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Everything posted by michaelwachniak

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Yes, on Wednesday we are doing a bridal party excursion and going zip lining. Only one of my BM's is anti, but I decided that since everyone else wants to do it and I really want to do it we are going for it. Michael is going to snap photos of us while we do this tour. I thought it would make excellent pics!!! Very true...Michael the cardnial rule of BDW is you are supposed to post pics ASAP!!! Oh trust me, I KNOW I think I am going to pay a local person to constantly upload the photos as they come out of my camera lol... if there is one thing to learn its not to keep anything from a BDW bride... let alone SEVERAL BDW brides Zip Lining is going to be SO fun, I did it in Costa Rica last year! I have to tell you that you *might* not get the most flattering photos while zip lining... its hard to look cool when hanging from a belt wrapped around your crotch, screaming 200ft above a ravine.... however, you'll have some nice blackmail photos for the BM's
  2. Hey there Jaymie! Welcome to the forum!
  3. wow beautiful pics! you must LOVE looking at them over and over and over I know I would haha
  4. Welcome!! You're gonna love it here! Lots of nice people!
  5. Welcome Sophie! Hrm... Jamaica or Cuba... wow what a choice! All the best!
  6. Congradulations! Welcome to the forum!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I agree with that 100% Q: Do you ever eat breakfast in bed? Nope, once I'm downstairs, I'm too lazy to go back up to bed so I usually just plop on the couch and eat Q: if you were given $1 million dollars and told you had to donate all of it to ONE charity, which one would it be?
  8. Yellowstone for wedding, Ireland for honeymoon end of story lol thats a really tough choice! You really can't go wrong with either of them though! I'd be bouncing off the walls at a chance to go to any of them, so whatever you do, I am sure you will be TOTALLY HAPPY!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by shelleyf When I'm smoking though, I feel like Sh!t, I stink, and I have no motivation for eating healthy or being active. PLUS, I don't spend a BUNDLE on smokes anymore which is great....I would rather save those pennies and buy shoes instead Couldnt have said it better! I smoke the occasional cigar every now and then, but thats it... the best thing that I did (that not many people think of) is to go and exercise (which you should be doing anyways), like go for a jog outside and then when I was done I would go somewhere that would have people smoking... when you are huffin and puffin for air, the LAST thing you want near you is people smoking... trust me you will be close to tossin your cookies and you will be good til the next time you go jogging! ...then of course on my way home I would pop into the corner store and treat myself to an icecream bar, you know... for my good efforts at jogging ..you win some, you lose some...
  10. You know what? I think Morgan should get the trophy! The hair shot was REALLY well done! I had an emergency "movie session" last night, and didnt get around to it.. and to be honest now that I see her version, I doubt mine would look any better! *golf clap for Morgan* "you have learned, young jedi...."
  11. Welcome to the forum! I took a look at your website, its pretty cool! You guys look like lots of fun!
  12. Welcome Sorcha! Ah the DR, I'd give anything to be somewhere warm right now
  13. whenever I hear that version of the song I always imagine a slow-motion video of people going off into the sunset... you should play it as you are leaving
  14. haha i was totally thinking that when i was typing my first post in this thread LOL.... but I am more than happy to help out and answer any questions about Photoshop and photo editing! ..I'll send the Bill in the mail afterwards... just kidding Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak ditto--- but only if he provides instructions on how he corrected it! Michael--- I think you just outed yourself, and now you may have to gear up for the onslaught of PS questions from us who are trying to learn it!!!
  15. Congradulations, I hope your day is absolutely perfect!
  16. Welcome to the forum! I am curious to know the magazine as well! Lots of info in here!
  17. Welcome to the forum!!! I am shooting a good friend's wedding in Sicily in June 2009, I should hook you up with her, I am sure she would totally love sharing info with you! I am SO excited for my trip, you must be STOKED to be getting married there!!
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