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Everything posted by MaryS

  1. Everything Looks Great!!! Can't wait to see your review and wedding pictures.
  2. Glad to here that your trip went well. I wish I could go there in person so I can make better deals!
  3. I was having that problem to so I just decided to go with an outside WC in PV. So much easier!!
  4. Hi Rachel, I have nothing to really share except.... I just paid my down payment!!! We won't be doing a sight visit. My childhood friend got married there in Feb 08 and her feedback had me sold. But you visit I can't wait to see your pictures.
  5. Leia, Congrats!! I can't wait to see more pictures!!
  6. Hi Jolee, Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning
  7. No my WC does not work for the hotel... but does a lot of event with them. Quote: Originally Posted by MomentsThatMatter Is your WC working for the hotel? If they are their fees could be included.. need to ask!
  8. Before any of you paid your venue payment did you sign a contract first? I am paying this weekend but all I have is the budget from my WC. Should I be getting something from the hotel or is was my WC bugeted for enough. I just don't want to send a payment without something from the hotel. Someone please tell me what to do!!!
  9. Leia, everythings looks great! Have a safe trip! Can't wait to hear about your special day!!
  10. MaryS

    Hello Everyone

    welcome to the forum
  11. Welcome to the forum. I am also a PV bride. =)
  12. Hi There!! Happy planning. We share the same date but a year a part =)
  13. That fool has always been guilty! Finally justice is served!! Can wait to hear what the Late Night talk shows have to say =)
  14. MaryS

    Hey Hey!

    Hi There Welcome to the forum
  15. Hi Natasha Welcome to the forum! This is a great place! Happy planning
  16. great picture! looks like you guys had fun
  17. I have been waiting to see the pictures of your last shower. Looks like you and everyone had another fun time. Your dress looked great!!
  18. I am totally into this show. Its kinda crazy vampires and sex!! =)
  19. Hi There I am from SEATTLE too! Welcome to the forum!
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