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Everything posted by michaelwachniak

  1. Congratulations! I actually worked on the cruise ships for 2 years! You will totally love it! if you ever have any ship related questions please let me know, I'd be more than happy to de-confusify
  2. Thats gonna be a party and a half! LOL Congradts!
  3. Getting Married on my birthday!!! AWWW, thank you! Welcome!
  4. congradts jen! happy planning for DR!!
  5. Hey Becky! Welcome to the forum! I grew up in Calgary and area but I am out on the west coast now! I shot a wedding a few years ago in St. John's NL and LOVED it! I was so impressed at the scenery, the people, and the vibrant colors of all the buildings, you should do the wedding back home!
  6. You are so lucky!! I can't wait to see photos!!
  7. Congratulations Sally! Welcome to the forum!!!
  8. Welcome to the forum! I've been to Costa Rica many times, its so beautiful!
  9. Congratulations Chandra!! I LOVE Tulum, you're gonna love it!
  10. Congratulations!! I have a wedding in October in LC, I cant wait!!!! From what I have seen online you are going to LOVE it!!!
  11. Congratulations Linda! Fire away with the ideas and questions!
  12. Welcome to the forum, Jane!
  13. I saw the title and just had to read it, that is SOOO sweet! Congradulations by the way!
  14. Getting married on my birthday! Congradulations! Welcome to the forum!
  15. haha ya i know what you mean.... a 'teensy' bit on the 'put on your earmuffs' side
  16. Welcome to the forum! You'll have a blast here!
  17. Welcome to the forum! No need to stress out, by joining this forum you just gained a few thousand friends to help you out! (i wouldnt reccommend hosting a house party at this moment....) haha
  18. One of my all-time favorite Love-type songs is a fairly rare one called "Love you till the end" by The Pogues. I love it, you should take a listen, but ultimately it has to be a song relatable to both of you, something that brings back a memory or two.
  19. my vote is for 'because you loved me' by celine dion... its cheesy depending on how old or young you are, but i asked MY mom and that was her vote
  20. Welcome to the forum! I LOVE Mo Bay! I used to work on cruise ships and I've been there QUITE a bit lol. You'll really love it!
  21. Welcome Renee! I lived in Calgary most of my life, I'm even heading there for a few weddings in June-July and I'm totally going to the stampede! I even bought a cowboy hat last year (really doesnt suit me, but I'll be damned if i dont look hot in it! haha)
  22. Its a destination wedding for everyone else! Welcome to the forum!
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