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Everything posted by sunnydaes

  1. yay! you will love the results! how bad did it hurt!?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Did my spin class last night followed by "push weights" Today is pull and 45 min cardio intervals. I'm looking forward to tomorrow off for my B-day! My big splurge is organic sulfite free red wine....yippee! I'm really living on the edge gals...heehee. Happy early b-day!!!
  3. did one hour pilates. shouldn't i be one gigantic muscle by now grrrr.
  4. OMG!!! Congratulations!!!! it looks like it was a hit you look so beautiful! can't wait too see more!!!!
  5. I love it! it looks great and i love the explanation of the symbolism
  6. I can't wait to wear my dress and i'm not taking it off! i'm wear that puppy from start to finish and i may even sleep in it!!! hence, no changing.
  7. yep i did! 1 hour workout with trainer! it was a hard one today
  8. I was just in Paris and London this past november and it was so ROMANTIC! Yes it was cold but it didn't stop us at all if anything it made us much closer, and nothing is crowded! there is much less tourism in November and rates are better. you should still go, you will love it. we had an AMAZING time. and not a single day of rain. there are a few pictures on my blog, you can see that we are bundled up, but its still very nice out. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...cs-part-2.html
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean Thanks Allison!! You know I LOVE the lace. I have an appoitment to try on your dress next week. #2 from this group was my favorite to wear because the lace is so....romantical I am scared about wearing satin because it could be really unforgiving later - but I was surprised how much I liked it in the pics... That's interesting that you couldn't take pics...even at ML? Like I said in my original post, Annie (who was helping me at Saks) was just a DREAM!!!! I wish they carried ML just so I could buy the dress from her and be BFF's... I can't wait to meet Fabiana and tell you all about it! I'm already madly in love with her from a distance.... No! can you believe it!? it was really hard to make a decision without seeing myself in pictures! it's so different when you are trying on 5 different dresses and having to just think back about them. You are absolutely right, the satin one does look great in your photos, its very old hollywood glam to me, which you can never go wrong with. I'm partial to lace, so don't listen to me!! I'm so excited for you to go try on the Fabiana!! Even though you really love these dresses i think you should still go try on others. I thought the first 2 i tried on were definitely one of the "ones" and it turned out that several weeks later, i really found the "one" if you have any doubt in your mind, keep looking at least you will know better what looks good and what doesn't. Can't wait to see what you choose!
  10. by the way! i can't believe they let you take pictures in it! that is great! not one store i went to let me do that until i bought it!
  11. Nikki! they all look soooo beautiful on you!!! I guess i'm not the majority. I LOVE #2. The 1st one is very pretty and you look stunning in it, but #2 is so romantic. I tried on SOOOO many (I told you how many stores i went to!) and i tried on lots of all satin ones. I feel like with satin they show EVERYTHING. even when there are 2 or 3 layers, I just felt like i was almost standing naked! (that may sound weird, but its hard to explain). The lace has a litte more character I love the flowers on the side and the train is perfect. but just know, which ever you choose, you're going to look amazing!
  12. WOW! you're so right! i didn't even think about that (TTD). Thanks becky!
  13. I think I will they are so much prettier in person, a rose color rather than beige. I love shoes!!
  14. besty Johnson has REALLY cute stuff. I was just in there yesterday and she has vintage looking bra and panties sets.
  15. I did some research on Laser, which im sure all of us have. but Laser isn't permanent. it lasts for awhile and it decreases the thickness and the amount of hair but it will always come back. The only thing that is permanent is Electrolysis. I did electrolysis in one area 3 times and the hair has never grown back that was 3 years ago. I have been doing Laser now for awhile, and its always come back, every few months. I need to go back and get electrolysis but its really expensive and i have yet to find a reputable place. but just wanted to comment, b/c it sounded like a lot of people were hoping for it to never come back. Oh, and barefoot bride, make sure you get the numbing cream before you go because it hurts like hell!
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