something is not "turned on." I went into my CP and then "edit options" and chose "enhanced" but it didn't change anything. any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance.
  20. So Romantic! He did really good. Congratulations!
  21. sunnydaes


    not enought privacy
  22. I went everywhere in los angeles, and orange county to find "The Dress." I had so many that were in the running. I kept thinking...I don't feel that thing that everyone talks about...that feeling when your supposed to just "know." So I thought maybe I just wasn't that type of person. So I kept searching just incase I was capable of feeling "the" feeling and I'm So glad I didn't give up and just settle for something I liked rather than loved! Here were my original picks/in the runnings before i found "the one." Some of these pictures don't do the dresses justice, they look better in person. Elizabeth Fillmore: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...rose_front.jpg http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...06_Lois_02.jpg Claire Pettibone: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...ne_primary.jpg Monique Lhuillier: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...0792985319.jpg
  23. very pretty! it all looks great
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